Ghosts are the true immortals, because they fulfill the dream of many people, immortality. But whether this dream is happy? The dead are becoming more and more alive, see Walking Dead or Zombiecide. Ghosts are more alive today than ever before, in literature they celebrate a true resurrection. To see this, you only have to take a look at the German publisher Saphir im Stahl, which is reissuing old English stories. They are more numerous in literature than werewolves, vampires or zobies. People are becoming more and more interested in them. That’s why the stories from 1921 are being reissued.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Emily Dorothy Scarborough (January 27, 1878 born in Mount Carmel, Texas – November 7, 1935) was an American writer who wrote about Texas, folk culture, cotton farming, ghost stories and women’s life in the Southwest.