Tác giả: Douglas Sean O Donnell

Ủng hộ
Sidney Greidanus (Ph D, Free University of Amsterdam) has taught at Calvin College, Calvin Theological Seminary, and The King’s College. Since his retirement from full-time teaching in 2004, he has devoted his time to writing commentaries specifically for preachers. He is the author of many books, including Sola Scriptura; Preaching Christ from the Old Testament; and The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text.

5 Ebooks bởi Douglas Sean O Donnell

Douglas Sean O’Donnell: The Beginning and End of Wisdom (Foreword by Sidney Greidanus)
The wisdom literature of the Old Testament can be daunting. Sidney Greidanus, in the book’s foreword, describes Old Testament wisdom literature as ‘one of the more difficult genres to interpret and p …
Douglas Sean O’Donnell: The Song of Solomon
Our culture holds the megaphone when it comes to talking about sex today. Yet the church has maintained a reputation for keeping quiet, hesitant to teach people about this sacred aspect of life. The …
Douglas Sean O’Donnell: Matthew
Jesus is King. Standing as a central theme of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus’s kingly authority has profound implications for how we live in the world and interact with those around us. In this reader- …
Douglas Sean O’Donnell: Psalms
The book of Psalms powerfully resonates with the whole spectrum of human emotions and experiences, resounding with heartfelt praise, humble confession, and honest lament. Plumbing the theological dep …
R. Kent Hughes: The Pastor’s Book
Pastors are tasked with the incredibly demanding job of caring for the spiritual, emotional, and, at times’ physical needs of their people. While seminary is helpful preparation for many of the chall …