26 Ebooks bởi Dumas Alexandre
Alexandre Dumas: Dama cu camelii
„Romanul Damă cu camelii este expresia ideilor romantice generoase ale lui Alexandre Dumas-fiul dar în același timp este o reprezentare realistă a moravurilor burgheze cu perspectiva îndreptării lor …
tiếng Ru-ma-ni
Alexandre Dumas: Contele de Monte-Cristo
Romanul Contele de Monte-Cristo a apărut între 1845-1846 în foileton în ziarul Le Journal des Debats apoi în Le Siecle și s-a bucurat de un succes imens. Publicul aștepta cu viu interes apariția urmă …
tiếng Ru-ma-ni
Dumas Alexandre: Conjurații
Spre bucuria iubitorilor de intrigi politice, eroi curajoși și loiali, povești tragice de dragoste imposibilă, povești palpitante cu lupte, acest roman nu-i va dezamăgi. La sfârșitul anului 1799, Bon …
tiếng Ru-ma-ni
Dumas Alexandre: Aventurile lui Lyderic
Romanul a fost publicat de Alexandre Dumas în 1841. Este populat de regi și regine prinți și prințese, dar și de ființe supranaturale. Din punctul acesta de vedere aduce puțin a basm. Ascuns într-un …
tiếng Ru-ma-ni
Dumas Alexandre: Cei trei mușchetari
Cei trei muschetari (Les Trois Mousquetaires) este un roman de Alexandre Dumas tatăl, care relatează aventurile tânărului d”Artagnan după ce sosește la Paris în urmărirea visului său de a deveni un …
tiếng Ru-ma-ni
Alexandre Dumas Alexandre: Man in the Iron Mask Graphic Novel
Themes: Adapted Classics, Low Level Classics, Graphic Novels, Illustrated, Alexandre Dumas, Fiction, Tween, Teen, Young Adult, Hi-Lo, Hi-Lo Books, Hi-Lo Solutions, High-Low Books, Hi-Low Books, ELL, …
Alexandre Dumas Alexandre: Three Musketeers Graphic Novel
Themes: Adapted Classics, Low Level Classics, Graphic Novels, Illustrated, Alexandre Dumas, Fiction, Tween, Teen, Young Adult, Hi-Lo, Hi-Lo Books, Hi-Lo Solutions, High-Low Books, Hi-Low Books, ELL, …
Dumas Alexandre: Monte Cristo grófja
A szertelen fantáziájú idősebb Dumas a maga nemzedékének legnépszerűbb regényírója volt, kedvenc regénye, a Monte Cristo grófja minden utána következő ifjú nemzedék egyik legkedvesebb olvasmánya lett …
Ngôn ngữ hungarian
Dumas Alexandre: Twenty Years After
Author Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-1870 Uniform Title Vingt ans après. English Title Twenty Years After …
Dumas Alexandre: Ten Years Later (Annotated)
Alexandre Dumas, père's novel The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later (Le Vicomte de Bragelonne ou Dix ans plus tard) is set ten years after the events of The Vicomte of Bragelonne. Fol …
Dumas Alexandre: Twenty Years After (Annotated)
Twenty Years After: • With a picture of Alexandre Dumas , a detailed biography of him is added. • All content is redone in a new style, with the author’s name and the title of the novel at the …
Dumas Alexandre: The Three Musketeers (Annotated)
• All content is redone in a new style, with the author’s name and the title of the novel at the top. • For a better glance, a small graphic is added at the beginning of each chapter. • With a pictur …
Dumas Alexandre: Louise de la Valliere (Annotated)
• All content is redone in a new style, with the author’s name and the title of the novel at the top. • For a better glance, a small graphic is added at the beginning of each chapter. • With a pictur …
Dumas Alexandre: Ali Pacha (Annotated)
• All content is redone in a new style, with the author’s name and the title of the novel at the top. • For a better glance, a small graphic is added at the beginning of each chapter. • With a pictur …
Dumas Alexandre: Countess de Saint-Geran (Annotated)
• All content is redone in a new style, with the author’s name and the title of the novel at the top. • For a better glance, a small graphic is added at the beginning of each chapter. • With a pictur …
Dumas Alexandre: Derues (Annotated)
• All content is redone in a new style, with the author’s name and the title of the novel at the top. • For a better glance, a small graphic is added at the beginning of each chapter. • With a pictur …
Dumas Alexandre: Joan of Naples (Annotated)
• All content is redone in a new style, with the author’s name and the title of the novel at the top. • For a better glance, a small graphic is added at the beginning of each chapter. • With a pictur …
Dumas Alexandre: Karl Ludwig Sand (Annotated)
• All content is redone in a new style, with the author’s name and the title of the novel at the top. • For a better glance, a small graphic is added at the beginning of each chapter. • With a pictur …
Dumas Alexandre: La Constantin (Annotated)
• All content is redone in a new style, with the author’s name and the title of the novel at the top. • For a better glance, a small graphic is added at the beginning of each chapter. • With a pictur …
Dumas Alexandre: Marquise Brinvillier (Annotated)
• All content is redone in a new style, with the author’s name and the title of the novel at the top. • For a better glance, a small graphic is added at the beginning of each chapter. • With a pictur …
Dumas Alexandre: Martin Guerre (Annotated)
• All content is redone in a new style, with the author’s name and the title of the novel at the top. • For a better glance, a small graphic is added at the beginning of each chapter. • With a pictur …
Dumas Alexandre: The Borgias (Annotated)
• All content is redone in a new style, with the author’s name and the title of the novel at the top. • For a better glance, a small graphic is added at the beginning of each chapter. • With a pictur …
Dumas Alexandre: The Count of Monte Cristo (Annotated)
• All content is redone in a new style, with the author’s name and the title of the novel at the top. • For a better glance, a small graphic is added at the beginning of each chapter. • With a pictur …
Dumas Alexandre: The Man in the Iron Mask (Annotated)
• All content is redone in a new style, with the author’s name and the title of the novel at the top. • For a better glance, a small graphic is added at the beginning of each chapter. • With a pictur …
Dumas Alexandre: The Vicomte of Bragelonne (Annotated)
• All content is redone in a new style, with the author’s name and the title of the novel at the top. • For a better glance, a small graphic is added at the beginning of each chapter. • With a pictur …
Dumas Alexandre & Maquet Auguste: Twenty years after
‘Twenty Years After’ by Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet is a thrilling historical adventure that plunges readers into the tumultuous world of 17th-century France. This gripping sequel to ‘The Thre …