Giới thiệu về tác giả
Professor Duncan Bruce graduated from the University of
Liverpool (UK), where he also gained his Ph D. In 1984, he took up a
Temporary Lectureship in Inorgan...
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Professor Duncan Bruce graduated from the University of
Liverpool (UK), where he also gained his Ph D. In 1984, he took up a
Temporary Lectureship in Inorganic Chemistry at the University of
Sheffield and was awarded a Royal Society Warren Research
Fellowship. He was then appointed Lecturer in Chemistry and later
Senior Lecturer and co-director of the Sheffield Centre for
Molecular Materials. In 1995, he was appointed Professor of
Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Exeter. Following the
closure of Exeter’s chemistry department in 2005, Professor Bruce
took up his present position as Professor of Materials Chemistry in
York. He is currently Chair of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Materials Chemistry Forum. His current research interests include
liquid crystals and silicates. His work has been recognized by
various awards including the British Liquid Crystal Society’s first
Young Scientist prize and the RSC’s Sir Edward Frankland Fellowship
and Corday-Morgan Medal and Prize. He has held visiting positions
in Australia, France, Japan and Italy.
Dr. Richard Walton, who was also formerly based in the
Department of Chemistry at the University of Exeter, now works in
the Department of Chemistry at the University of Warwick. His
research group works in the area of solid-state materials chemistry
and has a number of projects focusing upon the synthesis,
structural characterization and properties of inorganic
Dermot O’Hare is Professor in the Chemistry Research
Laboratory at the University of Oxford.
His research group has a wide range of research interests. They all
involve synthetic chemistry ranging from organometallic chemistry
to the synthesis of new microporous solids.
Duncan Bruce and Dermot O’Hare have edited several editions of
Inorganic Materials published by John Wiley & Sons