How have local economic conditions been affected by the emergence of a global economy? What changes, if any, have local political authorities made to counterbalance the new emphasis on world interests? Comprehensive and timely, The New Localism answers these and other vital questions by exploring local political restructuring in the face of massive global economic change. Prominent urban scholars cover the privatization of local politics, the emergence of local economic and social activism, and increased competition–on both local and national levels. This important volume examines various levels of development in such diverse political settings as the United States, the United Kingdom, Eastern Europe, Africa, and the Caribbean. The New Localism is a must read for students and scholars of urban studies, comparative politics, political science, third world development, planning, public administration, and sociology. ‘Goetz and Clarke′s book brings a useful perspective to this literature, not so much because of its theoretical originality, but for its didactic value. It is a straightforward presentation of cases of urban restructuring, well integrated within a common conceptual framework labelled ‘new localism’ –Canadian Journal of Urban Research
Mục lục
Introduction – Susan E Clarke
The State Reassessed – Richard C Hula
The Privatization of Local Politics
Local Authorities and Economic Development in Britain – James Chandler
Birmingham – Brian Jacobs
Political Restructuring, Economic Change and the Civic Gospel
Local Government in Poland – Wisla Surazska
Political Failure and Economic Success
Market as Pressure or Market as Possibility – Gabor Peteri
The Framework of Local Economic Development in Hungary
Regimes of Accumulation, the Caribbean Basin Initiative, and Export Processing Zones – Thomas Klak and Jamie Rulli
Scales of Influence on Caribbean Development
Local Institutions and Development – Dele Olowu
The Nigerian Experience
Political Restructuring and the Development Process in Kenya – Peter M Ngau
Conclusion – Edward Goetz