Elísio Macamo (Prof.) is a sociologist at the Departement of Social Sciences and the Centre for African Studies, University of Basel.
6 Ebooks bởi Elisio Macamo
Noemi Steuer & Michelle Engeler: Dealing with Elusive Futures
The time to come – as well as the exploration thereof – remains elusive for social actors and social scientists alike. The contributors accept the challenge to depict young men and women’s future-cre …
Elisio Macamo: Vorsprung durch Aufklärung
‘Mit dieser Auffassung von Aufklärung verlor die Geschichte ihre Unschuld. Sie wurde zum Werkzeug eines Willens zur Macht.’ Elísio Macamos Essay über die globalen Auswirkungen der europäischen Aufklä …
tiếng Đức
Ulf (University of Leipzig, Germany) Engel & Elisio Macamo: Extractive Industries and Changing State Dynamics in Africa
This book uses extractive industry projects in Africa to explore how political authority and the nation-state are reconfigured at the intersection of national political contestations and global, tran …
Ulf (University of Leipzig, Germany) Engel & Elisio Macamo: Extractive Industries and Changing State Dynamics in Africa
This book uses extractive industry projects in Africa to explore how political authority and the nation-state are reconfigured at the intersection of national political contestations and global, tran …
Aymar Nyenyezi Bisoka & Susan Thomson: Field Research in Africa
Researchers working in Africa are engaged in ethical, methodological, logistical, emotional and professional compromises. Juggling the demands of being a researcher and being human, scholars must bal …
Aymar Nyenyezi Bisoka & Susan Thomson: Field Research in Africa
An essential exploration of and guide to research ethics in the field. Researchers working in Africa are engaged in ethical, methodological, logistical, emotional and professional compromises. Juggli …