Ellen Gould White (1827–1915) was a prolific author and an eminent American Christian pioneer. Among her extensive literary contributions, she is best known for her role in founding the Seventh-day Adventist Church and for her visionary works. White”s writings cover a broad range of subjects including religion, education, social relationships, evangelism, prophecy, publishing, nutrition, and management. Her book “The Acts of the Apostles” deals with the early Christian church following the ascension of Jesus and provides commentary on the books of Acts, 1 Corinthians, 1 and 2 Peter, James, and Jude, focusing on the Holy Spirit”s role in the propagation of the Gospel. Ellen G. White was known for her lucid narrative style that weaved together the physical and spiritual realms, underscoring the providential guidance in human affairs. Her theological works have had a significant influence on the Adventist Church and have been widely read beyond its confines. White is also recognized for her emphasis on personal piety and the integration of Christian principles into every aspect of life. Her contributions to Adventist theology and her extensive literary output have made her one of the most notable figures in American religious history. Her books, including major titles like “Steps to Christ”, “The Desire of Ages”, and “The Great Controversy”, exemplify her role as a religious thought leader and remain in print even today.
20 Ebooks bởi Ellen Gould White
Ellen Gould White: Patriarchs and Prophets
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The publishers …
Ellen Gould White: Desire of Ages
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. In the hearts …
Ellen Gould White: The Great Controversy Between Christ And Satan
This book is not published to tell us that there is sin and woe and misery in this world. We know it all too well. This book is not published to tell us that there is an irreconcilable controversy be …
Ellen Gould White: The Great Controversy Between Christ And His Angels, And Satan And His Angels
There is, perhaps, no phase of the Christian church more peculiar to it, nor one that more triumphantly demonstrates its perfect adaptation to human needs, than its possession of what are known as ‘ …
Ellen Gould White: Patriarchs and Prophets
This book treats upon the themes of Bible history—themes not in themselves new, but so presented here as to give them a new significance. Beginning with the rebellion in heaven, the author shows why …
Ellen Gould White: Prophets and Kings
This book is the sequel to the author’s major success Patriarchs and Prophers and the second in the series Conflict of the Ages. It spans sacred and biblical history, beginning with Solomon, the Temp …
Ellen Gould White: The Desire of Ages
The author treats the life and work of Christ and his disciples in this volume from the standpoint of a believer to believers, and as a Christian to Christians. The Desire of Ages is more than a biog …
Ellen Gould White: Steps To Christ
This is just the book for a gift to your friend or members of your Sunday-school class. It contains fifteen chapters written from an intimate knowledge of the human soul’s longing for greater nearnes …
Ellen Gould White: Christ’s Object Lessons
In this age, when the study of nature is receiving so much attention, the teachings of Christ from the things of nature form an interesting addition to the bibliography. Both young and old will find p …
Ellen Gould White: Thoughts from the Mount Of Blessing
In this little volume of 200 pages we have a series of dissertations on spiritual subjects, addressed especially to Christians, including thoughts on the Mountain Sermon, the Beatitudes, the Spiritua …
Ellen Gould White: Spiritual Gifts
This edition of Ellen Gould White’s Spiritual Gifts, thoughts, views, discourses, essays and testimonies contains all four books and is divided into the following sections: Volume 1 – Spiritual Gifts …
Ellen Gould White: Sketches From The Life Of Paul
Among the many valuable works upon the life of Paul, this book occupies a field peculiaily its own. The historical narrative is traced down in a clear and connected manner, from the time of Paul’s fi …
Ellen Gould White: The Sanctified Life
In this book Ellen G. White refers to ‘Sanctification’. It consists of eleven articles, that were published independently in the year 1881 and published as a pamphlet a little later. The articles are …
Ellen Gould White: The Story Of Jesus
The Story Of Jesus is Ellen Gould White’s adaptation of her own work Christ Our Saviour for a children’s audience. This beautiful narrative of Jesus’ life on earth was prepared by the author’s son wh …
Ellen Gould White: The Ministry Of Healing
The Ministry of Healing, perhaps one of the best books ever written by Mrs. White, offers a wealth of information on the laws of life, how to cure diseases, how to stay healthy and how to heal the so …
Ellen Gould White: Die Geschichte von Jesus
‘Die Geschichte von Jesus’ umfasst Geschichten aus dem Leben des Sohns Gottes, von dessen Geburt bis zu den Ereignissen am Kalvarienberg, geschrieben in Worten, die selbst ein Kind verstehen kann. Au …
tiếng Đức
Ellen Gould White: Sketches from the Life of Paul
In ‘Sketches from the Life of Paul, ‘ Ellen Gould White explores the life and ministry of the Apostle Paul through a vivid and engaging narrative style that combines historical detail with spiritual …
Ellen Gould White: The Acts of the Apostles
In ‘The Acts of the Apostles, ‘ Ellen Gould White offers a profound exploration of the early Christian Church, detailing the transformative events following Christ’s resurrection and the pivotal role …
Ellen Gould White: The Acts of the Apostles
In ‘The Acts of the Apostles, ‘ Ellen Gould White presents a profound exploration of the early Christian church, chronicling the mission and ministries of the apostles following Christ’s resurrection …