Statistical and Methodological Aspects of Oral Health
Research provides oral health researchers with an overview of
the methodological aspects that are important in planning,
conducting and analyzing their research projects whilst also
providing biostatisticians with an idea of the statistical problems
that arise when tackling oral health research questions.
This collection presents critical reflections on oral health
research and offers advice on practical aspects of setting up
research whilst introducing the reader to basic as well as advanced
statistical methodology.
* An introduction to research methodology and an exposition of
the state of the art.
* A variety of examples from oral health research.
* Contributions from well-known oral health researchers,
epidemiologists and biostatisticians, all of whom have rich
experience in this area.
* Recent developments in statistical methodology prompted by a
variety of dental applications.
Presenting both an introduction to research methodology and an
exposition of the latest advances in oral health research, this
book will appeal both beginning and experienced oral health
researchers as well as biostatisticians and epidemiologists.
Mục lục
List of Contributors.
Part I.
1 Do We Need to Improve Oral Health Research? (Dominique
Declerck and Emmanuel Lesaffre).
2 Grading Evidence with a Focus on Etiology, Surrogates, and
Clinical Devices (Philippe Hujoel).
3 The Effective use of Research Data for Evidence-Based Oral
Health Care (Ian Needleman and Helen Worthington).
Part II.
4 Planning a Research Project (Timothy A. De Rouen and Donald
E. Mercante).
5 How to Carry out Successful Clinical Studies: Lessons from
Project Management (Jocelyne S. Feine, Stephanie D. Wollin and
Faahim Rashid).
6 Design and Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials in Oral
Health (Brian Leroux and Emmanuel Lesaffre).
7 Epidemiological Oral Health Studies: Aspects of Design and
Analysis (Jimmy Steele and Mark Pearce).
8 Qualitative Research (Christophe Bedos, Pierre Pluye,
Christine Loignon and Alissa Levine).
9 Data Validity and Quality (Finbarr Allen and Jimmy
Part III.
10 Start with the Basics (Manal A. Awad, Nico Nagelkerke and
Emmanuel Lesaffre).
11 Statistical Methods for Studying Associations Between
Variables (Brian G. Leroux).
12 Assessing Accuracy of Oral Health Diagnostic Tests (Todd
A. Alonzo and Peter J. Giannini).
Part IV.
13 Analysis of Correlated Responses (Melissa D.
14 Missing Data and Informative Cluster Sizes (Stuart A.
Gansky and John M. Neuhaus).
15 Failure Time Analysis (Thomas A. Gerds, Vibeke Qvist,
J¨org R. Strub, Christian B. Pipper, Thomas H. Scheike and
Niels Keiding).
16 Misclassification and Measurement Error in Oral Health
(Helmut K¨uchenhoff).
17 Statistical Genetics (Amy D. Anderson).
18 The Bayesian Approach (Emmanuel Lesaffre, Arnocaronst
Kom´arek and Alejandro Jara).
Part V.
19 Examples from Oral Health Epidemiology: The Signal Tandmobiel
and Smile for Life studies (Dominique Declerck, Emmanuel
Lesaffre, Roos Leroy and Jackie Vanobbergen).
20 Subantimicrobial-dose Doxycycline Effects on Alveolar Bone
Loss in Postmenopausal Women: Example of a Randomized Controlled
Clinical Trial (Julie A. Stoner and Jeffrey B. Payne).
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Emmanuel Lesaffre, Interuniversity Institute for
Biostatistics and Statistical Bioinformatics, Catholic University
Leuven, Belgium. and University Hasselt, Belgium; Department of
Biostatistics, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Jocelyne Feine, Oral Health and Society Research Unit,
Faculty of Dentistry, Mc Gill University, Quebec, Canada.
Brian Leroux, Departments of Biostatistics and of Dental
Public Health Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
Dominique Declerck, School for Dentistry, Catholic
University Leuven, Belgium.