‘Too often, middle school and high school teachers say, ‘These students are lacking number sense.’ These books will help secondary teachers with good pedagogy to help build number sense in a creative way. Eric Milou and John San Giovanni have created short routines that are teacher-friendly, with lots of examples, and easy to adapt to each teacher’s needs. These are the books that secondary teachers have been waiting for to help engage students in building number sense.’
Pamela J. Dombrowski, Secondary Math Specialist
Geary County School District
Junction City, KS
Kickstart your high school math class!
Do your students need more opportunities do develop number sense and reasoning? Are you looking to get your students energized and talking about mathematics? Have you wondered how practical, replicable, and engaging activities would complement your mathematics instruction?
This guide answers the question ‘What could I do differently?’ Taking cues from popular number sense and reasoning routines, this book gives you the rundown on how to engage in five different daily 5–10 minute routines, all of which include content-specific examples, extensions, and variations of each for algebra, functions, geometry, and data analysis. Video demonstrations allow you to see the routines in action and the book includes a year’s worth of daily instructional material that you can use to begin each class period. The routines in this book will help students
- Frequently revisit essential mathematical concepts
- Foster and shore up conceptual understanding
- Engage in mental mathematics, leading to efficiency and fluency
- Engage in mathematical discourse by constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others
- Reason mathematically, and prepare for high stakes assessments
- Move learning beyond ‘correctness’ by valuing mistakes and discourse and encouraging a growth mindset
From trusted authors and experts Eric Milou and John San Giovanni, this teacher-friendly resource will give you all the tools and tips you need to reinvent those critical first five or ten minutes of math class for the better!
Mục lục
Part 1: Why Jump-Start Routines?
The First Few Minutes of Mathematics Class
Why the Traditional Warmup Doesn’t Work
The Problem with Going Over Homework
Jump-start Routines: New Warmups for a New Era
Routines for Reasoning in Mathematics
Routines for Improving Number Sense and Reasoning
10, 000 Hours of Practice
Routines that Satisfy the Need for Quality Practice
Routines for Achieving Improved Performance
Routines for Rehabilitating Number Pluckers, Pluggers, and Crunchers
Routines for Growth Mindset
Routines to Honor and Leverage Errors
Routines to Actively Develop Confidence
Implementing Jump-Start Routines
Routines that are Ready for Use
Flexible Use
Timing of Routines: How Long? When?
Which Routines to Use?
Plan for the Routine
Select the Routine
Use Routines to Set the Stage for Meaningful Discourse
Practical Advice for Routines
Modify, Modify, Modify
Identify or Create the Content or Topics
Use Routines Formatively
Be Committed and Creative
Part 2: Jump-Start Routines
Routine #1: Missing Numbers
Number and Quantity
Routine #2: Order Me On the Number Line
Data Analysis
Routine #3: More or Less
Data Analysis
Routine #4: Two Wrongs and a Right
Routine #5: A or B
Part 3: Where to Go Next
Make a Plan
Identify Content for Routines
Identify Routines
Determine the Rotation
Give It Time
Set Goals
Adjust to Their Adjustments
Further Modifying Routines
Design Your Own Routines
Work Collaboratively and Share the Load
Jumpstart Mathematics Engagement, Number Sense, and Reasoning
Giới thiệu về tác giả
John J. San Giovanni is a mathematics coordinator in Howard County, Maryland. There, he leads mathematics curriculum development, digital learning, assessment, and professional development. John is passionate about growing new mathematics leaders in the district and through Mc Daniel College. In addition to the Figuring Out Fluency series, some of his many Corwin books include Daily Routines to Jump-Start Problem Solving, Grades K–8; Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Teaching Elementary Math; the Daily Routines to Jump-Start Math series; and Productive Math Struggle: A 6-Point Action Plan for Fostering Perseverance. John is a national mathematics curriculum and professional learning consultant who also speaks frequently at national conferences and institutes. He is active in state and national professional organizations, recently serving on the board of directors for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and on the board of directors for NCSM.