Tác giả: Ernest Miguelez

Ủng hộ
Ernest Miguelez is Researcher at the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), attached to Université Montesquieu, Bordeaux IV. He received his Ph.D. from the Universitat de Barcelona in 2013. He previously held a research economist position at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

4 Ebooks bởi Ernest Miguelez

David Bailey & Jennifer Clark: Transitions in Regional Economic Development
At a time of extraordinary challenges confronting the world, this book analyses some of the profound changes occurring in the development of cities and regions. It discusses the uncertainties …
David Bailey & Jennifer Clark: Transitions in Regional Economic Development
At a time of extraordinary challenges confronting the world, this book analyses some of the profound changes occurring in the development of cities and regions. It discusses the uncertainties …