The aim of this book is to highlight the crucial challenges the EU and its partners are facing within the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The approach followed is of an interdisciplinary nature. Lawyers, economists, political scientists and experts of geopolitical and geostrategic issues have contributed to this book that is sub-divided into three parts, namely: ‘transversal challenges’, ‘challenges in the Mediterranean and the Middle-East’, and ‘challenges i...
The aim of this book is to highlight the crucial challenges the EU and its partners are facing within the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The approach followed is of an interdisciplinary nature. Lawyers, economists, political scientists and experts of geopolitical and geostrategic issues have contributed to this book that is sub-divided into three parts, namely: ‘transversal challenges’, ‘challenges in the Mediterranean and the Middle-East’, and ‘challenges in Europe and Eurasia’. The book focuses on the main challenges emanating from the debate that emerged during the process of the 2011 revision of the ENP, including the potential consequences of the uprisings in the Mediterranean countries. The main challenges for the EU will be to support democratic transitions, to contribute to the resolution of protracted conflicts in the area and to progressively define the model of economic co-development and integration of the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Area. L’objectif de cet ouvrage est de mettre en lumiere les defis cruciaux auxquels l’UE et ses partenaires doivent faire face dans le cadre de la Politique europeenne de voisinage (PEV). L’approche suivie est de nature interdisciplinaire. Des juristes, des economistes, des politistes et des experts en geopolitique et geostrategie ont contribue a cet ouvrage qui se subdivise en trois parties : les defis transversaux , les defis en Mediterranee et au Moyen-Orient et les defis en Europe et en Eurasie . L’ouvrage se focalise sur les principaux defis qui ont emerge lors du processus de revision de la PEV en 2011, y compris les consequences potentielles des revoltes dans les pays mediterraneens. Les principaux defis pour l’UE seront de soutenir les transitions democratiques, de contribuer a la resolution des conflits de longue duree dans la region et de definir progressivement un modele de co-developpement economique et d’integration de la zone pan-euro-mediterraneenne.