Tác giả: Esther Sarfatti

Ủng hộ
Anne Rooney vive en Cambridge, Inglaterra. Antes de convertirse en escritora, estudió y enseñó literatura inglesa y francesa medieval. Escribe libros de no ficción para niños y adultos.

119 Ebooks bởi Esther Sarfatti

Esther Sarfatti: Shapes
Repetition, simple sentences, and supporting images are used to familiarize the beginning reader with rectangles. …
Esther Sarfatti: Shapes
Repetition, simple sentences, and supporting images are used to familiarize the beginning reader with squares. …
Esther Sarfatti: Shapes
Repetition, simple sentences, and supporting images are used to familiarize the beginning reader with triangles. …
Esther Sarfatti: Counting by
Repetition, simple sentences, and supporting images familiarize the beginning reader with the number five. …
Esther Sarfatti: Counting by
Repetition, simple sentences, and supporting images familiarize the beginning reader with the number ten. …
Esther Sarfatti: Figuras
Uses repetition, simple sentences, and supporting images to familiarize the beginning reader with triangles. …
Esther Sarfatti: Figuras
Uses repetition, simple sentences, and supporting images to familiarize the beginning reader with rectangles. …
Esther Sarfatti: Colors
Repetition, simple sentences, and supporting images familiarize the beginning reader with the color green. …
Esther Sarfatti: Colors
Repetition, simple sentences, and supporting images familiarize the beginning reader with the color red. …
Esther Sarfatti: Colors
Repetition, simple sentences, and supporting images familiarize the beginning reader with the color yellow. …
Esther Sarfatti: Colors
Repetition, simple sentences, and supporting images familiarize the beginning reader with the color blue. …
Sarfatti: Figuras: Circulos
Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With Circles. …
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Sarfatti: Shapes: Circles
Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With Circles. …
Sarfatti: Figuras: Rectangulos
Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With Rectangles. …
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Sarfatti: Figuras: Triangulos
Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With Triangles. …
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Sarfatti: Colors: Blue
Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With The Color Blue. …
Sarfatti: Colors: Green
Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With The Color Green. …
Sarfatti: Colors: Red
Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With The Color Green. …
Sarfatti: Colors: Yellow
Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With The Color Red. …
Sarfatti: Counting By: Fives
Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With The Color Yellow. …
Sarfatti: Counting By: Tens
Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With The Number Ten. …
Sarfatti: Shapes: Rectangles
Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With Rectangles. …
Sarfatti: Shapes: Squares
Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With Squares. …
Sarfatti: Shapes: Triangles
Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With Triangles. …
Sarfatti: Counting By Twos
Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With The Number Two. …
Sarfatti: Counting By Threes
Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With The Number Three. …
Sarfatti: Colores: Azul
Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With The Color Blue. …
Sarfatti: Colores: Rojo
Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With The Color Red. …
Sarfatti: Colores: Verde
Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With The Color Green. …
Sarfatti: Colores: Azul
Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With The Color Blue. …
Sarfatti: Colors: Red
Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With The Color Green. …
Sarfatti: Colores: Rojo
Uses Repetition, Simple Sentences And Supporting Images To Familiarize The Beginning Reader With The Color Red. …
Anne Rooney: Preguntas y respuestas curiosas sobre… Ciencias
¿Cómo combate mi cuerpo los gérmenes? ¿Los peces se hunden o flotan? ¿Por qué explotan los globos? ¿Se te ocurren muchas preguntas curiosas? ¡Este libro está lleno de respuestas alucinantes! Sus dive …
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Ian Graham: Preguntas y respuestas curiosas sobre… El sistema solar
¿Cuántos astronautas han caminado sobre la Luna? ¿De qué está hecho el Sol? ¿Es muy frío Neptuno? ¿Se te ocurren muchas preguntas curiosas? ¡Este libro está lleno de respuestas alucinantes! Sus diver …
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Camilla de la Bédoyère: Preguntas y respuestas curiosas sobre… Animales
¿Por qué comen piedras los cocodrilos? ¿Por qué los flamencos son de color rosa? ¿A quién le gusta comer verduras? ¿Se te ocurren muchas preguntas curiosas? ¡Este libro está lleno de respuestas aluci …
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Anne Rooney: Preguntas y respuestas curiosas sobre… Mi cuerpo
Descubre de qué está hecho nuestro esqueleto, por qué es tan importante beber abundante agua, qué pasa en nuestro cuerpo cada vez que comemos o cuál es el músculo que más trabaja. El cuerpo humano es …
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Camilla de la Bédoyère: Preguntas y respuestas curiosas sobre… Dinosaurios
¿Cuántos tipos de dinosaurios hay? ¿A qué velocidad podía correr un T. Rex? ¿Qué dinosaurio podía volar? Descubre estas y muchas otras curiosidades sobre las criaturas más fascinantes que poblaron nu …
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Camilla de la Bédoyère: Preguntas y respuestas curiosas sobre… Nuestro planeta
¿Pueden funcionar los coches con chocolate en lugar de gasolina? ¿Cómo se forma el arcoíris? ¿Se te ocurren muchas preguntas curiosas? ¡Este libro está lleno de respuestas alucinantes! Sus divertidas …
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Angie Lake: Danny Dingle y sus descubrimientos fantásticos: el Avión del Alucine
Han llegado POR FIN las vacaciones de verano. Ahora Danny Dingle puede dedicarse a tiempo completo a sus labores de superinventor sin que le estorben las aburridas e inútiles actividades del cole. ¡¡ …
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Adam Hargreaves: Miss Inventora
Miss Inventora es lista como un lince. Su cerebro está lleno de ideas que convierte en inventos. ¡Además de inventar cosas para sí misma, también inventa cosas para sus amigos! …
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Adam Hargreaves: Mr. Aventurero
A Mr. Aventurero le encanta ir de vacaciones. Unas vacaciones de aventura. Pero el problema es que este año no tiene dinero y necesita encontrar un trabajo (no demasiado aburrido) que le permita irse …
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Esther Sarfatti: El enano saltarín / Rumpelstiltszkin
Lee o escucha este cuento en inglés o en español. ¿Quieres saber cómo se pronuncian algunas palabras? Aprenderás dos idiomas mientras te diviertes con tus cuentos de siempre. …
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Esther Sarfatti: El patito feo / The Ugly Duckling
Lee o escucha este cuento en inglés o en español. ¿Quieres saber cómo se pronuncian algunas palabras? Aprenderás dos idiomas mientras te diviertes con tus cuentos de siempre. …
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Esther Sarfatti: La sirenita / The Little Mermaid
Lee o escucha este cuento en inglés o en español. ¿Quieres saber cómo se pronuncian algunas palabras? Aprenderás dos idiomas mientras te diviertes con tus cuentos de siempre. …
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VV.AA.: Caperucita Roja / Little Red Riding Hood
Lee o escucha este cuento en inglés o en español. ¿Quieres saber cómo se pronuncian algunas palabras? Aprenderás dos idiomas mientras te diviertes con tus cuentos de siempre. …
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Esther Sarfatti: La bella y la bestia / The Beauty And The Beast
Lee o escucha este cuento en inglés o en español. ¿Quieres saber cómo se pronuncian algunas palabras? Aprenderás dos idiomas mientras te diviertes con tus cuentos de siempre. …
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Esther Sarfatti: Los tres cerditos / The Three Little Pigs
Lee o escucha este cuento en inglés o en español. ¿Quieres saber cómo se pronuncian algunas palabras? Aprenderás dos idiomas mientras te diviertes con tus cuentos de siempre. …
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Adam Hargreaves: Aventura sobre ruedas
Es un día muy ajetreado para los Mr. Men. Entre excavadoras, camiones de bomberos y tractores, todo el mundo está ocupado. El único que no tiene nada que hacer es Mr. Ocupado, que decide coger el coc …
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Adam Hargreaves: Aventura bajo el mar
Miss Extravagante ha comprado un submarino, y eso le viene genial a Miss Alegría, ¡que está organizando un viaje para buscar la ciudad perdida de la Atlántida! ¿Encontrarán los Mr. Men la ciudad perd …
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Adam Hargreaves: Aventura en la Luna
¡Los Mr. Men se van de viaje a la Luna! Bueno, los que quepan en el traje espacial y el casco. ¿Estará la Luna hecha de queso, como cree Mr. Glotón? ¿Y habrá alguna vaca saltando por allí arriba? …
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Adam Hargreaves: Aventura en el espacio
Durante una visita guiada del Centro Espacial donde trabaja, Mr. Equivocado enseña por error a sus amigos un cohete que está a punto de despegar a Marte. ¿Cómo se las arreglarán los Mr. Men para form …
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T. H. Baer: Medir la altura (Measuring Height)
How tall is that tree? Let”s find out! Measuring the height of things is a great way to practice mathematics. This exciting book shows readers what tools are needed to measure and how a basic unders …
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T. H. Baer: Medir la distancia (Measuring Distance)
Math is much more than measuring the sides of a triangle. This exciting book makes readers grab their rulers and maybe even their tape measures to explore the concept of distance in exciting and unpr …
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T. H. Baer: Medir la temperatura (Measuring Temperature)
The temperature outside is always changing, which means getting an accurate read on it is important. This informative book shows readers how to measure temperature with a thermometer. Knowing the tem …
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T. H. Baer: Medir el peso (Measuring Weight)
It’s usually rude to ask how much someone weighs, but in science it’s an important thing to know! Readers learn how to measure weight in a variety of different ways, from ounces or grams used for sma …
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T. H. Baer: Medir la velocidad (Measuring Speed)
When a bird flies by a window or a car zooms by on the highway, we often wonder how fast the two objects traveled. This book explains the concept of speed to readers while showing them accessible way …
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Lynda Arnez: Pueblos indígenas del Ártico (Native Peoples of the Arctic)
In the Arctic, survival is paramount. Yet, for thousands of years, people have made their home in present-day Canada and Alaska among the snow and ice. They value sharing and working together to make …
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Amy Hayes: Pueblos indígenas del Sureste (Native Peoples of the Southeast)
The American Southeast stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico, including the states of Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, and Alabama as well as parts of Virginia and Maryland. But before …
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Santana Hunt: ¿Qué hace el Tribunal Supremo de Justicia? (What Does the U.S. Supreme Court Do?)
The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. While it only hears about 80 cases out of the thousands that petition to be heard, the court’s decisions have a big impact. The most impor …
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Kathleen Connors: ¿Qué hace el presidente? (What Does the President Do?)
The US president is the face of the United States to the rest of the world. However, he or she doesn’t have unlimited power within the country. The president has certain powers given by the Constitut …
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Sara Howell: Los refugiados (Refugees)
Many Americans are citizens because they were born here. But not everyone who lives here is a citizen. Ease into the process of applying for citizenship with help from this informative volume. Accomp …
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Sara Howell: Los derechos de los inmigrantes; los derechos de los ciudadanos (Immigrants’ Rights, Citizens’ Rights)
Did you know that American laws protect all people who live in America, even people who are not citizens? This book describes in clear language the rights that citizens and non-citizens have. Learn a …
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Sara Howell: El camino a la ciudadanía (The Path to Citizenship)
Many Americans are citizens because they were born here. But not everyone who lives here is a citizen. Ease into the process of applying for citizenship with help from this informative volume. Accomp …
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Therese M. Shea: El hundimiento del Titanic (The Sinking of the Titanic)
The unsinkable luxury liner known as the Titanic may have sunk on its first transatlantic voyage in 1912, but people remain riveted to its storied legend. The collision with the iceberg in the North …
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Ryan Nagelhout: El desastre del Hindenburg (The Hindenburg Disaster)
The Hindenburg, the largest airship ever built and the pride of Nazi Germany, burst into flames over Lakehurst, New Jersey, in 1937. It swiftly fell from the sky and was incinerated. This incident is …
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Sarah Machajewski: El gran incendio de Londres (The Great Fire of London)
In September 1666, a small fire broke out at the king”s bakery in London, England, in the early morning. Several fateful factors worked together to turn this small blaze into a catastrophic conflagr …
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Kristen Rajczak Nelson: La expedición Donner (The Donner Party)
In 1846, travelers heading for California became trapped high in the mountains of the Sierra Nevada. Snowdrifts surrounded their shelters, and food supplies dwindled. How they stayed alive remains on …
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Janey Levy: La ciudad de Pompeya (The City of Pompeii)
In AD 79, the residents of the booming Roman city of Pompeii were shocked when a nearby mountain exploded, releasing superhot ash, rock, and gas on the surrounding areas. What happens next is the ext …
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Janey Levy: Plaga: La Peste Negra (Plague: The Black Death)
The plague, aptly known as the Black Death, swept through Europe in the 1300s, killing more than 20 million people. Not only deadly but incredibly painful, the disease was characterized by black boil …
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T. H. Baer: Medir el volumen (Measuring Volume)
Volume is the amount of space a liquid takes up in a container. This engaging book takes a look at how to measure volume and why it’s useful. Whether using the displacement method or simple container …
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Barbara M. Linde: Pueblos indígenas de California (Native Peoples of California)
When the Spanish began colonizing California in the late 1700s, there were more than 300, 000 native peoples living there. By 1860, their population had been cut down to 30, 000 by the European disea …
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Janey Levy: Pueblos indígenas de la costa Noroeste (Native Peoples of the Northwest Coast)
The native peoples of the northwest coast are often known by the totem poles they create. Made from cedar trees, totem poles were painted bright colors and featured both animal and human forms. Why t …
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Lynda Arnez: Pueblos indígenas de Las Grandes Llanuras (Native Peoples of the Great Plains)
For the native peoples of the Great Plains, history is broken into two periods: before horses arrived and after. The Spanish introduced horses to these native groups around 1540, and their lives were …
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Barbara M. Linde: Pueblos indígenas del Noreste (Native Peoples of the Northeast)
A lot of what many people know about the native groups in the northeastern part of North America comes from colonial history. The Wampanoag met the Puritans as they made their home at Plymouth. The P …
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Barbara M. Linde: Pueblos indígenas del Suroeste (Native Peoples of the Southwest)
The Apache, Navajo, and Pueblo peoples are often part of the social studies curriculum. However, they aren’t the only native groups that come from the American southwest! Readers are introduced to so …
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Amy Hayes: Pueblos indígenas del Subártico (Native Peoples of the Subarctic)
Much of Canada and Alaska can be called the subarctic. This area features the taiga and often cold temperatures. The native peoples of this region had to adapt to this climate in many ways, including …
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Kathleen Connors: ¿Qué hace el Congreso? (What Does Congress Do?)
The Founding Fathers made Congress two houses for a reason. The Senate gives every state equal representation, while the House of Representatives allows states with a larger population a bigger voice …
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Santana Hunt: ¿Qué es el colegio electoral? (What Is the Electoral College?)
When the Constitution was written, some of the Founding Fathers wanted to include a provision that only those in Congress vote for president. Others felt it was important that the former colonists go …
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Santana Hunt: ¿Por qué votamos? (Why Do We Vote?)
Many Americans believe it is their civic duty to vote. However, in most elections, less than half of eligible voters show up at the polls. Readers are introduced to the many reasons why voting is an …
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Kathleen Connors: ¿Cómo se convierte un proyecto en ley? (How Does a Bill Become a Law?)
Our nation’s laws go through a long process before they are enacted. Bills are scrutinized and researched by committees in both the House and Senate and may be rewritten several times before they pas …
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Todd Bluthenthal: El polo norte (The North Pole)
Many young readers think of the North Pole as the place where Santa Claus lives with his wife, reindeer, and elves. The North Pole presents the geography and science of this polar region to young rea …
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Todd Bluthenthal: El polo sur (The South Pole)
The South Pole is cold, but there’s more to it than that! This book presents the cartography and earth science of this polar region to young readers in an engaging yet informative way. Several spread …
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Todd Bluthenthal: Continentes de la Tierra (Earth’s Continents)
Why do continents matter? From economics to weather science, knowing the characteristics of the continents expands readers” perspectives in every school subject. This fundamental information is a bu …
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Todd Bluthenthal: Hemisferios de la Tierra (Earth”s Hemispheres)
The division of the Earth into hemispheres isn”t the easiest concept to grasp. It involves geography, spatial awareness, and map-reading abilities. This volume makes it easy for any reader to develo …
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Todd Bluthenthal: Cómo hacer mapas (Making Maps)
Is there such a thing as a fun way to develop spatial awareness? Yes, and readers can do so by reading this book. Readers will engage in and expand their understanding of the world around them throug …
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Todd Bluthenthal: El ecuador (The Equator)
‘The Earth is wearing a belt’ is an age-old visual device teachers have used to explain the equator. In this volume, young readers will expand their comprehension of this important concept. With an u …
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Elizabeth Borngraber: La gente y la cultura de Venezuela (The People and Culture of Venezuela)
Do you know where the largest lake in South America is? Venezuela. Readers will be captivated by this vibrant book about the cultural traditions, festivals, music, art, dance, and cuisine of Venezuel …
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Ian Emminizer: La gente y la cultura de la República Dominicana (The People and Culture of the Dominican Republic)
Located on the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean Sea, the Dominican Republic is a unique place with a rich cultural heritage. In this text, readers will learn that the Dominican Republic has the …
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Elizabeth Krajnik: La gente y la cultura de Puerto Rico (The People and Culture of Puerto Rico)
Culture can be defined as the beliefs, practices, and arts of a group of people. The culture of Puerto Rico is as varied and intricate as the many people who live there. Readers will learn that befor …
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Rachael Morlock: La gente y la cultura de México (The People and Culture of Mexico)
Mexico”s resplendent culture is evidence of the rich heritage of its people. Readers will explore the converging cultures that have shaped Mexico, from ancient civilizations such as the Zapotec and …
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Melissa Rae Shofner: La gente y la cultura de Cuba (The People and Culture of Cuba)
Who are the people of Cuba? Readers will probe this question through this lively book about the cultural traditions, festivals, music, art, dance, and food of this Caribbean island nation. Analyzing …
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Maxine Vargas: La gente y la cultura de Costa Rica (The People and Culture of Costa Rica)
Situated between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, Costa Rica is home to a diverse populace. From its indigenous origins, through Spanish colonization, the fight for independence, and modern g …
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Joshua Turner: Cómo las reglas y las leyes cambian la sociedad (How Rules and Laws Change Society)
For societies to function successfully, they need rules and laws for their members to follow. This book takes an in-depth look at the way laws and rules influence society and how people can have an i …
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Joshua Turner: Cómo identificar las virtudes cívicas básicas (How to Identify Core Civic Virtues)
What are core civic virtues? In this book, students will gain an understanding of what civic virtues are and how they”ve changed throughout history, from the early Greeks and Romans through the Enli …
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Joshua Turner: Cómo tomar decisiones en grupo (How to Make Decisions as a Group)
Making a decision can sometimes be tough. Consider how difficult it is for people to make decisions as a group. It definitely is a skill that must be learned and exercised. This book uses age-appropr …
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Joshua Turner: Cómo promover el bien común (How to Promote the Common Good)
What is the common good and how does it benefit society? This book looks at the history behind the notion of the common good, touching on ideas from several famous philosophers. Readers will then lea …
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Joshua Turner: Cómo actuar de manera informada (How to Take Informed Action)
In the United States, the ability to take informed action is becoming increasingly necessary, and difficult. This book delves into the importance of being informed and explains how not all sources of …
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Joshua Turner: El propósito de las reglas y las leyes (The Purpose of Rules and Laws)
Rules and laws play a vital role in helping people create societies. Without them, chaos would ensue. This informative book explains how rules and laws provide people with guidelines on how to live i …
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Sarah Machajewski: Análisis de las fuentes de información sobre la Constitución (Analyzing Sources of Information About the Constitution)
The Constitution of the United States is arguably the most influential document in our nation”s history. In this illuminating text, readers will study sources of information about the Constitution. …
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Fletcher C. Finch: Consideremos las diferentes opiniones sobre la guerra de Independencia de Estados Unidos (Considering Different Opinions Surrounding the American Revolutionary War)
The American Revolution was a momentous period in American history. In this thought-provoking book, readers will analyze the myriad of opinions surrounding the Revolutionary War. They will identify t …
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Tayler Cole: ¿Realidad o ficción? Investiguemos las causas de la guerra de Secesión estadounidense (Fact or Fiction? Considering Different Opinions Surrounding the American Civil War)
What were the causes of the American Civil War? Although the answer to this question may at first seem easy to identify, in truth the issues that led to the Civil War were complex and multifaceted. R …
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Jeremy Morlock: Identifiquemos prejuicios, propaganda e información errónea sobre el Motín del Té de Boston (Identifying Bias, Propaganda, and Misinformation Surrounding the Boston Tea Party)
The Boston Tea Party was an inflammatory episode that helped spark the American Revolutionary War. The events leading up to the incident, and those that followed, were colored by bias, propaganda, an …
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Sarah Machajewski: Interpretación de datos sobre las Trece Colonias (Interpreting Data About the Thirteen Colonies)
How do historians know what they know about the Thirteen Colonies? Readers will learn that and more in this thorough book about interpreting data. They”ll investigate how data was collected during t …
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Jeremy Morlock: Métodos de resolución de problemas del Congreso Continental (Problem-Solving Methods of the Continental Congress)
The Continental Congress was responsible for proposing solutions to the innumerable problems that coincided with revolution. Readers will study the key players of the Continental Congress, the proble …
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Grace Houser: Por qué ser puntual (Why Do We Have to Be on Time?)
Being on time is important, and not just for the person who has some place to be. Running late has an affect on other people, too. Students will learn why we need to be on time and what happens when …
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Melissa Rae Shofner: Por qué prestar atención en clase (Why Do We Have to Pay Attention in Class?)
Most students understand it”s important for them to pay attention in class so they can learn and do well on exams. This book takes a closer look at how paying attention in class affects the common g …
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Rose Pemberton: Por qué hacer los quehaceres (Why Do We Have to Do Chores?)
For many children, helping out around the house is an important part of growing up. This book examines how doing chores allows children to contribute to the common good of their family. The age-appro …
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Michael Salaka: Por qué escuchar a personas con las que no estamos de acuerdo (Why Do We Have to Listen to People We Disagree With?)
It isn”t always easy to deal with people we disagree with, but knowing how to listen to other points of view is a critical life skill. In this book, students will learn why respectfully listening to …
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Erin Day: Por qué existen las reglas familiares (Why Do Families Have Rules?)
A family is a type of community, in fact, it”s our first community experience. Like other types of communities, families have rules in order to function smoothly. A defined set of rules is good for …
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Shelby Moran: Por qué existen reglas en una ciudad (Why Do Towns Have Rules?)
Imagine living in a town without rules. Life would be very chaotic! Readers will learn the difference between rules and laws, why they”re important for towns to have, and what could happen if they d …
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Patrick Hely: Por qué existen reglas en la escuela (Why Do We Have Rules in School?)
Some children may wonder why there are so many rules they need to follow in school. This book explores how rules keep schools running smoothly and help students focus and learn. The text touches on i …
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Kristen Rajczak Nelson: Todo sobre los ángeles (All About Christmas Angels)
From those at the Rockefeller Center to ones that might perch at the top of a home Christmas tree, angels are a common symbol of the Christmas season. This symbol”s link to the holiday likely began …
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Kristen Rajczak Nelson: Todo sobre el árbol de Navidad (All About Christmas Trees)
Even before Christmas celebrations began, evergreen trees were used as part of winter festivals and celebrations. Today, many people still bring a real fir tree into their home at Christmastime, or a …
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Kristen Rajczak Nelson: Todo sobre los duendes (All About Elves)
Many Christmas symbols are very old and date to before there even was a Christmas! Elves, however, were likely introduced to the mythology of Santa Claus in the 1820s with the famous poem, ‘The Night …
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Kristen Rajczak Nelson: Todo sobre el Polo Norte (All About the North Pole)
Much of the detail in Santa Claus lore was added to his long history of stories in the 19th century. His storied home became the North Pole around this time. Today, the North Pole is symbolic of Sant …
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Kristen Rajczak Nelson: Todo sobre los renos (All About Reindeer)
In the original poem in which Santa”s reindeer were named, ‘Donner’ and ‘Blitzen’ were actually spelled ‘Dunder’ and ‘Blixem.’ Today known as ‘The Night Before Christmas, ‘ the poem from 1823 may be …
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Kristen Rajczak Nelson: Todo sobre Santa (All About Santa)
How does Santa make it around the world delivering presents in one night? Where did that notion even come from? The stories about Santa Claus are many and spark the imaginations of old and young alik …
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Kristen Rajczak Nelson: Todo sobre los tres Reyes Magos (All About the Three Kings)
Whether you call your January 6th celebration El Dia de los Reyes or the Feast of the Epiphany, you”re celebrating a day dedicated to the three kings. Sometimes called the three wise men or the magi …
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Kristen Rajczak Nelson: Todo sobre los villancicos (All About Christmas Carols)
Historically, a ‘carol’ is a song or dance of praise or joy. They used to be performed during all four seasons. Today, most young readers know the carols many people sing at Christmastime, including …
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