Tác giả: Eugeniusz Majewski

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3 Ebooks bởi Eugeniusz Majewski

Roman Teisseyre & Minoru Takeo: Earthquake Source Asymmetry, Structural Media and Rotation Effects
When thinking, at the beginning of the new century, on our horizons in seismology, we might return to the old question related to the seismic ro- tion effects and waves. Seismology, with its spectacu …
Roman Teisseyre & Hiroyuki Nagahama: Physics of Asymmetric Continuum: Extreme and Fracture Processes
Our new monograph has been inspired by the former one, Earthquake Source Asymmetry, Structural Media, and Rotation Effects (R. Teisseyre, M. Takeo, and E. Majewski, eds, Springer 2006). Some problems …
Eugeniusz Majewski & Roman Teisseyre: Earthquake Thermodynamics and Phase Transformation in the Earth’s Interior
A group of distinguished scientists contributes to the foundations of a new discipline in Earth sciences: earthquake thermodynamics and thermodynamics of formation of the Earth’s interior structures. …