Tác giả: Eve-Marie Engels

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5 Ebooks bởi Eve-Marie Engels

Eve-Marie Engels & Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber: The Janus Face of Prenatal Diagnostics
Coping with modern technology in the life sciences (biology and medicine) became a major issue for people living in the Twentieth Century, and continues to be so in the present century. Biotechnology …
Eve-Marie Engels & Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber: The Janus Face of Prenatal Diagnostics
Coping with modern technology in the life sciences (biology and medicine) became a major issue for people living in the Twentieth Century, and continues to be so in the present century. Biotechnology …
Eve-Marie Engels & Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber: The Janus Face of Prenatal Diagnostics : A European Study Bridging Ethics, Psychoanalysis, and Medicine
Coping with modern technology in the life sciences (biology and medicine) became a major issue for people living in the Twentieth Century, and continues to be so in the present century. Biotechnology …
Eve-Marie Engels & Oliver Betz: Charles Darwin und seine Bedeutung für die Wissenschaften
Charles Darwin hat unser Verständnis vom Lebendigen und von der Stellung des Menschen im Naturganzen einschneidend verändert und nachhaltig geprägt. Er legte den Grundstein für eine …
tiếng Đức
Eve-Marie Engels & Professor Thomas F. Glick: The Reception of Charles Darwin in Europe
Charles Darwin is a crucial figure in nineteenth-century science with an extensive and varied reception in different countries and disciplines. His theory had a revolutionary impact not only on bio …