Tác giả: Francois Fenelon

Ủng hộ
François Fénelon was a seventeenth-century French archbishop who rose to a position of influence in the court of Louis XIV. Amid the splendor and decadence of Versailles, Fénelon became a wise mentor to many members of the king's court. Later exiled for political reasons, he set out to improve the lot of peasants of his diocese. His letters of counsel and spiritual meditations have found a wide audience for more than three centuries.

17 Ebooks bởi Francois Fenelon

Francois Fenelon: Adventures of Telemachus, the Son of Ulysses
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. To thofe who h …
Robert J. Edmonson & Francois Francois Fenelon: Talking With God
Fran Cois FEnelon was a seventeenth-century French Catholic archbishop who rose to a position of influence in the court of Louis XIV. He became a wise mentor to members of the king’s court, his writi …
François Fénelon: Les aventures de Télémaque
Une œuvre devenue célèbre alors qu’elle était supposée rester dans l’ombre Dans l’ Odyssée d’Homère, Athénée, sous les traits de Mentès, conseille à Télémaque de partir à Pylos, puis à Sparte, à la r …
tiếng Pháp
Francois Fénelon: Abhandlung über die reine Liebe
Die ‘Abhandlung über die reine Liebe’ ist François Fénelons abschließender Beitrag zur bedeutendsten theologisch-philosophischen Kontroverse des 17. Jahrhunderts, dem Amour-pur-Streit mit dem Bischof …
tiếng Đức
François Fénelon: Gedanken zur reinen Gottesliebe
Fénelon: Psychologe des spirituellen Lebens Die vorliegende Auswahl und Übersetzung des Dichters Matthias Claudius vermittelt seinem Publikum um und nach 1800 die Texte eines intimen Kenners der Abgr …
tiếng Đức
Richard Baxter & Louis Bourdaloue: The World’s Great Sermons
The aim in preparing this work has been to bring together the best examples of the products of the pulpit through the Christian centuries, and to present these masterpieces in attractive and convenie …
Francois Fenelon: The Existence of God
Fénelon, claimed in brotherhood by Christians of every denomination, was born in Perigord, on the 6th of August, 1651. To the world he is Fénelon; he was François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon to t …
Francois Fenelon: Existence of God
The debate over the existence of God is one of the questions that has animated Western philosophy for thousands of years. In this engaging volume, Catholic theologian Francois Fenelon provides an ove …
Francois Fenelon: Existence of God
The debate over the existence of God is one of the questions that has animated Western philosophy for thousands of years. In this engaging volume, Catholic theologian Francois Fenelon provides an ove …
Francois Fenelon: Christian Counsel
Christian Counsel is a message of meditation based on the Bible and written by Francois Fenelon 1651-1715 Francois Fenelon (specifically Francois de Salignac de la Motte-Fenelon) was born on August 6 …
Francois Fenelon: The Existence of God
The Existence of God is one book that will bring growth and knowledge about faith and invite him to live with greater intimacy with God. Written by François Fénelon was one of the most important Chri …
Thomas Hooker & Jeremy Taylor: The World’s Great Sermons
The aim in preparing this work has been to bring together the best examples of the products of the pulpit through the Christian centuries, and to present these masterpieces in attractive and convenie …
Francois Fenelon: Freedom from the World
In this book, Francois Fenelon advises new Christians to turn away from the world and follow Jesus, depending only on him. Rejuvenated Christian Classics present great works of the Christian fai …
François Fénelon: The Existence of God
The Existence of God is a theological treatise written by François Fénelon, French Catholic archbishop and theologian. The book presents the demonstration of the existence of God, drawn from the know …
Francois Fenelon & Madame Guyon: Spiritual Progress
Spiritual Progress is a collection of five theological works by closely connected French philosophers of the seventeenth century. These essays exude mysticism and they are intended for prayers with t …
François Fénelon: L’educació de les nenes
François Fénelon, teòleg, bisbe i tutor de prínceps, va ser també un transgressor de la doctrina oficial. A final del segle XVII, quan la submissió obligada de les dones les allunyava de l’educació, …
Francois Fenelon: The Seeking Heart
The name Fenelon has stood for spiritual depth and insight for 300 years. Seeking Christians throughout the years have turned again and again to his writings for guidance and help in their quest …