The author:
Anton Burkov, Dip Jur (Urals State Law Academy), Cand Sc Jur (Tyumen’ State University), LLM (University of Essex), has been a doctoral student of law and TNK-BP Kapitza Scholar at the University of Cambridge since 2005. In 1998-2007, Burkov worked for the Urals Centre for Constitutional and International Protection of Human Rights of the NGO Sutyajnik as a staff attorney and project coordinator. In 2001-2002, he was a visiting scholar at Columbia University, New York. Burkov has published five books and more than 20 articles in Russian- and English-language law journals.
The foreword author:
Françoise Hampson is Professor of Law at the University of Essex, and an expert for the UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights.
8 Ebooks bởi Francoise Hampson
Anton Burkov: The Impact of the European Convention on Human Rights on Russian Law
This book analyzes the practice of Russia honoring her legal obligations under the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR): to secure to everyone within its jurisdiction the rights and freedoms de …
Daragh Murray: Practitioners’ Guide to Human Rights Law in Armed Conflict
Although the relationship between international human rights law and the law of armed conflict has been the subject of significant recent academic discussion, there remains a lack of comprehensive gu …
Daragh Murray: Practitioners’ Guide to Human Rights Law in Armed Conflict
Although the relationship between international human rights law and the law of armed conflict has been the subject of significant recent academic discussion, there remains a lack of comprehensive gu …
Geoff Gilbert & Francoise Hampson: Strategic Visions for Human Rights
Strategic Visions for Human Rights takes a multi-disciplinary approach to future directions for human rights. It looks beyond what international human rights treaties have so far established and cons …
Geoff Gilbert & Francoise Hampson: Strategic Visions for Human Rights
Strategic Visions for Human Rights takes a multi-disciplinary approach to future directions for human rights. It looks beyond what international human rights treaties have so far established and cons …
Geoff Gilbert & Francoise Hampson: Strategic Visions for Human Rights
Strategic Visions for Human Rights takes a multi-disciplinary approach to future directions for human rights. It looks beyond what international human rights treaties have so far established and cons …
Geoff Gilbert & Francoise Hampson: Delivery of Human Rights
The Delivery of Human Rights reflects on two overlapping issues in international human rights law: how can existing norms be better implemented and effected, and how can other branches of internation …
Geoff Gilbert & Francoise Hampson: Delivery of Human Rights
The Delivery of Human Rights reflects on two overlapping issues in international human rights law: how can existing norms be better implemented and effected, and how can other branches of internation …