An introduction to the issues surrounding the complex and controversial realities of today’s interconnected world, the revised sixth edition
Since its initial publication, The Globalization Reader has been lauded for its comprehensive coverage of the issues surrounding globalization. Now in its sixth edition, the Reader has been thoroughly revised and updated and continues to review the most important global trends. Including readings by a variety of authors, the text offers a wide-ranging and authoritative introduction to the political, economic, cultural, and experiential aspects of globalization.
The updated sixth edition presents the most accessible and comprehensive review of current debates and research. Contributions from scholars, activists, and organizations provide balanced viewpoints and expert coverage of the many aspects of globalization. The Globalization Reader offers readings on an exciting range of new topics as well as retaining key globalization topics such as the experience of globalization, economic and political globalization, the role of media and religion in cultural globalization, women’s rights, environmentalism, global civil society, and the alternative globalization movement. This important resource:
- Covers the many complex dimensions of globalization
- Includes contributions from many of the most prominent globalization scholars
- Presents concise and informative introductions to each major topic
- Offers compelling discussion questions for each section
- Contains readings on a variety of new topics such as migration, medical tourism, state policy regarding abortion and same-sex sexual relations, the UN Global Compact, climate justice, and more
Written for students in undergraduate and graduate courses in sociology, political science, anthropology and geography, the revised sixth edition covers courses such as globalization, comparative political economy, international relations and similar topics.
Mục lục
Preface to the Sixth Edition xii
General Introduction 1
Part I Debating Globalization 7
Introduction 8
1 The Hidden Promise: Liberty Renewed 11
John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge
2 How to Judge Globalism 19
Amartya Sen
3 The Elusive Concept of Globalisation 25
Cees J. Hamelink
4 The Clash of Civilizations? 32
Samuel P. Huntington
5 The Millennium Development Goals Report 2015 40
United Nations
Part I Questions 46
Part II Explaining Globalization 47
Introduction 48
6 The Modern World‐System as a Capitalist World‐Economy 52
Immanuel Wallerstein
7 Sociology of the Global System 59
Leslie Sklair
8 A Brief History of Neoliberalism 67
David Harvey
9 World Society and the Nation‐State 73
John W. Meyer, John Boli, George M. Thomas, and Francisco O. Ramirez
10 Globalization as a Problem 82
Roland Robertson
11 Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy 90
Arjun Appadurai
Part II Questions 99
Part III Experiencing Globalization 101
Introduction 102
12 Waves in the History of Globalization 105
Frank J. Lechner
13 Mc Donald’s in Hong Kong 112
James L. Watson
14 The Transnational Villagers 121
Peggy Levitt
15 Virtual Migration: The Programming of Globalization 129
Aneesh Aneesh
16 Fear and Money in Dubai 137
Mike Davis
17 Outpatients: The Astonishing New World of Medical Tourism 142
Sasha Issenberg
18 An Anthropology of Structural Violence 147
Paul Farmer
19 Crazy Like Us: The Globalization of the American Psyche 154
Ethan Watters
Part III Questions 159
Part IV Globalization and the World Economy 161
Introduction 162
20 China Makes, the World Takes 167
James Fallows
21 Commodity Chains and Marketing Strategies: Nike and the Global Athletic Footwear Industry 173
Miguel Korzeniewicz
22 The Sticky Superpower 184
The Economist
23 Global Income Inequality by the Numbers: In History and Now: An Overview 189
Branko Milanovic
24 The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done About It 194
Paul Collier
25 The Global Financial Crisis and Its Effects 200
Malcolm Edey
26 The Twin Excesses – Financialization and Globalization – Caused the Crash 207
Ashok Bardhan
27 Globalism’s Discontents 210
Joseph E. Stiglitz
Part IV Questions 218
Part V Globalization and the Nation-State 219
Introduction 220
28 The Declining Authority of States 224
Susan Strange
29 Global Organized Crime 231
James H. Mittelman
30 Has Globalization Gone Too Far? 237
Dani Rodrik
31 The Individualization of Society and the Liberalization of State Policies on Same‐Sex Sexual Relations, 1984–1995 244
David John Frank and Elizabeth H. Mc Eneaney
32 Abortion Liberalization in World Society, 1960–2009 251
Elizabeth H. Boyle, Minzee Kim, and Wesley Longhofer
Part V Questions 258
Part VI Global Governance 261
Introduction 262
33 The International Monetary Fund 266
James Vreeland
34 ISO and the Infrastructure for a Global Market 273
Craig N. Murphy and Jo Anne Yates
35 Global Health Governance: A Conceptual Review 280
Richard Dodgson, Kelley Lee, and Nick Drager
36 The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Grant‐Making Programmefor Global Health 286
David Mc Coy, Gayatri Kembhavi, Jinesh Patel, and Akish Luintel
37 IMPACT: Transforming Business, Changing the World – The United Nations Global Compact 291
DNV GL Group and United Nations Global Compact
Part VI Questions 297
Part VII Globalization, INGOs, and Civil Society 299
Introduction 300
38 NGOs and Climate Crisis: Fragmentation, Lines of Conflict and Strategic Approaches 304
Barbara Unmusig
39 The Evolution of Debates over Female Genital Cutting 313
Elizabeth Heger Boyle
40 Women’s Human Rights and the Muslim Question: Iran’s One Million Signatures Campaign 320
Rebecca L. Barlow
41 World Culture in the World Polity: A Century of International Non‐Governmental Organization 328
John Boli and George M. Thomas
42 Closing the Corruption Casino: The Imperatives of a Multilateral Approach 336
Peter Eigen
43 Trading Diamonds Responsibly: Institutional Explanations for Corporate Social Responsibility 341
Franziska Bieri and John Boli
44 Poverty Capital: Microfinance and the Making of Development 348
Ananya Roy
Part VII Questions 354
Part VIII Globalization and Media 355
Introduction 356
45 Cultural Imperialism 360
John Tomlinson
46 Mapping Global Media Flow and Contra‐Flow 370
Daya Kishan Thussu
47 Hybridity and the Rise of Korean Popular Culture in Asia 377
Doobo Shim
48 Landing of the Wave: Hallyu in Peru and Brazil 383
Nusta Corranza Ko, Song No, Jeong‐Nam Kim, and Ronald Gobbi Simoes
49 Watching Big Brother at Work: A Production Study of Big Brother Australia 389
Jane Roscoe
50 Bollywood versus Hollywood: Battle of the Dream Factories 397
Heather Tyrrell
51 Why Hollywood Rules the World, and Whether We Should Care 405
Tyler Cowen
Part VIII Questions 411
Part IX Globalization and Religion 413
Introduction 414
52 Bin Laden and Other Thoroughly Modern Muslims 418
Charles Kurzman
53 Globalised Islam: The Search for a New Ummah 423
Olivier Roy
54 The Christian Revolution 429
Philip Jenkins
55 American Evangelicals: The Overlooked Globalizers and Their Unintended Gospel of Modernity 437
Joshua J. Yates
56 Religious Rejections of Globalization 443
Frank J. Lechner
57 The Decontexualization of Asian Religious Practices in the Context of Globalization 450
Brooke Schedneck
Part IX Questions 455
Part X Globalization and Identity 457
Introduction 458
58 Moral Choices and Global Desires: Feminine Identity in a Transnational Realm 461
Ernestine Mc Hugh
59 Global/Indian: Cultural Politics in the IT Workplace 469
Smitha Radhakrishnan
60 Strategic Inauthenticity 476
Timothy D. Taylor
61 Orange Nation: Soccer and National Identity in the Netherlands 481
Frank J. Lechner
62 Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture 486
Ulf Hannerz
63 Cosmopolitanism & Humanism 492
C. Martin Centner
Part X Questions 495
Part XI Global Environmentalism 497
Introduction 498
64 Greenpeace and Political Globalism 502
Paul Wapner
65 Environmental Advocacy Networks 510
Margaret E. Keck and Kathryn Sikkink
66 Toward Democratic Governance for Sustainable Development: Transnational Civil Society Organizing around Big Dams 519
Sanjeev Khagram
67 Ozone Depletion 526
Pamela S. Chasek, David L. Downie, and Janet Welsh Brown
68 Movements for Climate Justice in the US and Worldwide 531
Brian Tokar
69 Speech of the IPCC Chairman, Rajendra K. Pachauri, at the Opening Session of the World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland 539
Rajendra K. Pachauri
Part XI Questions 542
Part XII Contesting Globalization: Alternatives and Opposition 545
Introduction 546
70 Counterhegemonic Globalization: Transnational Social Movements in the Contemporary Political Economy 550
Peter Evans
71 The Global Justice Movement 557
Geoffrey Pleyers
72 The Twelve Assumptions of an Alter‐Globalisation Strategy 563
Gustave Massiah
73 The Global South: The WTO and Deglobalization 568
Walden Bello
74 Ecological Balance in an Era of Globalization 573
Vandana Shiva
75 Porto Alegre Call for Mobilization 582
World Social Forum
76 When and Why Nationalism Beats Globalism 585
Jonathan Haidt
77 The Globalization of Rage: Why Today’s Extremism Looks Familiar 591
Pankaj Mishra
Part XII Questions 595
Index 597
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Frank J. Lechner is Professor of Sociology at Emory University, USA. He is the author of The Netherlands: Globalization and National Identity (2008), Globalization: The Making of World Society (2009), and The American Exception (2017), among other publications.
John Boli is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Emory University, USA. His publications cover world culture, global organizations, state authority, and education. He has co-authored a number of books including Constructing World Culture: International Nongovernmental Organizations Since 1875 (with George Thomas, 1999).