Anny Cazenave is a Senior Scientist at the Laboratoire d”Etudes en Geophysique et Oceanographie Spatiale in Toulouse. She is the Director for Earth Sciences at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern, Switzerland. Her research interests include space research to various earth sciences, such as geodesy, geophysics, sea level and climate, and global water cycle. She is the lead author of the IPCC Working Group I (4th and 5th assessment reports. She is a member of the Joint Science Committee of the World Climate Research Program, a member of the French Academy of Sciences, and a foreign member of the American, Indian and Belgian Academies of Sciences.
Nicolas Champollion completed his Ph D at the Laboratoire de Glaciologie et de Geophysique de l”Environnement (LGGE) in Grenoble, France, in 2013. His thesis is about the evolution of the snow surface on the Antarctica plateau from in situ and remote sensing observations. He continues his research work at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern, Switzerland, focusing on sea level budget and its components. An important part of his work at ISSI has been the organization of an international workshop on various themes, with among them water resources, sea level, clouds, and imaging spectroscopy technique.
Frank Paul has a diploma in meteorology from the University of Hamburg and a Ph.D. degree in physical geography from the University of Zurich, where he is currently working as a senior research scientist and group leader. He has worked in several national and international research projects related to glacier mapping and monitoring from space-borne optical sensors, distributed mass-balance modeling of glaciers, as well as geomorphometric analysis of DEMs and their application in glaciological studies. He was PI of the ESA Project Glob Glacier and is currently science leader of the follow-up project Glaciers_cci. He served as a lead author in Working Group I of the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in the cryosphere Chapter. He is guest editor of a special issue of the journal “Remote Sensing’ on the topic ‘Remote sensing of glaciers’ and member of the editorial board of the journal ‘Remote Sensing of Environment’
Jérôme Benveniste received his Ph D in Oceanography from Space from the University of Toulouse, France, in 1989. After a Post-Doc in space data assimilation in ocean models at MIT, Boston, USA, he moved to the European Space Agency. He has been at the Earth Observation data centre near Rome since 1992, where he is in charge of the ERS-1, ERS-2, ENVISAT, Cryo Sat and Sentinel-3 radar altimetry data exploitation. He interacts with ESA Principal Investigators, organises scientific symposia, and often launches Research and Development projects, including GOCE data exploitation. He was recognised as senior advisor at ESA in 2008. He is co-editor of a Springer book on Coastal Zone Radar Altimetry, published in 2011 and on Inland Water Altimetry, to be published in 2017. Jérôme Benveniste monitors the six-year Climate Change Initiative Sea Level Project, launched in 2009.
10 Ebooks bởi Frank Paul
Willis Horst & Ute Paul: Mission without Conquest
Almost sixty years ago, the Mennonite missionary team working in the Argentine Chaco decided to look for ways to be effective in their ministry while being faithful to Jesus’ lifestyle and teaching. …
Anny Cazenave & Nicolas Champollion: Integrative Study of the Mean Sea Level and Its Components
This volume presents the most recent results of global mean sea level variations over the satellite altimetry era (starting in the early 1990s) and associated contributions, such as glaciers and ice …
Frank Paul: Instrumente des Beschaffungscontrolling
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 1999 im Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften – Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, Note: 2.7, Hochschule Niederrhein in Mönchengladbach , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die vorliegende A …
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Akademie für Natur- und Umweltschutz (Umweltakademie) Baden-Württemberg & Claus-Peter Hutter: Warnsignale Klimawandel: Wird Wasser knapper?
Flut und Dürre im Wechsel: Wetterextreme treten seit einigen Jahrzehnten häufiger und heftiger auf. Der vom Menschen beeinflusste Klimawandel ist in vollem Gang. Das Schreckgespenst Hochwasser und au …
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Frank Paul & Ute Paul: Begleiten statt erobern
Sie kamen, sahen und. begannen zu verstehen. Ute und Frank Paul erzählen in diesem Buch die eindrückliche Geschichte des Equipo Menonita in Nordargentinien. Im Laufe mehrerer Jahrzehnte gelangten die …
tiếng Đức
Willis Horst & Frank Paul: Mission without Conquest
Almost sixty years ago, the Mennonite missionary team working in the Argentine Chaco decided to look for ways to be effective in their ministry while being faithful to Jesus’ lifestyle and teaching. …
Frank Paul: Sensible Nonsense.. Frank’s Comic Pack
Sensible nonsense is the first of its kind in the comic industry. it is an over 500 pages ebook containing jaw breaking yet sensible jokes. You can never get bored reading this. Go on read on and pic …
Frank Paul: Twelve Quizzes of Christmas
What do these people share in common, Anne Boleyn, Harry Bailey, Ira Gershwin and Peppa Pig? Legendary quizmaster Frank Paul invites us into our favourite Christmas stories with a twist. Try to outwi …
Frank Paul: Cryptic Pub Quiz Book
Are you a regular quizzer at your local pub? Do you fancy yourself a cryptic crossword whiz? Might you be up for a challenge? ‘Frank Paul is an extremely impressive chap and a dazzling quizzer’ Victo …