Geboren am 10. Juli 1792 in London; gestorben am 2. August 1848 in Langham/Norfolk. Frederick Marryat war der Sohn eines britischen Kolonialbeamten und seiner deutschen Ehefrau. Mit 14 Jahren meldete er sich zur Royal Navy. Er wurde 1812 zum Leutnant befördert. Nach 1820 befehligte er die Schaluppe Beaver, die den auf die Insel verbannten Ex-Kaiser Napoleon Bonaparte bewachte und die Nachricht von dessen Tod nach Europa brachte. 1823 wurde Marryat Befehlshaber der Korvette Larne, nahm an der Expedition gegen Burma teil und wurde zum Flottenkapitän ernannt. Seit 1830 widmete er sich ganz der Schriftstellerei.
290 Ebooks bởi Frederick Marryat
Frederick Marryat: Naval Officer
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. These are the …
Frederick Marryat: Mr. Midshipman Easy
In this stirring tale from the days of wooden ships, a young sailor enters the king’s service with some firm but untried egalitarian notions. "Equality Jack" — known formally as Mr. M …
Frederick Marryat: Phantom Ship
The Flying Dutchman, a legendary ghost ship, brings despair and death to all who encounter her. Cursed by the captain’s deadly sins, the seventeenth-century ship and its crew are doomed to sail and s …
Frederick Marryat & Michael Rosen: The Children of the New Forest
It was in the month of November in this year that King Charles, accompanied by Sir John Berkely, Ashburnham, and Legg, made his escape from Hampton Court, and rode as fast as the horses could carry t …
Claus H. Stumpff & Frederick Marryat: Der Pirat
D er Seeräuberschoner Avenger unter seinem Captain Cain versetzte die Handelsschifffahrt weltweit in Angst und Schrecken. Den Schiffsbesatzungen war bekannt, was sie erwartete, sollte je …
tiếng Đức
Claus H. Stumpff & Frederick Marryat: Der Schiffbruch der Pacific
A uf der Fahrt nach Australien geriet der Großsegler ›Pacific‹ in einen schweren Sturm. Er verlor alle Masten und strandete vor einer anscheinend unbewohnten Koralleninsel. Der Kapitän u …
tiếng Đức
Claus H. Stumpff & Frederick Marryat: The shipwreck of the PACIFIC
Contents T he Seagrave family are on a stout ship en route for Australia. In a storm the ship is struck by lightning, set on fire, and dismasted. The crew make off in the ship’s boats and the family …
Claus H. Stumpff & Frederick Marryat: Die drei Kutter
Die Erzählung handelt von drei Kuttern, von denen zwei – ein Zollschiff und eine Luxusyacht – vom englischen PLYMOUTH aus in See stechen, während der dritte auf französischer Seite in ST. MALO …
tiếng Đức
Frederick Marryat: Jacob Ehrlich
Marryat erzählt die Geschichte des jungen Jacob Ehrlich, der schon früh beide Eltern unter dramatischen Umstände verlor und nun beim Inhaber der Werft im Londoner Hafen aufwächst in dem seine Eltern …
tiếng Đức
Frederick Marryat: Der Flottenoffizier
Frank Mildmay ist ein verschlagener aber cleverer Seemann, der sich rasend schnell durch die Dienstgrade der Royal Navy des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts kämpft – koste es was es wolle … …
tiếng Đức
Frederick Marryat: Der fliegende Holländer
Mit ebenso viel Geschick als Geist hat sich Captain Marryat jener hochpoetischen Sage des ‘Fliegenden Holländers’, des ewigen Juden der Meere, angenommen und seine urkräftigen, farbenreichen Seebilde …
tiếng Đức
Frederick Marryat: Der Pascha
Obwohl Marryat für seine Seefahrerromane bekannt war zog es ihn manchmal auch in die Welt der Märchen- und Fantasieliteratur. Wie in diesem Buch in dem ein türkischer Pascha nicht genug bekommen kann …
tiếng Đức
Frederick Marryat: Newton Forster
Newton Forster ist Handelsschiffer. Er wird für einige Zeit auf ein Kriegsschiff gepresst, tritt aber dann in die Dienste der East-India-Company und wir erleben die Geschichte aus dieser Perspektive. …
tiếng Đức
Frederick Marryat: Newton Forster
Newton Forster ist Handelsschiffer. Er wird für einige Zeit auf ein Kriegsschiff gepresst, tritt aber dann in die Dienste der East-India-Company und wir erleben die Geschichte aus dieser Perspektive. …
tiếng Đức
Frederick Marryat: The Pirate
The Pirate by Frederick Marryat, first published in 1836. Among the few subjects which are still left at the disposal of the duly-gifted writer of romance is the Pirate. Not but that many have writte …
Frederick Marryat: Die drei Kutter
Frederick Marryat selbst kämpfte im Mittelmeer gegen Franzosen und Türken und war später Leiter einer Expedition nach Birma. In seiner Erzählung ‘Die drei Kutter’ schildert Marryat Vorkommisse, die e …
tiếng Đức
Frederick Marryat: Der Höllenhund
‘An den Nocken des Kutters hingen die toten Körper von Vanslyperken und Snarleyyow. Ein solches Ende nahmen einer der größten Schurken und einer der schnödesten Köter, die je existiert haben. Sie war …
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Frederick Marryat: Seekadett Jack Freimut
Das Buch (Originaltitel: ‘Mr Midshipman Easy’) erzählt die abenteuerliche Geschichte Jack Freimuts, der als Jugendlicher zur See geht, dort viele Abenteuer erlebt und so allmählich zu einem gereiften …
tiếng Đức
Frederick Marryat: Der arme Jack
Jack, Hauptfigur und Ich-Erzähler, berichtet die Geschichte seines Lebens. Im Jahre 1786 geboren, wächst er als Sohn eines Seefahrers auf und ist von Kindesbeinen an mit den Geschichten von Meer und …
tiếng Đức
Frederick Marryat: Die Ansiedler in Kanada
Im Jahre 1794 schickt sich die englische Familie Campbell, die in der Heimat Not und Unglück zu leiden hat, zur Niederlassung in Kanada an. Vor dem Hintergrund der kanadischen Wildnis bauen sich die …
tiếng Đức
Frederick Marryat: Der Kaperschiffer vor hundert Jahren
Der Ich-Erzähler Alexander Musgrave berichtet in einer Reihe von Briefen an eine junge Frau von seinen Erlebnissen als Kaperschiffer. So kapert er in der Karibik ein französisches Schiff, wird in ein …
tiếng Đức
Frederick Marryat: El buque fantasma
Esta clásica novela de aventuras escrita en 1837 desarrolla el mito del Holandés Errante. En ella se suceden episodios con piratas, naufragios, combates en tierras desconocidas, pero siempre originad …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Frederick Marryat: Poor Jack
It tells the story of Thomas Saunders, a sailor's son and neglected street urchin struggling to survive in Greenwich, London in the early 19th century. ("Poor Jack" was the title given …
Frederick Marryat: Masterman Ready
Masterman Ready, or the Wreck of the Pacific is a robinsonade children's novel published in 1841 by Frederick Marryat. The book follows the adventures of the Seagrave family who are shipwrecked a …
Frederick Marryat: Settlers in Canada
Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high qu …
Frederick Marryat: Newton Forster
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: Diary in America, Series Two
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: The Children of the New Forest
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: Japhet, in Search of a Father
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: Diary in America, Series One
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: The Three Cutters
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: The Pacha of Many Tales
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: Mr. Midshipman Easy
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: Poor Jack
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: The Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet in California, Sonora, and Western Texas
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: Frank Mildmay : Or, The Naval Officer
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: Snarleyyow, or, the Dog Fiend
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: The Phantom Ship
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: Newton Forster: The Merchant Service
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: Jacob Faithful
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: The Privateersman
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: The Privateer’s-Man: One hundred Years Ago
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: The Mission; or Scenes in Africa
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: The Settlers in Canada
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: The Mission
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: Valerie
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: The Pirate
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: Percival Keene
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: The King’s Own
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: Olla Podrida
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: Peter Simple
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: Masterman Ready: The Wreck of the ‘Pacific’
Frederick Marryat was a popular 19th century novelist best known for pioneering the genre of sea stories and for writing other action and adventure books. An acquaintance of Charles Dickens, Marryat’ …
Frederick Marryat: Phantom Ship
Frederick Marryat was an English Royal Navy officer turned writer. and is best known for the semi-autobiographical novel Mr. Midshipman Easy. The Phantom Ship is one of his classics. …
Frederick Marryat: The Children of the New Forest
Frederick Marryat (1792-1848) was an English Royal Navy officer turned writer. Marryat is best known for the semi-autobiographical novel Mr. Midshipman Easy as well as The Children of the New Forest. …
Frederick Marryat: Mr. Midshipman Easy
Frederick Marryat (1792-1848) was an English Royal Navy officer turned writer. Marryat is best known for the semi-autobiographical novel Mr. Midshipman Easy as well as The Children of the New Forest. …
Frederick Marryat: Children of the New Forest
This children’s classic, set in the period of civil unrest that shook England to its core in the seventeenth century, follows the travails that befall a group of children after their father, an offic …
Frederick Marryat: Children of the New Forest
This children’s classic, set in the period of civil unrest that shook England to its core in the seventeenth century, follows the travails that befall a group of children after their father, an offic …
Frederick Marryat: Peter Simple; and, The Three Cutters, Vol. 1-2
pub thank you for your continued support and wish to present you this new edition. Without yielding implicit credence to the handsome pedigree of the Marryats supplied by Mrs Lean, the novel …
Frederick Marryat: Privateer’s-Man One hundred Years Ago
pub thank you for your continued support and wish to present you this new edition. We cruise off Hispaniola – Capture a French Ship – Continue our Cruise – Make a Nocturnal Attack upon a Ric …
Frederick Marryat & Edmund Joseph Sullivan: Pirate, and The Three Cutters
pub thank you for your continued support and wish to present you this new edition. It was in the latter part of the month of June, of the year 179 – , that the angry waves of the Bay of Bisc …
Frederick Marryat: Masterman Ready
pub present you this new edition. It was in the month of October, 18- , that the Pacific, a large ship, was running before a heavy gale of wind in the middle of the vast Atlantic Ocean. She …
Frederick Marryat: Children of the New Forest
Captain Frederick Marryat (10 July 1792 – 9 August 1848) was a British Royal Navy officer, novelist, and a contemporary and acquaintance of Charles Dickens, noted today as an early pioneer of the sea …
Frederick Marryat: Mr. Midshipman Easy
Captain Frederick Marryat (1792-1848) was an English novelist, a contemporary and acquaintance of Charles Dickens, noted today as an early pioneer of the sea story. "Mr. Midshipman Easy" is …
Frederick Marryat: Poor Jack
It tells the story of Thomas Saunders, a sailor’s son and neglected street urchin struggling to survive in Greenwich, London in the early 19th century. (‘Poor Jack’ was the title given by the waterfr …
Frederick Marryat: Jacob Faithful (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
This 1834 maritime adventure transports the reader to London’s fabled port, aboard the lighters that ply the shifting tides of the Thames. Jacob loses both parents, becomes adopted by a wharf owner, …
Frederick Marryat: The King’s Own (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
The good captain’s second novel, published in 1830, pits an admiral’s grandson against smugglers, pirates, sharks, and the French. After his father is hanged in a notorious mutiny and the death of hi …
Frederick Marryat: The Privateersman (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
Alexander Musgrave narrates his own yarn as a legalized pirate, sailing under a letter of marque to harass the enemy. The story includes the capture of a French ship, shark attacks and slavery, and M …
Frederick Marryat: Japhet, in Search of a Father (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
Reared as a foundling, and apprenticed to an apothecary, Japhet’s good looks and matchless talent for lying carry him through the guises of tramp, mountebank, quack doctor, gentleman-about-town, and …
Frederick Marryat: Masterman Ready (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
Marryat wrote this 1841 novel for his children, who requested a sequel to Wyss’s Swiss Family Robinson. The father tried to oblige with the original tale about a family shipwrecked on a desert island …
Frederick Marryat: Mr. Midshipman Easy (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
This semiautobiographical 1836 novel of the Napoleonic Wars reflects the author’s quarter century in the British Navy. Young, spoiled Jack Easy finds his egalitarian ideas challenged when he joins th …
Frederick Marryat: Newton Forster (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
Pirates, madness, and murder feature in this early (1832) high-seas thriller. Impressed into the British Navy, troubled young Newton Forster endures imprisonment in France and a shipwreck in the West …
Frederick Marryat: The Phantom Ship (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
Including a famous chapter starring a werewolf, Captain Marryat’s 1839 supernatural sea saga retells the legend of The Flying Dutchman. Philip Vanderdecken is on a maritime quest to rescue his cursed …
Frederick Marryat: Poor Jack (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
In nineteenth-century parlance, a “poor jack” is a waterfront urchin, which is how we meet sailor’s son Thomas Saunders in Greenwich, England. Swept into the English Channel with his friend Bramble, …
Frederick Marryat: The Settlers in Canada (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
Informed by Marryat’s military service in Canada, this 1844 children’s novel is set in the North American wilderness of the 1770s. The Campbell family, stripped of its estate, flees to settle in a ne …
Frederick Marryat: The Children of the New Forest (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
Set during the English Civil War and the Commonwealth (1642-1660), this novel for young readers—published in 1847—remains one of Marryat’s most popular. The aristocratic children of Colonel Beverly, …
Frederick Marryat: Gesammelte Werke Frederick Marryats
Werke Frederick Marryats in E-Book-Ausgabe. Diese Sammlung der Werke des berühmten englischen Schriftstellers enthält: Der Pascha Die Erzählung des Kameeltreibers. Geschichte des griechischen Sklaven …
tiếng Đức
Frederick Marryat: La mujer loba
La mujer loba de las Montañas Harz (The Werewolf of the Hartz Mountain) es un relato de hombres lobo del escritor inglés Frederick Marryat (1792-1848), publicado originalmente en el cap …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Frederick Marryat & August Nemo: Essential Novelists – Frederick Marryat
Welcome to the Essential Novelists book series, were we present to you the best works of remarkable authors. August Nemo has chosen the two most important and meaningful novels of Frederick Marryatwh …
Frederick Marryat: Der Pascha (Abenteuerroman)
Dieses e Book: ‘Der Pascha (Abenteuerroman)’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Kapitän Frederick Marryat (1792-1848) war e …
tiếng Đức
Captain Charles Johnson & Howard Pyle: THE BOOK OF PIRATES: 70+ Adventure Classics, Legends & True History of the Notorious Buccaneers
Enjoy the best sea adventures, treasure hunt tales and bloody battles, along with learning the truth behind the legends, the real life stories that inspired so many writers and produced so many belov …
Captain Charles Johnson & Howard Pyle: Dead Men Tell No Tales – 60+ Pirate Novels, Treasure-Hunt Tales & Sea Adventure Classics
This carefully crafted ebook collection is formatted for your e Reader with a functional and detailed table of contents: Treasure Island (R. L. Stevenson) Blackbeard: Buccaneer (R. D. Paine) Pieces o …
Frederick Marryat: Rattlin, der Reffer
Dieses e Book: ‘Rattlin, der Reffer’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Aus dem Buch: ‘Alles dies war die Vorbereitung zu e …
tiếng Đức
Théophile Gautier & William Blake: DEEP, DARK & UNSETTLING: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition
Who doesn’t love a bit of surprise, danger, eerie atmosphere, and just the right hint of romance! So, here’s presenting to you our best ever gothic collection, with all the well known classics, all t …
Edgar Allan Poe & Mary Shelley: 60 GOTHIC CLASSICS – Boxed Set: Dark Fantasy Novels, Supernatural Mysteries, Horror Tales & Gothic Romances
This meticulously edited collection is formatted for your e Reader with a functional and detailed table of contents: Frankenstein The Orphan of the Rhine Nightmare Abbey The Tell-Tale Heart The Fall …
Erckmann-Chatrian & Nizida: Mysteries for Halloween
This meticulously edited ebook collection is formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices: Detective Stories: The Purloined Letter (Edgar Allan Poe) A Scanda …
Saki & Nizida: SINISTER OMENS: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries
There is no better reading sensation than feeling the end of your hair raised in a nail-biting suspense. Here’s presenting you our biggest ever supernatural collection to give you many hours of pleas …
Nizida & Théophile Gautier: Beware The Silence: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries
e-artnow presents you this meticulously edited horror collection carefully selected gothic classics, greatest supernatural mysteries, ghost stories and macabre tales: Introduction: Supernatural Horro …
Nizida & Mary Shelley: The Horror Beyond Life’s Edge: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales
Are you ready to step over the edge? This grand horror collection contains the greatest supernatural mysteries, gothic novels, dark romances & macabre tales: Bram Stoker: Dracula The Squaw… John Will …
Nizida & Saki: Something Wicked: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries
‘Something Wicked: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries’ presents an unparalleled compilation, intricately weaving the profound themes of human fear, supernatural intrigue, an …
Erckmann-Chatrian & Nizida: Halloween Mysteries
Halloween Mysteries is a compelling anthology that encapsulates a mesmerizing blend of tales, each echoing the chilling whispers and shadowy corners of the Halloween spirit. Encompassing an expansive …
Horace Walpole & William Thomas Beckford: 60 Gothic Classics
Spanning over two centuries of literary innovation, ’60 Gothic Classics’ is a profound exploration of the gothic tradition in literature, enveloping readers in a world of psychological terror, romant …
Théophile Gautier & William Blake: Into Eternal Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition
‘Into Eternal Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition’ presents a rich tapestry of haunting narratives and profound horror that delve into the human psyche and supernatural enigmas. This anthol …
Edgar Allan Poe & Mary Shelley: The Greatest Gothic Classics
The Greatest Gothic Classics is a momentous anthology that showcases an exceptional array of literary styles and themes, encapsulating the darker contours of human experience and imagination. This co …
Horace Walpole & William Thomas Beckford: The Rise of Deathwatch
If the winter is coming then can a cup of hot coffee and a good spine-chilling book be far behind!? Get transported to the dark, ominous, and gothic atmosphere of the forgotten times, and relive the …
Erckmann-Chatrian & Nizida: Tingling Treats for Halloween: Detective Yarns, Supernatural Mysteries & Ghost Stories
This unique horror collection is meticulously edited & formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Contents: Suspense Stories: The Box with the Iron Clamps …
Frederick Marryat: Diary in America, Series One
Frederick Marryat’s ‘Diary in America, Series One’ offers readers a fascinating firsthand account of the author’s travels across America in the early 19th century. Written in a diary format, the book …
Frederick Marryat: The Pirate
Frederick Marryat’s ‘The Pirate’ is a daring tale of adventure set in the Golden Age of Piracy. Marryat’s vivid descriptions and meticulous attention to detail bring to life the thrilling escapades o …
Frederick Marryat: Mr. Midshipman Easy
Frederick Marryat’s ‘Mr. Midshipman Easy’ is a gripping naval adventure novel set in the early 19th century. The book follows the journey of Jack Easy, a young and naive midshipman who navigates thro …
Frederick Marryat: The Poacher; Or, Joseph Rushbrook
Frederick Marryat’s ‘The Poacher; Or, Joseph Rushbrook’ is a captivating novel that explores themes of social class, morality, and redemption. Set in the English countryside, the story follows the li …
Frederick Marryat: Mr. Midshipman Easy
In Frederick Marryat’s novel ‘Mr. Midshipman Easy’, readers are transported into the world of naval life during the Napoleonic Wars. The book follows the adventures of the young and naive protagonist …
Frederick Marryat: The Three Cutters
Frederick Marryat’s ‘The Three Cutters’ is a captivating maritime novel that encapsulates the essence of adventure and danger on the high seas. Written in a vivid and engaging narrative style, the bo …
Frederick Marryat: Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet
In ‘Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet’ by Frederick Marryat, readers are taken on a thrilling journey through the eyes of the titular character as he navigates various exotic locales and enco …
Frederick Marryat: The Pacha of Many Tales
Frederick Marryat’s ‘The Pacha of Many Tales’ is a collection of captivating stories that showcase his mastery of storytelling and ability to intricately weave together complex narratives. Set in var …
Frederick Marryat: Jacob Faithful
Frederick Marryat’s ‘Jacob Faithful’ is a captivating novel that delves into the life of the eponymous protagonist as he navigates the world of the Thames River in early 19th century England. Marryat …
Frederick Marryat: Der Pascha (Abenteuerroman)
Frederick Marryats Der Pascha ist ein fesselnder Abenteuerroman, der die Geschichte eines jungen britischen Seemanns erzählt, der im 19. Jahrhundert in die Sklaverei gerät und ein aufregendes Abenteu …
tiếng Đức
Captain Charles Johnson & Howard Pyle: The Jolly Roger Tales: 60+ Pirate Novels, Treasure-Hunt Tales & Sea Adventures
The ‘The Jolly Roger Tales: 60+ Pirate Novels, Treasure-Hunt Tales & Sea Adventures’ serves as a treasure chest of maritime narratives, uniting a spectrum of voices that sail across various oceans of …
Frederick Marryat: Poor Jack
Frederick Marryat’s ‘Poor Jack’ is a captivating and poignant novel that provides a realistic portrayal of life at sea in the early 19th century. The book explores themes of social class, friendship, …
Frederick Marryat: The Settlers in Canada
Frederick Marryat’s ‘The Settlers in Canada’ is a compelling novel that transports readers to the harsh yet beautiful wilderness of Canada, where a group of British settlers struggle to make a new li …
Frederick Marryat: Snarleyyow; or, The Dog Fiend
In Frederick Marryat’s novel, ‘Snarleyyow; or, The Dog Fiend’, readers are taken on a thrilling adventure full of maritime exploits, humor, and social commentary. Marryat’s classic style of storytell …
Frederick Marryat: Percival Keene
In Frederick Marryat’s novel ‘Percival Keene’, readers are taken on a thrilling maritime adventure filled with daring escapades and complex characters. The story is set against the backdrop of the Na …
Frederick Marryat: Newton Forster; Or, The Merchant Service
Frederick Marryat’s ‘Newton Forster; Or, The Merchant Service’ is a captivating maritime novel that delves into the life of the titular character, Newton Forster, as he navigates the perils of the me …
Frederick Marryat: The Privateersman
In Frederick Marryat’s novel, ‘The Privateersman, ‘ readers are immersed in a thrilling tale of adventure on the high seas during the Napoleonic Wars. Marryat’s vivid descriptions and engaging storyt …
Frederick Marryat: Masterman Ready; Or, The Wreck of the ‘Pacific’
Frederick Marryat’s ‘Masterman Ready; Or, The Wreck of the Pacific’ is a captivating adventure novel that follows the survivors of a shipwreck as they strive to survive on a deserted island. The book …
Frederick Marryat: The King’s Own
Frederick Marryat’s The King’s Own is a captivating naval adventure novel set during the Napoleonic Wars. With its vivid descriptions of life at sea and thrilling battles, Marryat’s work stands out a …
Frederick Marryat: The Privateer’s-Man, One hundred Years Ago
Frederick Marryat’s ‘The Privateer’s-Man, One hundred Years Ago’ is a gripping tale set in the early 18th century that follows the adventures of a young privateer navigating the treacherous waters of …
Frederick Marryat: The Settlers in Canada
Frederick Marryat’s ‘The Settlers in Canada’ is a compelling narrative that delves into the challenges faced by a group of British settlers as they establish a new life in Canada. Marryat’s vivid des …
Frederick Marryat: The Pacha of Many Tales
Frederick Marryat’s ‘The Pacha of Many Tales’ is a captivating collection of stories that take the reader on a journey through exotic lands and adventurous encounters. Marryat’s literary style, chara …
Frederick Marryat: Valerie
Frederick Marryat’s novel, Valerie, is a captivating piece of literature that delves into the themes of love, betrayal, and societal expectations during the Victorian era. Written in a style typical …
Frederick Marryat: Diary in America, Series Two
Frederick Marryat’s ‘Diary in America, Series Two’ is a compelling travelogue that follows the author’s journey through America in the mid-19th century. Marryat’s vivid descriptions of the American l …
Frederick Marryat: The Mission
Frederick Marryat’s novel ‘The Mission’ is a riveting maritime adventure tale that follows the protagonist, Captain Russell, as he embarks on a perilous journey across the high seas. Marryat’s litera …
Frederick Marryat: The Pirate, and The Three Cutters
In Frederick Marryat’s novel ‘The Pirate, and The Three Cutters’, readers are transported into the thrilling world of adventure on the high seas, where pirates and naval battles reign supreme. Marrya …
Frederick Marryat: The Mission; or Scenes in Africa
In Frederick Marryat’s novel, ‘The Mission; or Scenes in Africa, ‘ readers are transported into the heart of Africa through the captivating narrative of a group of individuals on a daring mission. Ma …
Frederick Marryat: Olla Podrida
Frederick Marryat’s ‘Olla Podrida’ is a captivating collection of short stories and sketches that provides a delightful glimpse into the daily life and social interactions of various characters. Marr …
Frederick Marryat: Peter Simple
Frederick Marryat’s novel ‘Peter Simple’ is a classic work of naval fiction that follows the adventures of the young and inexperienced midshipman Peter Simple as he navigates life at sea. Marryat’s v …
Frederick Marryat: The Phantom Ship
In Frederick Marryat’s novel, ‘The Phantom Ship, ‘ readers are transported to the high seas of the 18th century where they encounter a haunting supernatural tale intertwined with maritime adventure. …
Frederick Marryat: Poor Jack
Frederick Marryat’s novel ‘Poor Jack’ is a bildungsroman that follows the life of the titular character from childhood to adulthood as he navigates the harsh realities of life at sea. Written in the …
Frederick Marryat: The Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet in California, Sonora, and Western Texas
In Frederick Marryat’s ‘The Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet in California, Sonora, and Western Texas, ‘ readers are taken on a thrilling journey through the Western frontier of the United S …
Captain Charles Johnson & Howard Pyle: The Pirates’ Chronicles: Greatest Sea Adventure Books & Treasure Hunt Tales
‘The Pirates’ Chronicles: Greatest Sea Adventure Books & Treasure Hunt Tales’ is a compelling anthology that encapsulates the thrilling essence of piracy and maritime adventure across diverse literar …
Frederick Marryat: Rattlin, der Reffer: Abenteuerroman
Frederick Marryats Werk ‘Rattlin, der Reffer: Abenteuerroman’ ist ein spannender Abenteuerroman, der von den Abenteuern des jungen Seemanns Rattlin erzählt. Der Autor präsentiert den Lesern eine fasz …
tiếng Đức
Nizida & Mary Shelley: The Light Has Been Broken: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales
‘The Light Has Been Broken: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales’ showcases a vast panorama of horror and supernatural literature, featuring works by prominent figures ranging f …
Nizida & Théophile Gautier: The Power of Darkness: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries
The Power of Darkness: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries is an expansive anthology that showcases a rich tapestry of tales from the realm of the eerie and the uncanny. This …
Erckmann-Chatrian & Nizida: Supernatural Mysteries: 60+ Horror Tales, Ghost Stories & Murder Mysteries
Supernatural Mysteries: 60+ Horror Tales, Ghost Stories & Murder Mysteries’ is an extraordinary anthology that delves into the eerie and the unexplained through an array of literary styles, from the …
H. P. Lovecraft & Edgar Allan Poe: The Greatest Gothic Classics of All Time
e-artnow present to you this meticulously edited collection of the greatest gothic & macabre classics of all time: Content: Frankenstein The Orphan of the Rhine Nightmare Abbey The Tell-Tale Heart Th …
Frederick Marryat: Monsieur Violet’s Reisen und Abenteuer in Californien, Sonora und dem Westen von Texas
Der wohlhabende Fürst Seravalle gelangt bei seiner Weltreise an die amerikanische Westküste und lernt die Indianer des Stammes der Shoshonen kennen. Beeindruckt von ihrer Lebensweise und ihrem angebo …
tiếng Đức
Charles Johnson & Robert Louis Stevenson: Deadly Sails – Complete Collection
e-artnow presents to you this unique collection of sea adventure novels and true stories of the most notorious pirates. History of Pirates of the Caribbean: Contents: The King of Pirates: Of Captain …
Robert Louis Stevenson & Jack London: The Reign of the Black Flag
e-artnow presents to you this unique collection of pirate tales, sea adventure novels and true stories of the most notorious pirates: True Pirates of the Caribbean: The King of Pirates: Of Captain Av …
H. P. Lovecraft & Edgar Allan Poe: Gothic Classics: 60+ Books in One Volume
‘Gothic Classics: 60+ Books in One Volume’ epitomizes the depth and diversity of the gothic genre, presenting a sweeping tableau of narrative forms ranging from horror and the macabre to romanticism …
Frederick Marryat: The Phantom Ship
The Phantom Ship (1839) is a novel by Frederick Marryat. Inspired by the legend of the Flying Dutchman, a fabled ghost ship doomed to sail the seas until the end of time, The Phantom Ship is a tale o …
Frederick Marryat: The Children of the New Forest
First Published in 1847, “The Children of the New Forest” is the enduringly popular children’s novel by British author and Royal Navy officer Frederick Marryat. “The Children of the New Forest” was a …
Frederick Marryat: Mr. Midshipman Easy
Mr. Midshipman Easy (1836) is a novel by Frederick Marryat. Inspired by the author’s experience as a captain in the Royal Navy, Mr. Midshipman Easy is a tale of bravery, foolishness, and the manifold …
Frederick Marryat: Merirosvo
Frederick Marryatin teos ‘Merirosvo’ on klassinen seikkailutarina merirosvoista ja heidän seikkailuistaan merellä. Kirja on kirjoitettu eloisalla ja yksityiskohtaisella kielellä, joka kuvaa täydellis …
tiếng Phần lan
Frederick Marryat: Lentävä hollantilainen
Frederick Marryatin kirjoittama ‘Lentävä hollantilainen’ on kiehtova meriseikkailu, joka kuvaa merimiesten elämää 1800-luvun alussa. Teos on tunnettu tiiviistä kerronnastaan, joka upottaa lukijan suo …
tiếng Phần lan
Frederick Marryat: Wreck of the Pacific
Wreck of the Pacific (1841) is a novel by Frederick Marryat. Inspired by the author’s experience as a captain in the Royal Navy, Wreck of the Pacific is a tale of disaster and survival on the high se …
Frederick Marryat: Peter Simple
Peter Simple (1834) is a novel by Frederick Marryat. Inspired by the author’s experience as a captain in the Royal Navy, Peter Simple is a tale of bravery, foolishness, and the manifold reasons for m …
Frederick Marryat: The Children of the New Forest
The Children of the New Forest (1847) is a novel by Frederick Marryat. Although Marryat is more widely known for novels inspired by his experience as a captain in the Royal Navy, The Children of the …
Frederick Marryat: Mr. Midshipman Easy
Midshipman easy is an open-hearted joyful led, who joins the navy of admiral Nelson lead by the romantic ideals planted in his head by his father, a philosopher. Having gone through Napoleonic wars, …
Frederick Marryat & Michael Rosen: Children of the New Forest
A classic tale of historical adventure to be enjoyed by children and adults alike, set against the turbulent background of the English Civil War, as well as a charming coming-of-age story It was in t …
Frederick Marryat: Frederick Marryat – The Complete Collection
26 Complete Works of Frederick Marryat Diary in America, Series One Diary in America, Series Two Jacob Faithful Japhet, in Search of a Father Masterman Ready Mr. Midshipman Easy Newton Forster Olla P …
Frederick Marryat: Percival Keene
Percival Keene (1842) is a novel by Frederick Marryat. Inspired by the author’s experience as a captain in the Royal Navy, Percival Keene is a tale of bravery, identity, and the manifold reasons for …
Frederick Marryat: Uudenmetsän lapset
Frederick Marryatin teos ‘Uudenmetsän lapset’ kuvaa seikkailujen ja jännityksen täyteistä tarinaa trooppisilla saarilla. Kirja yhdistää seikkailutarinaa ja kasvutarinaa, luoden mielenkiintoisen ja mo …
tiếng Phần lan
Claus H. Stumpff & Frederick Marryat: Das Phantomschiff
Die Geschichte handelt von Kapitän William Vanderdecken, der von den Seefahrern wegen seiner Zornesausbrüche gefürchtet war. Trotz eines nahenden Orkans will er noch das Kap der Guten Hoffnung umschi …
tiếng Đức
Frederick Marryat: Mr. Midshipman Easy (Historical Novel)
In Frederick Marryat’s novel ‘Mr. Midshipman Easy, ‘ readers are transported to the world of the British Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars. The book follows the young and naive protagonist, Jack …
Robert Louis Stevenson & Jack London: The Jolly Roger Boxed-Set
In ‘The Jolly Roger Boxed-Set’, an anthology teeming with tales of adventure and the high seas, readers embark on a journey through a panorama of narrative styles and epochs. This collection showcase …
Charles Johnson & Robert Louis Stevenson: The Pirate Bay Collection: History, Trues Stories & Most Famous Pirate Novels
The Pirate Bay Collection: History, True Stories & Most Famous Pirate Novels is an expansive anthology that sweeps through the murky waters of piracy across ages and oceans. This collection showcases …
Claus H. Stumpff & Frederick Marryat: Pascha Abu Hassan und sein Wesir
A bu Hassan wird zum Pascha über Kairo und die umliegenden Provinzen des Osmanischen Reiches ernannt. Zum WESIR machte er seinen Barbier Mustapha, der ihm unterwürfigst diente. Beide begaben sic …
tiếng Đức
Frederick Marryat: Jack Rustig
De roman ‘Jack Rustig’ van Frederick Marryat is een klassieker in de Engelse literatuur die zich voornamelijk richt op het avontuur en de maritieme wereld. Het boek is geschreven in een meeslepende e …
tiếng Hà Lan
Frederick Marryat: Frank Mildmay, De zeeofficier
Frederick Marryat’s ‘Frank Mildmay, De zeeofficier’ is een boeiende en meeslepende avonturenroman die de levensloop van de jonge marineofficier Frank Mildmay volgt. Het boek biedt een realistische ki …
tiếng Hà Lan
Frederick Marryat: Stuurman Flink; of, De schipbreuk van ‘De Vrede’
Schipbreukverhalen zijn een geliefd thema in de 19e-eeuwse literatuur, en Frederick Marryat’s boek ‘Stuurman Flink; of, De schipbreuk van De Vrede’ is hier geen uitzondering op. In dit meeslepende ve …
tiếng Hà Lan
Frederick Marryat: Mr Midshipman Easy
A rollicking sea adventure, set in the time of the Napoleonic Wars, this book follows the escapades of a young midshipman who enters the King’s service with some ideas that run badly afoul of the sta …
Frederick Marryat: Newton Forster or The Merchant Service
Newton Forster is a troubled young man who survives impressment into the Navy, imprisonment in France, and a shipwreck in the West Indies before gaining a post on a British East India Company vessel …
Frederick Marryat: Snarleyyow or the Dog Fiend
Set in 1699 and framed around the Jacobite (supporters of the overthrown king, James II) conspiracies of the time, Lieutenant Cornelius Vanslyperken is the greedy and treacherous commander of a small …
Frederick Marryat: King’s Own
After his father is hanged during the mutiny at the Nore (1797), William Seymour grows up on board a ship in the Royal Navy and later is impressed into the crew of a daring smuggler. This amusing and …
Frederick Marryat: Privateersman
Privateers were essentially freelance ships, sanctioned during wartime to sail and do battle on behalf of adversary governments. This tale follows Alexander Musgrave, a privateer-turned-adventurer, a …
Frederick Marryat: Frank Mildmay or the Naval Officer
Frank Mildmay is a rogue and a rascal who cuts a memorable swath as he moves up the ranks of the early 19th-century Royal Navy. Whether seducing pretty girls ashore, braving hurricanes at sea, or scr …
Frederick Marryat: Poor Jack (Annotated)
- This edition includes the following editor’s introduction: Poverty in London during the 19th century and the splendorous Victorian Era
Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: Beware The Silence
Beware The Silence emerges as a formidable anthology that weaves together the mastery of iconic writers spanning several centuries, all united under the complex theme of silence and its myriad interp …
Jules Verne & Charles Dickens: Lethal Sails – Complete Pirate Collection
Lethal Sails – Complete Pirate Collection stands as a monumental anthology, weaving together the audacious spirits of adventure, the high seas, and the untamed frontiers navigated by pirates and sail …
Charles Dickens & Robert Louis Stevenson: The Reign of Jolly Roger
The Reign of Jolly Roger’ is a riveting anthology that encapsulates the swashbuckling allure of piracy through an array of literary styles, ranging from the romanticized adventure tales of the 19th c …
Frederick Marryat: Der Neue Robinson
‘Der Neue Robinson’ ist ein Kinderroman, der die Abenteuer der Familie Seagrave schildert, die auf See Schiffbruch erleidet und auf einer einsamen Insel mit Hilfe des erfahrenen Seemanns überlebt. Di …
tiếng Đức
Frederick Marryat: Peter Simpel
‘Peter Simpel’ beschreibt die Marinekarriere eines jungen Mannes in der Zeit der britischen Herrschaft über die Meere im frühen 19. Die Hauptfigur wird als der Narr der Familie, Sohn eines Pfarrers u …
tiếng Đức
Frederick Marryat: Mr. Midshipman Easy
In Frederick Marryat’s novel ‘Mr. Midshipman Easy, ‘ readers are taken on a captivating journey through the life of the young and naive Jack Easy as he navigates the challenges of the Royal Navy in t …
Frederick Marryat: Percival Keene
In ‘Percival Keene’ by Frederick Marryat, readers are transported to the thrilling world of the British Navy during the Napoleonic Wars. The novel follows the young and ambitious Percival Keene as he …
Frederick Marryat: Joseph Rushbrook, der Wilddieb
Joseph Rushbrook, der Wilddieb ist ein Abenteuerroman, der in der Grafschaft Devonshire im Süden Englands spielt. Frederick Marryat ist als früher Pionier der nautischen Literatur bekannt, insbesonde …
tiếng Đức
Frederick Marryat: Masterman Ready
Masterman Ready, oder der Schiffbruch des Pacific ist ein 1841 von Frederick Marryat veröffentlichter Kinderroman. Das Buch handelt von den Abenteuern der Familie Seagrave, die auf See Schiffbruch er …
tiếng Đức
Frederick Marryat: The King’s Own
Frederick Marryat’s novel, ‘The King’s Own, ‘ is a classic maritime adventure story set during the Napoleonic Wars. The book follows the exploits of the young officer, Frank Mildmay, as he navigates …
Frederick Marryat: Valerie
Frederick Marryat’s novel ‘Valerie’ is a captivating tale set in the early 19th century, exploring themes of love, betrayal, and societal expectations. Marryat’s writing style is characterized by its …
Frederick Marryat: The Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet in California, Sonora, and Western Texas
Frederick Marryat’s ‘The Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet in California, Sonora, and Western Texas’ is a captivating travelogue that takes the reader on a journey through the rugged landscap …
Frederick Marryat: The Mission
Frederick Marryat’s ‘The Mission’ is a thrilling naval adventure novel that takes readers on a journey through the high seas, filled with intrigue, action, and heroism. Set in the early 19th century, …
Frederick Marryat: Masterman Ready; Or, The Wreck of the ‘Pacific’
Frederick Marryat’s ‘Masterman Ready; Or, The Wreck of the Pacific’ is a captivating maritime adventure novel that follows the story of the shipwrecked Seagrave family as they struggle to survive on …
Frederick Marryat: Olla Podrida
In Frederick Marryat’s novel, ‘Olla Podrida, ‘ readers are immersed in a thrilling tale of adventure and romance set against the backdrop of the British Royal Navy during the early 19th century. Marr …
Frederick Marryat: The Mission; or Scenes in Africa
In Frederick Marryat’s novel ‘The Mission; or Scenes in Africa’, readers are taken on a captivating journey through the African continent. Through vivid descriptions and engaging storytelling, Marrya …
Frederick Marryat: The Pacha of Many Tales
Frederick Marryat’s ‘The Pacha of Many Tales’ is a collection of captivating stories that blend adventure, humor, and cultural insights. Written in Marryat’s characteristic lively and engaging style, …
Frederick Marryat: Peter Simple
In Frederick Marryat’s novel ‘Peter Simple’, readers are taken on a thrilling sea adventure set during the Napoleonic Wars. This maritime fiction masterpiece not only showcases Marryat’s detailed des …
Frederick Marryat: Mr. Midshipman Easy
In Frederick Marryat’s novel ‘Mr. Midshipman Easy’, readers are taken on a humorous and adventurous journey through the life of a naive young midshipman in the British Navy during the Napoleonic Wars …
Frederick Marryat: The Three Cutters
Frederick Marryat’s ‘The Three Cutters’ is a captivating maritime novel that follows the adventures of a trio of smuggler vessels along the English coast. Marryat’s detailed descriptions and realisti …
Frederick Marryat: The Settlers in Canada
In ‘The Settlers in Canada’ by Frederick Marryat, the reader is immersed in a vivid depiction of the struggles and triumphs of early settlers in Canada. The book showcases Marryat’s ability to blend …
Frederick Marryat: The Phantom Ship
Frederick Marryat’s ‘The Phantom Ship’ is a gripping tale of mystery and adventure set in the maritime world of the 19th century. The novel explores themes of supernatural occurrences, revenge, and t …
Frederick Marryat: Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet
In Frederick Marryat’s ‘Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet’, readers are transported into a vivid and captivating world filled with daring escapades and unexpected twists. Written in a style t …
Xenophon: The Complete Works of Xenophon
Xenophon’s ‘The Complete Works of Xenophon’ is a collection of historical and philosophical writings that offers a unique insight into ancient Greek life and thought. Written in a clear and straightf …
L. Carroll Judson: The Signers of the Declaration of Independence
L. Carroll Judson’s ‘The Signers of the Declaration of Independence’ is a meticulously researched and detailed account of the lives and contributions of the individuals who signed this monumental doc …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: The Book of Gothic Tales
The Book of Gothic Tales is a compelling anthology that gathers the most haunting and mesmerizing stories from a wide array of literary giants spanning the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries. With …
Jules Verne & Charles Dickens: The Great Pirate Adventures
The Great Pirate Adventures anthology is a compendium of swashbuckling tales that traverse the vast oceans of literary craftsmanship, piloted by some of history’s most iconic authors. This collection …
Frederick Marryat: Mr. Midshipman Easy
In Frederick Marryat’s novel ‘Mr. Midshipman Easy, ‘ readers are taken on a thrilling maritime adventure through the eyes of the young and naive protagonist, Jack Easy. The book is filled with vivid …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: 60 Gothic Classics
60 Gothic Classics is an unparalleled collection that showcases the breathtaking scope and diversity of the gothic genre, from its nascent shadows in the 18th century to its refined complexities in t …
Frederick Marryat: Der Pirat
Der Seeräuber-Schoner Avenger unter seinem Captain Cain versetzte die Handelsschifffahrt weltweit in Angst und Schrecken. Den Schiffsbesatzungen war bekannt, was sie erwartete, sollte je ihr Schiff v …
tiếng Đức
Charles Dickens & Friedrich Schiller: Mystique of the Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics
Mystique of the Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics is an unparalleled compilation that traverses the shadowy corridors of Gothic literature, presenting an extraordinary selection of works from some of th …
Jules Verne & Charles Dickens: The Black Flag Tales – Sea Adventure Novels
The Black Flag Tales – Sea Adventure Novels anthology is a meticulously curated collection that plunges readers into the turbulent waters of classic adventure and maritime lore. Encompassing a remark …
Frederick Marryat: Jacob Faithful
Frederick Marryat’s ‘Jacob Faithful’ is a classic novel set in 19th-century England, following the adventures of the titular character as he navigates the challenges of life on the waterways. Marryat …
Frederick Marryat: Frank Mildmay, De zeeofficier
Frederick Marryat’s ‘Frank Mildmay, De zeeofficier’ is a classic maritime novel that follows the adventures of Frank Mildmay, a young naval officer who navigates the challenges and dangers of life at …
tiếng Hà Lan
Frederick Marryat: Stuurman Flink; of, De schipbreuk van ‘De Vrede’
Frederick Marryat’s ‘Stuurman Flink; of, De schipbreuk van ‘De Vrede” is a classic adventure novel that follows the courageous seaman, Lieutenant Flint, through a harrowing shipwreck and his subsequ …
tiếng Hà Lan
Frederick Marryat: Jack Rustig
Jack Rustig is een klassiek avonturenverhaal geschreven door Frederick Marryat, een van de grootste Engelse schrijvers uit de 19e eeuw. Het verhaal volgt de avonturen van de jonge Jack Rustig, een mo …
tiếng Hà Lan
Frederick Marryat: Valerie
‘Valerie’ ist ein autobiografischer Roman des Autors. Geschrieben in Marryats letzten Tagen vor seinem Tod, ist Valerie die Geschichte einer attraktiven, temperamentvollen Heldin, die nach Wohlstand …
tiếng Đức
Frederick Marryat: Mr. Midshipman Easy
A former captain in the Royal Navy named Frederick Marryat wrote the 1836 book Mr. Midshipman Easy. The Napoleonic Wars, in which Marryat personally distinguished himself, are when the book is set. D …
Gilbert Campbell & Bernard Capes: O livro dos Lobisomens
Além de ser um dos mitos mais antigos da história da humanidade, com registros que datam a Grécia antiga, o lobisomem é um personagem que invariavelmente provoca admiração e medo, conquistando desde …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Frederick Marryat: The Settlers In Canada
"The Settlers in Canada" is a novel written by Frederick Marryat, a British author, and naval officer. The story follows the adventures of a British family, the Campbell family, who decide …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: Gothic Classics: 60+ Books in One Volume
Gothic Classics: 60+ Books in One Volume is an unprecedented anthology that encapsulates the rich tapestry of the Gothic novel, spanning from its inception in the mid-eighteenth century to its prolif …
Jules Verne & Charles Dickens: Deadly Sails – Complete Collection
Deadly Sails – Complete Collection is a masterful anthology that encapsulates the quintessential themes of adventure, mystery, and the relentless pursuit of the unknown. Bridging the gap between clas …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: The Greatest Gothic Classics of All Time
The Greatest Gothic Classics of All Time stands as a monumental anthology that traverses the shadowy corridors and mist-shrouded landscapes of gothic literature, presenting readers with an unparallel …
Charles Dickens & Robert Louis Stevenson: The Jolly Roger Boxed-Set
The Jolly Roger Boxed-Set is a treasure trove of adventure, mystery, and high seas escapades, assembling under its flag an armada of literary giants whose works have charted the course of English lit …
Jules Verne & Charles Dickens: The Pirate Bay Collection: History, Trues Stories & Most Famous Pirate Novels
The Pirate Bay Collection: History, True Stories & Most Famous Pirate Novels stands as a landmark anthology that traverses the treacherous waters of pirate lore and adventure across centuries. This c …
Frederick Marryat: Peter Simpel
Mit seiner atemberaubenden Handlung und seinem mitreißenden Stil ist ‘Peter Simpel’ von Frederick Marryat ein absolutes Muss für alle Liebhaber spannender Abenteuergeschichten. Die Leser werden von d …
tiếng Đức
Jules Verne & Charles Dickens: THE BOOK OF PIRATES: 70+ Adventure Classics, Legends & True History of the Notorious Buccaneers
THE BOOK OF PIRATES: 70+ Adventure Classics, Legends & True History of the Notorious Buccaneers offers a treasure trove of narratives that sail through the tumultuous waters of pirate lore, blending …
Jules Verne & Charles Dickens: Dead Men Tell No Tales – 60+ Pirate Novels, Treasure-Hunt Tales & Sea Adventure Classics
Dead Men Tell No Tales is an illustrious anthology that spans the wide ocean of pirate narratives, treasure hunts, and high-sea adventures, encapsulating an array of literary styles from classic adve …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: Gothic Classics: 60+ Books in One Volume
e-artnow present to you a collection of the greatest gothic & macabre classics of all time: Content: Frankenstein The Orphan of the Rhine Nightmare Abbey The Tell-Tale Heart The Fall of the House of …
Charles Dickens & Robert Louis Stevenson: The Jolly Roger Boxed-Set
e-artnow presents to you this unique collection of pirate tales, sea adventure novels and true stories of the most notorious pirates: True Pirates of the Caribbean: The King of Pirates: Of Captain Av …
Jules Verne & Charles Dickens: The Pirate Bay Collection: History, Trues Stories & Most Famous Pirate Novels
e-artnow presents to you this unique collection of sea adventure novels and true stories of the most notorious pirates. History of Pirates of the Caribbean: Contents: The King of Pirates: Of Captain …
Charles Dickens & Friedrich Schiller: Mystique of the Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics
e-artnow presents to you our best ever gothic collection, with all the well known classics, all the hidden gems, and lots of surprises for all the fans of chills, darkness and mystery out there. The …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: The Book of Gothic Tales
e-artnow presents to you this unique and meticulously edited gothic collection: Frankenstein The Orphan of the Rhine Nightmare Abbey The Tell-Tale Heart The Fall of the House of Usher The Cask of Amo …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: 60 Gothic Classics
e-artnow presents to you this unique and meticulously edited collection of the greatest gothic & macabre classics of all time: Content: Frankenstein The Orphan of the Rhine Nightmare Abbey The Tell-T …
Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: The Light Has Been Broken: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales
e-artnow presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Content: Bram Stoker: Dracula The Squaw… John Wil …
Saki & Nizida: Something Wicked: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries
e-artnow presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Content: Edgar Allan Poe: The Masque of the Red D …
Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: The Power of Darkness: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries
e-artnow presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Content: Supernatural Horror in Literature by H. …
Erckmann-Chatrian & Nizida: Supernatural Mysteries: 60+ Horror Tales, Ghost Stories & Murder Mysteries
e-artnow presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Content: Detective Stories: The Purloined Letter …
Charles Dickens & Friedrich Schiller: Into Eternal Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition
e-artnow presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Content: The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: The Greatest Gothic Classics
e-artnow presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Frankenstein The Orphan of the Rhine Nightmare Ab …
Charles Dickens & Friedrich Schiller: DEEP, DARK & UNSETTLING: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition
DEEP, DARK & UNSETTLING: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition is an unrivaled collection that carves a broad swath through the rich tapestry of Gothic literature, offering an astonishing array of stor …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: 60 GOTHIC CLASSICS – Boxed Set: Dark Fantasy Novels, Supernatural Mysteries, Horror Tales & Gothic Romances
The ’60 GOTHIC CLASSICS – Boxed Set’ encompasses an unparalleled collection of dark fantasy novels, supernatural mysteries, horror tales, and gothic romances, offering an expansive exploration of the …
Erckmann-Chatrian & Nizida: Tingling Treats for Halloween: Detective Yarns, Supernatural Mysteries & Ghost Stories
Tingling Treats for Halloween: Detective Yarns, Supernatural Mysteries & Ghost Stories gathers an enigmatic collection that spans across various literary horizons, inviting readers into the shadowy r …
Saki & Nizida: SINISTER OMENS: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries
SINISTER OMENS: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries stands as a monumental anthology that weaves together the intricate threads of horror, the paranormal, and the uncanny fro …
Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: Beware The Silence: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries
Beware The Silence: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries is a monumental anthology that showcases the evolution and diversity of horror and supernatural literature. Spanning c …
Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: The Horror Beyond Life’s Edge: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales
The Horror Beyond Life’s Edge: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales is a literary journey that transcends the commonplace, delving into the realms of the macabre, the supernatur …
Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: The Light Has Been Broken: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales
The Light Has Been Broken: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales offers an unparalleled collection of spine-chilling narratives, bringing together an extraordinary compendium of …
Saki & Nizida: Something Wicked: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries
Something Wicked: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries stands as a monumental anthology that maps the evolution of horror and supernatural fiction from its nascent stages to i …
Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: The Power of Darkness: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries
The Power of Darkness: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries is a formidable anthology that charts the shadows and intricacies of the human psyche across epochs, geographies, a …
Erckmann-Chatrian & Nizida: Supernatural Mysteries: 60+ Horror Tales, Ghost Stories & Murder Mysteries
Supernatural Mysteries: 60+ Horror Tales, Ghost Stories & Murder Mysteries is a compelling anthology that traverses the murky waters of the unknown, the supernatural, and the macabre. Through an ecle …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: 60 Gothic Classics
Spanning the dark labyrinths of the human psyche and the shadowed corners of ancient castles, ’60 Gothic Classics’ is a definitive collection that explores the depths of Gothic literature through a t …
Charles Dickens & Friedrich Schiller: Into Eternal Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition
Into Eternal Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition’ casts a spectral light over the haunting depths of Gothic literature, exploring its shadowy corridors through a compilation of works by ove …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: The Greatest Gothic Classics
The Greatest Gothic Classics anthology is a masterfully curated collection that spans the depth and breadth of the gothic genre, showcasing a formidable array of literary styles from the eerie to the …
Erckmann-Chatrian & Nizida: Tingling Treats for Halloween: Detective Yarns, Supernatural Mysteries & Ghost Stories
Tingling Treats for Halloween: Detective Yarns, Supernatural Mysteries & Ghost Stories is a curated anthology that spans the spectrum of the eerie, the mysterious, and the downright terrifying. This …
Saki & Nizida: SINISTER OMENS: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries
SINISTER OMENS: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries stands as a monumental anthology that weaves together a rich tapestry of eerie narratives from the minds of some of the mo …
Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: The Horror Beyond Life’s Edge: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales
The Horror Beyond Life’s Edge: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales’ is an unparalleled collection that traverses the dimly lit corridors of the human psyche, delving into theme …
Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: The Light Has Been Broken: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales
The Light Has Been Broken: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales offers a sweeping panorama of the eerie, the Gothic, and the supernatural as conceptualized across centuries and …
Saki & Nizida: Something Wicked: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries
‘Something Wicked: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries’ stands as a monumental anthology, featuring an unprecedented collection of stories that delve into the depths of the m …
Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: The Power of Darkness: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries
The Power of Darkness: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries encompasses an extensive and diverse array of narratives, bringing together the sinister, the uncanny, and the unex …
Erckmann-Chatrian & Nizida: Supernatural Mysteries: 60+ Horror Tales, Ghost Stories & Murder Mysteries
Supernatural Mysteries: 60+ Horror Tales, Ghost Stories & Murder Mysteries is a grand anthology that spans the globe and the ages, weaving together a diverse tapestry of tales that beckon the reader …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: 60 Gothic Classics
Spanning the eerie valleys of gothic fiction, ’60 Gothic Classics’ invites readers into a collection fraught with the sublime and the supernatural. Within its pages, the anthology weaves a tapestry o …
Charles Dickens & Friedrich Schiller: Into Eternal Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition
Into Eternal Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition represents a comprehensive foray into the dark, the macabre, and the supernatural, encapsulating a remarkable diversity of styles and themes …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: The Greatest Gothic Classics
The Greatest Gothic Classics serves as a monumental anthology that amalgamates the most profound works from the masters of Gothic literature. Within its pages, readers will find a fascinating range o …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: Gothic Classics: 60+ Books in One Volume
Gothic Classics: 60+ Books in One Volume presents an unparalleled collection that traces the development and transformations of the Gothic genre across centuries and continents. Encompassing a broad …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: The Greatest Gothic Classics of All Time
The Greatest Gothic Classics of All Time is an unparalleled collection that gathers the quintessential works of Gothic literature, spanning over two centuries of literary evolution. From the eerie la …
Charles Dickens & Robert Louis Stevenson: The Jolly Roger Boxed-Set
The Jolly Roger Boxed-Set sails across the tumultuous seas of literary ingenuity, hoisting the flag of adventure and the human spirit in the face of adversity. Compiled here is a treasure trove of st …
Jules Verne & Charles Dickens: The Pirate Bay Collection: History, Trues Stories & Most Famous Pirate Novels
The Pirate Bay Collection stands as a monumental anthology, weaving together the rich tapestry of pirate-themed narratives across history, true stories, and the most celebrated pirate novels. This co …
Frederick Marryat: Peter Simpel
In seinem Werk ‘Peter Simpel’ beschreibt Frederick Marryat das Leben eines einfachen Matrosen namens Peter, der mit seinen Abenteuern und Begegnungen auf hoher See den Leser fesselt. Marryats literar …
tiếng Đức
Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: Beware The Silence
Beware The Silence stands as a testament to the enduring allure and inherent mystery of the unsaid, the unexplained, and the eerily quiet moments that precede a storm. Spanning an impressive range of …
Charles Dickens & Friedrich Schiller: Mystique of the Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics
Mystique of the Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics is an unparalleled anthology that captures the essence and evolution of Gothic literature, stretching from the haunting halls of medieval castles to the …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: The Book of Gothic Tales
The Book of Gothic Tales’ brings together an unprecedented assembly of literary genius, spanning two centuries of Gothic fiction that has haunted, thrilled, and ensnared readers across the globe. Thi …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: 60 Gothic Classics
60 Gothic Classics’ anthology is a meticulously curated collection that spans the breadth and depth of the Gothic literature landscape, embodying the genre’s rich traditions and its evolution over ti …
Charles Dickens & Friedrich Schiller: DEEP, DARK & UNSETTLING: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition
DEEP, DARK & UNSETTLING: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition presents a rich tapestry of Gothic literature, encompassing a wide range of themes from the macabre to the mysterious, and styles from the …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: 60 GOTHIC CLASSICS
60 GOTHIC CLASSICS is an unparalleled anthology that brings together the most influential works in the gothic literary tradition, spanning from the sublime to the horrific, and everything in between. …
Jules Verne & Charles Dickens: Deadly Sails – Complete Collection
Deadly Sails – Complete Collection’ assembles a flotilla of narratives from the pens of some of the most distinguished authors known for their contributions to adventure, mystery, and maritime litera …
Jules Verne & Charles Dickens: THE BOOK OF PIRATES: 70+ Adventure Classics, Legends & True History of the Notorious Buccaneers
THE BOOK OF PIRATES brings together an unprecedented collection of over 70 adventure classics, legendary tales, and true historical accounts of the notorious buccaneers that have fascinated readers f …
Jules Verne & Charles Dickens: Dead Men Tell No Tales – 60+ Pirate Novels, Treasure-Hunt Tales & Sea Adventure Classics
Within the pages of ‘Dead Men Tell No Tales – 60+ Pirate Novels, Treasure-Hunt Tales & Sea Adventure Classics, ‘ readers embark on a swashbuckling journey through the hearts of darkness and the shimm …
Jules Verne & Charles Dickens: The Pirates’ Chronicles: Greatest Sea Adventure Books & Treasure Hunt Tales
Enjoy the best sea adventures, treasure hunt tales and bloody battles, along with learning the truth behind the legends, the real life stories that inspired so many writers and produced so many belov …
Jules Verne & Charles Dickens: The Jolly Roger Tales: 60+ Pirate Novels, Treasure-Hunt Tales & Sea Adventures
This carefully edited collection has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Treasure Island (Stevenson) Blackbeard: Buccaneer (R. D. …
Jules Verne & Charles Dickens: The Pirates’ Chronicles: Greatest Sea Adventure Books & Treasure Hunt Tales
The Pirates’ Chronicles: Greatest Sea Adventure Books & Treasure Hunt Tales represents an unparalleled collection, sweeping through the turbulent waves of pirate legends and explorations across the s …
Jules Verne & Charles Dickens: The Jolly Roger Tales: 60+ Pirate Novels, Treasure-Hunt Tales & Sea Adventures
The ‘Jolly Roger Tales: 60+ Pirate Novels, Treasure-Hunt Tales & Sea Adventures’ is a monumental anthology that explores the allure and mystery of the high seas through a diverse array of narratives …
Jules Verne & Charles Dickens: The Pirates’ Chronicles: Greatest Sea Adventure Books & Treasure Hunt Tales
In ‘The Pirates’ Chronicles: Greatest Sea Adventure Books & Treasure Hunt Tales, ‘ readers are invited on a thrilling voyage through the turbulent waters of pirate lore and maritime adventure, as cra …
Jules Verne & Charles Dickens: The Jolly Roger Tales: 60+ Pirate Novels, Treasure-Hunt Tales & Sea Adventures
The Jolly Roger Tales: 60+ Pirate Novels, Treasure-Hunt Tales & Sea Adventures is an extraordinary collection that brings together the seminal works of celebrated authors who have shaped the literary …
Jules Verne & Robert Louis Stevenson: Auf der Suche nach dem Unbekannten: Die größten Seeabenteuerromane
E-artnow präsentiert die größten Abenteuerklassiker, die Geschichten, die jeder Mensch in seinem Leben erleben sollte. Begeben Sie sich auf unglaubliche Reisen in unbekannte Länder und Unterwasserwel …
tiếng Đức
Homer & Jack London: 100 Abenteuer-Meisterwerke
E-artnow präsentiert Ihnen diese außergewöhnliche Anthologie der größten Abenteuerromane aller Zeiten. Erleben Sie den Nervenkitzel, die Angst und die Aufregung, wenn Sie ins Unbekannte segeln, in Sc …
tiếng Đức
Homer & Jules Verne: Die größten Abenteuerromane aller Zeiten
Tauchen Sie ein in eine Welt voller Spannung, Angst und Begeisterung, während Sie unbekannte Gewässer erkunden, in epischen Schwertkämpfen und hitzigen Duellen des Wilden Westens ums Überleben ringen …
tiếng Đức
Frederick Marryat: Frank Mildmay Or, The Naval Officer
"Frank Mildmay" by Frederick Marryat is a captivating naval adventure novel that follows the daring exploits of Frank Mildmay, a courageous naval officer, as he navigates the high seas amid …
Frederick Marryat: Japhet, in Search of a Father
Frederick Marryat’s Japhet, in Search of a Father is a captivating bildungsroman that follows the journey of the young protagonist, Japhet, as he embarks on a quest to find his missing father. Set ag …
Frederick Marryat: The Phantom Ship
Frederick Marryat’s ‘The Phantom Ship’ is a captivating tale set in the early 19th century, blending elements of adventure, mystery, and the supernatural. The book follows the young protagonist Phili …
Frederick Marryat: The Phantom Ship
In the enthralling nautical adventure ‘The Phantom Ship, ‘ Captain Frederick Marryat skilfully weaves supernatural elements with maritime lore, inviting readers aboard a spectral vessel that defies t …
Frederick Marryat: Japhet In Search Of A Father
"Japhet in Search of a Father" by Frederick Marryat is a captivating novel in British literature that embarks on a thrilling adventure of coming-of-age and self-discovery. Marryat’s work fo …
Jack London & Jules Verne: The Explorer’s Library: 60 Adventure Classics
The Explorer’s Library: 60 Adventure Classics is a sweeping anthology that transports readers into the thrilling realms of uncharted territories, high seas, and mysterious islands. With an unparallel …
Alexandre Dumas & Robert Louis Stevenson: 60 Adventure Classics
This unique collection is created for all the dreamers of great adventure, for the heroes at heart, for the believers in honor and justice. This pocket library of action and ultimate adventure includ …
Herman Melville & James Fenimore Cooper: 140 Sea Adventure Novels
Embark on an epic literary voyage with ‘140 Sea Adventure Novels’, a meticulously curated anthology that captures the essence and thrill of nautical escapades from some of the greatest minds in class …
Jack London & Jules Verne: The Great Sea Voyage: Adventurer’s Pocket Library
The Great Sea Voyage: Adventurer’s Pocket Library offers readers an expansive exploration into the world of maritime adventure, compiling a brilliant array of stories that span several centuries and …
Duchess & H. P. Lovecraft: The Curse of the Undead – 20 Ghost Novel Classics
The Curse of the Undead – 20 Ghost Novel Classics is an evocative anthology that delves into the eerie and supernatural realms of literature. This collection presents a tapestry of themes ranging fro …
Homer & Joseph Conrad: From Page to Screen: The Best Film Interpretations of Literary Classics
Is the iconic feminist heroine of a beloved 90s movie actually inspired by a character from a medieval play? Which American mind-bending sci-fi blockbuster is based on a 19th century French adventure …
Homer & William Shakespeare: Iconic Books Behind Blockbuster Movies
The tragic love stories that haunt us, the fantastical worlds that ignite our imagination, the real-life adventures that fascinate us, the captivating characters rustling with their inner demons that …
George MacDonald & Charles Brockden Brown: The Big Book of Ghost Stories: 140 Horror Novels & Short Story Collections
Dive into ‘The Big Book of Ghost Stories: 140 Horror Novels & Short Story Collections, ‘ an expansive anthology that promises a chilling and revelatory journey through the corridors of haunted litera …
George MacDonald & Charles Brockden Brown: Tales of Lost Souls: 400+ Ghost Stories in One Collection
Tales of Lost Souls: 400+ Ghost Stories in One Collection is a masterful compendium that delves into the spectral, the supernatural, and the mysterious. This anthology brings together an eclectic mix …
Frederick Marryat: Little Savage
"The Little Savage" by Frederick Marryat is a captivating adventure novel that delves into the themes of cultural differences and human connection. Set against the backdrop of the early 19t …
Frederick Marryat: Masterman Ready Or, The Wreck of the "Pacific"
"Masterman Ready: Or, The Wreck of the ‘Pacific’" by Frederick Marryat is a captivating maritime fiction adventure that immerses readers in the thrilling tale of survival and courage. Marry …
Frederick Marryat: King’s Own
"The King’s Own" by Frederick Marryat is a riveting naval fiction novel that plunges readers into the heart of adventure on the high seas. As crafted by the esteemed British author, Marryat …