Tác giả: Gabor Szappanos

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4 Ebooks bởi Gabor Szappanos

Gabor Szappanos: Gábor Szappanos Crime and Punishment in Heaven
The last cheer-leader with her long thighs in silken stockings, in red miniskirt and white boots, burst like a balloon, too. There were exactly twelve of them. And they all looked so realistic… and s …
Ngôn ngữ hungarian
Gabor Szappanos: The Hell Rides Of Sindbad, the Beatified
So after having consumed two large stuffed cabbages and six small semi-dry greenish white wine spritzers, his favorite, Sindbad leaned back comfortably on the davenport in the only guest room of the …
Péter Ortutay: Maruszja, ne!
Élt a faluban egy öregember, úgy hívtak, hogy Bobij.Volt az öregnek egy viskója, no meg egy kutyája. Járta Bobij a környéket, kéregetett, és ha kapott valakitől egy darabka kenyeret, megette. A világ …
Ngôn ngữ hungarian
Gábor Szappanos: Deep in the Queen
Deep in the Queen An erotic historical picaresque novel by Gábor Szappanos (A synopsis) The “manuscript” of the novel has been found in a big library of the capital after an eighty year of encryption …
Ngôn ngữ hungarian