In this satirical comedy, author Pierre Le Blanc sets the stage for the financial crisis of the 1980’s. Using his wit and sense of humor he shows us the follies which lead to the Savings and Loan debacle.
Ignace Boudreaux and his nephew Pierre are on a journey through the ‘Washington Bingo Dome’ to discover the whereabouts of the missing Lafite Savings capital. It has disappeared! Ignace has to solve this mystery and save the little town of Lafite, Louisiana.
A financial crisis began in the late 1970’s with inflation at 15-17% and interest rates from 16-20%. Government actions are the primary cause of inflation in any country.
Financial institutions that lent money long-term at 6% to 8% were paying 14% to 16% for savings, which gave them a negative cash flow of 8% on their total assets. No lender can sustain this situation for an extended length of time.
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Taama writes and illustrates her own books and packs them full of fun and encouragement to kids. Although Taama has illustrated several books, she is both the Author and Illustrator for ‘Walter The Pumpkin.’ Another title she illustrated is ‘The 12 Days of Christmas, An Illustrated Carol.’ She enjoys combining traditional mediums like watercolors and oils with digital mediums. ‘It’s not the medium you use, it’s the message you send, ‘ says Taama. ‘Children need to know that everything is going to be okay and perseverance pays off in the end.’
As a young adult, Taama dreamed of being an artist. She took lessons at a young age and worked to pay for her lessons. Many years later, Taama graduated from Texas A&M University and her passion turned into a career as an Architect.
During her time as an Architect, she developed a strong sense of design, planning, and visualization. She worked as an Architect for 10 years and then managed an architectural visualization studio for an additional 10 years. Throughout her career, she continued to expand her artistic and technical skills.
In 2009, she co-founded, Blue Logic Productions, a video and animation production studio specializing in content creation for the Internet. She and her partner are responsible for facilitating the delivery of client-based marketing videos, animations, photography, and motion graphics. Never forgetting her foundation as an Architect, Taama blends her technical skills with her artistic talents.