Contemporary Sociological Theory and Its Classical Roots: The Basics, is a brief survey of sociology′s major theorists and theoretical approaches, from the Classical founders to the present. The content is adapted from Ritzer/Stepnisky,
Sociological Theory, and the authors connect many theorists together into chapters with broad headings (Contemporary Integrative Theories, Contemporary Theories of Everyday Life, etc.) that offer students a big-picture, synthesized view of sociological theory. Because of its size, price, and flexible organization, the text can be used in a variety of undergraduate sociological theory classes: Classical, Contemporary, or Combined.
Mục lục
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Sociological Theory
Creating Sociological Theory
Defining Sociological Theory
Creating Sociological Theory: A More Realistic View
Overview of the Book
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 2 Classical Theories I
Émile Durkheim: From Mechanical to Organic Solidarity
Karl Marx: From Capitalism to Communism
Max Weber: The Rationalization of Society
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 3 Classical Theories II
Georg Simmel: The Growing Tragedy of Culture
Thorstein Veblen: Increasing Control of Business Over Industry
George Herbert Mead: Social Behaviorism
W. E. B. Du Bois: Race and Racism in Modern Society
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 4 Contemporary Grand Theories I
Structural Functionalism
Conflict Theory
General Systems Theory
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 5 Contemporary Grand Theories II
Neo-Marxian Theory
The Civilizing Process
The Colonization of the Lifeworld
The Juggernaut of Modernity
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 6 Contemporary Theories of Everyday Life
Symbolic Interactionism
Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis
Exchange Theory
Rational Choice Theory
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 7 Contemporary Integrative Theories
A More Integrated Exchange Theory
Structuration Theory
Culture and Agency
Habitus and Field
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 8 Contemporary Feminist Theories
The Basic Theoretical Questions
The Classical Roots
Contemporary Feminist Theories
Challenges to Feminism
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 9 Theories of Race and Colonialism
Fanon and the Colonial Subject
Postcolonial Theory
Critical Theories of Race and Racism
Racial Formation
A Systematic Theory of Race
Southern Theory and Indigenous Resurgence
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 10 Postmodern Grand Theories
The Transition From Industrial to Postindustrial Society
Increasing Governmentality (and Other Grand Theories)
Postmodernity as Modernity’s Coming of Age
The Rise of Consumer Society, Loss of Symbolic Exchange, and Increase in Simulations
The Consumer Society and the New Means of Consumption
Queer Theory: Sex and Sexuality
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 11 Globalization Theory
Major Contemporary Theorists on Globalization
Cultural Theory
Economic Theory
Political Theory
Suggested Readings
CHAPTER 12 Science, technology, and nature
Affect Theory and the New Materialism
Science Studies and Actor-Network Theory
Theories of the Anthropocene
Suggested Readings
Source Acknowledgments
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Jeffrey Stepnisky is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Mac Ewan University in Alberta, Canada, where he teaches classical and contemporary social theory. He has published in the area of social theory, especially as it relates to questions of subjectivity, in journals such as The Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior and Social Theory & Health. Along with this book he is co-author of Sociological Theory, Classical Sociological Theory, and Modern Sociological Theory, and has co-edited the Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Major Social Theorists, all with George Ritzer.