Did you ever have a waking dream somewhere between awake and asleep, or maybe a dream or nightmare that was so real that you felt all that was in the dream or you were not really dreaming? You felt all the pain, stress, joy, sadnessall the human emotions that were part of that dream? Strange dreams that made no sense at all or some making some sense to you or to others you told?
Did you consider that maybe you were given that dream so you could learn from it or didnt give it much thought? Have you ever thought that maybe your dreams, especially the more of a waking dream, the more detailed and vivid of your dreams, were maybe your past lives experiences intruding on this life or what you should do in the future in this life? Maybe there was a message in your dreams that you were to not only learn from but are also there to tell you to take or not take certain actions?
These are the stories of the Dream Man, the last member of his Tibetan clan
who like his relatives before him, hears the dreams of sentient beings and
influences them to put the dreamers on their Karmas path.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Gerald L. Kovacich has spent more than fifty years as a global traveler, poet, and observer of life, and he tries to live a life following the Buddhist philosophy of living a life of compassion, patience, charity, and love for all life forms.
He is also the author of more than seventeen books, primarily in the technology genre. Three of which have been translated into Japanese, Chinese, and Russian. His other books can be found on the usual websites for such things.
Gerald is a retired international consultant and lecturer currently residing on an island in Washington State, unless he is traveling in Asia and Europe, discovering more about people, places, and things.