Dr. Andrei Stalmashonak is currently a Research Scientist at CODIXX AG, Barleben, Germany helping to transfer the knowledge behind the subject of this Brief to the international market. Dr. Gerhard Seifert is currently leading an independent research group in the Centre of Innovation Competence Si Li-nano, which is investigating nanostructured materials for light and photon management, and femtosecond laser material processing. He is one of the discoverers of femtosecond laser induced shape change of metal nanoparticles in glass matrix (which is at the heart of the proposed Springer Brief), and has published more than 20 papers on this topic since 1999 in renowned scientific journals.
Dr. Amin Abdolvand occupies the chair of Functional Materials & Photonics at the University of Dundee and currently holds a Career Acceleration Fellowship (2010-2015) from the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the United Kingdom to work on metal-glass nanocomposites from nanoengineering to applications.
10 Ebooks bởi Gerhard Seifert
Andrei Stalmashonak & Gerhard Seifert: Ultra-Short Pulsed Laser Engineered Metal-Glass Nanocomposites
Glasses containing metallic nanoparticles exhibit very promising linear and nonlinear optical properties, mainly due to the surface plasmon resonances (SPRs) of the nanoparticles. The spectral positi …
Gerhard Seifert: Oralpathologie I
Auf dem Gebiet der Oralpathologie sind durch die Einbeziehung moderner Methoden der allgemeinen Pathologie in die Forschungsprojekte und in die praktische Routinediagnostik entscheidende Fortschritte …
tiếng Đức
Gerhard Seifert: Morphological Tumor Markers
New methods in immunocytochemistry and hybridization techniques enable the pathologist active in diagnosis to clarify more effectively problems in the classification and prognosis of tumors. By adopt …
Gerhard Seifert: Cell Receptors
An up-to-date review of the morphology and pathological aspects of cell receptors, important because new therapies for various pathological conditions (genetic diseases, endocrine disorders, cancer, …
Gerhard Seifert: Oral Pathology
Oral Pathology as part of the Head and Neck Pathology is an interdisciplinary field of science. The oral mucosa and the saliva are reflectors of many systemic diseases of the organism and therefore v …
Gerhard Seifert: Histological Typing of Salivary Gland Tumours
Knowledge of tumours of the salivary glands has advanced consider- ably in the two decades that have elapsed since work was started on the first edition of Histological Typing of Salivary Gland Tumou …
Wilhelm Doerr & Kurt Kohn: Nase und Nasennebenhöhlen Kehlkopf und Luftröhre; Die Schilddrüse; Mediastinum
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Ines Ebert & Gerhard Seifert: Kernresonanz im Festkörper
Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für ‘Kernresonanz im Festkörper’ verfügbar. Das E-Book Kernresonanz im Festkörper wird angeboten von De Gruyter und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kategorisiert: …
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Marco Rische & Gerhard Seifert: Jahrbuch stahl. 2022
Begleitend zu der neuen Zeitschrift „stahl.“ gibt der Vulkan Verlag ein Jahrbuch Stahl mit dem Schwerpunktthema „Green Steel“ heraus. Neben Material aus der Fachzeitschrift „stahl.“ werden hier auch …
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