Dr. Adolf K. Y. Ng is the Associate Department Head and Professor at the Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Management, BNU-HKBU United International College, China. Obtaining DPhil from the University of Oxford, his research interests include port management, transport geography, supply chain resilience, climate adaptation planning, institutional and organizational change, and global value chains. His scholarly outputs include eight books, more than 100 papers in leading journals, and other forms of scholarly and professional publications. His works are highly influential, being included in the World’s Top 2% Scientists (Top 1% in Logistics and Transportation) conducted by Stanford University. He is an Associate Editor of Maritime Policy & Management, the Editor-in-Chief of The Maritime Economist, the official magazine of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME), and a Founding Member of the international consortium on resilient transport and supply chain networks ‘CCAPPTIA’ (www.ccapptia.com).
Dr. Girish Chandrakant Gujar is a Professor of Operations Management at the Vijay Patil School of Business, D Y Patil University, India. Dr Girish Gujar is an ex-Marine Chief Engineer with over a decade of sailing experience on various kinds of foreign going vessels. Apart from a Ph D from Erasmus University Rotterdam, he also has Master degrees in Finance, Maritime Economics and Law from different global universities. On completion of his sea going career, he was appointed as a Chief Executive Officer of Logion BV, a logistics and consultancy based in Netherlands for over 15 years. Subsequently he has taught Operations/Supply Chain Management, Transportation Security Policy and International Law related subjects at Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Beijing Normal University, National Academy of Indian Railways and The Gujarat Maritime University. He has published numerous academic papers in highly esteemed peer reviewed journals and is a regular speaker at numerous international conferences held in Hong Kong, Beijing, Rotterdam, New Delhi and Hawaii. In addition, he has published five books.
1 Ebooks bởi Girish Chandrakant Gujar
Girish Chandrakant Gujar & Adolf K. Y. Ng: Blue Economy and Smart Sea Transport Systems
Focusing on maritime security, this book discusses Blue Economy and Smart sea transport systems in the context of the Indian Ocean rim countries and the multifaceted challenges that they are likely t …