Tác giả: Giulio Maspero

Ủng hộ
Giulio Maspero (Como, Italia, 1970) es doctor en Física por la Universidad de Milán y en Teología por la Universidad de Navarra. Es sacerdote desde 2003, profesor de Teología en la Universidad de la Santa Cruz, Roma, y miembro del consejo de la Pontificia Academia de Teología.

10 Ebooks bởi Giulio Maspero

Andrew T. J. Kaethler & Sotiris Mitralexis: Between Being and Time
This book explores the relationship between being and time between ontology and history in the context of both Christian theology and philosophical inquiry. Each chapter tests the limits of this mult …
Pierpaolo Donati & Antonio Malo: Social Science, Philosophy and Theology in Dialogue
This volume explores the potential of employing a relational paradigm for the purposes of interdisciplinary exchange. Bringing together scholars from the social sciences, philosophy and theology, it …
Pierpaolo Donati & Antonio Malo: Social Science, Philosophy and Theology in Dialogue
This volume explores the potential of employing a relational paradigm for the purposes of interdisciplinary exchange. Bringing together scholars from the social sciences, philosophy and theology, it …
Giulio Maspero: La Trinidad explicada hoy
Conocer a Dios, asomarse a su intimidad, encamina derechamente al hombre hacia un misterio sublime, el más importante del dogma cristiano: Dios es uno y trino, tres personas en un solo Dios. El hombr …
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Martin Schlag & Giulio Maspero: After Liberalism?
The economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the unrest in the US following the unlawful death of George Floyd, and other sources of social unrest and insecurity, have brought to a head som …
Giulio Maspero: Novena de la Inmaculada
¿Quién es María, la Inmaculada? El autor ofrece un retrato de la Madre de Dios al hilo de la costumbre cristiana de la preparación de su fiesta. Y lo hace contemplando las Bienaventuranzas, la Salve …
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Giulio Maspero: Rethinking the Filioque with the Greek Fathers
Does the Holy Spirit proceed only from the Father—or also from the Son?       Protestants and Roman Catholics might immediately answer the latter and wonder why thei …
Mattia Antonio Agostinone & Pierluigi Banna: Giussani e i Padri della Chiesa
Don Luigi Giussani è un testimone esemplare di quella tradizione vivente con cui l’avvenimento cristiano, sin dalle sue origini, viene trasmesso. Il sacerdote ambrosiano entra in dialogo e si confron …
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