Considered forgiven, my friend said they were not going to beat themselves up over it. The thought provoked me. The Lord said the road is narrow. I desire greatly to be on that narrow road. What measures will you take to be assured that you are on the narrow road?
As for me, I am running a race with great hope. I seek desperately and desire greatly to die to this world that I may have life in Jesus. I trust in Him and believe His Word and the message he sent to me. Everyday is a day closer to the fulfillment of it.
On December 19th, 2005 I heard a voice clearly but somewhat distant. It was of an unidentified woman. In my thoughts I repeated three times what was biblically spoken. When I awoke I could not repeat every word biblically. I do know the content of the message. It was this:
“Your prayers are blessed ,
the Lord has heard them,
and He will answer”
In the Book of Daniel 10:12-14 it took twenty-one days of resisting the prince of the Persian kingdom for the heavens to answer. They came when they received his prayer.
I attribute the same happening to me because of the clearance provided through prayers with true bitter repentance with the use of sackcloth and ashes/mud. I have been sleeping in sackcloth as of June 2005 an estimated two years. The Lord also led me back to confession after so many years of not going. I have found that when you close your eyes and speak to the Lord during confession, the vessel of a priest answers according to the Lord. Pray for them before you confess! Trust in Jesus! Receive His Divine Mercy with a contrite heart! Repent and Be Ready!
6 Ebooks bởi Gloria
Gloria: Io non sarò piu complice
‘Io non sarò più complice’ è il titolo di una delle poesie di questo manoscritto, testimonianza autobiografica di una donna che ha avuto un’infanzia felice e una vita adulta di successo. Poi un cambi …
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Amber Richards: Acuaponía en el hogar
¿Se ha preguntado alguna vez de qué se trata la acuaponía? ¿Se adapta a su estilo de vida? Este libro representa una buena alternativa para ayudarle a responder estas y otras interrogantes. La a …
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Gloria: Sealed by the Spirit of God
Heartfelt prayers, confessions, surrender, and submission to Jesus the King of Kings are experience in this Spirit filled writing. A personal journey shared with hopes of growing as ONE with the Lord …
Gloria Park: Narratives of East Asian Women Teachers of English
This book is a powerful narrative of how six women experienced their lives alongside their desire to overcome the challenging and empowering nature of the English language. The volume shares who they …