Until recently a neglected disease syndrome, diarrhea is responsible for many millions of infant deaths in developing countries. The result of a 1987 symposium, this volume reflects advances in the aetiology of diarrhea while addressing such puzzling problems as the difficulty of growing viruses in a controlled setting. The volume is deliberately restricted to so-called “novel” diarrhea viruses and is not concerned with “classical” rotaviruses, which have formed the basis of previous symposia. Articles concentrate on: atypical rotaviruses; the enteric adenoviruses; small round viruses such as astroviruses, caliciviruses and Norwalk virus; and the Berne and Breda viruses, suggested as a new family Toroviridae. The contributions come from an interdisciplinary mix of virologists (both human and veterinary), epidemiologists, molecular biologists, and pathologists.
Mục lục
Novel Rotaviruses in Animals and Man.
Nucleic Acid-Based Analyses of Non-Group A Rotaviruses.
Seroepidemiology and Molecular Epidemiology of the Chinese Rotavirus.
Enteric Adenoviruses.
Astroviruses: Human and Animal.
Small Round Viruses: Classification and Role in Food-Borne Infections.
The Candidate Caliciviruses.
Immunobiology of Norwalk Virus.
Toroviridae: A Proposed New Family of Enveloped RNA Viruses.
Breda and Breda-Like Viruses: Diagnosis, Pathology and Epidemiology.
Comparative Pathology of Infection by Novel Diarrhoea Viruses.
Clinical Trials of Rotavirus Vaccines.
The Diagnostic Gap in Diarrhoeal Aetiology.
Final General Discussion.
Chairman’s Closing Remarks.
Index of Contributors.
Subject Index.
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