6 Ebooks bởi Grigore Gogu
Grigore Gogu: Structural Synthesis of Parallel Robots
“The mathematical investigations referred to bring the whole apparatus of a great science to the examination of the properties of a given mechanism, and have accumulated in this direction rich materi …
Grigore Gogu: Structural Synthesis of Parallel Robots
“In other words, the invention of a mechanism will be to the scientific kinematist a synthetic problem, – which he can solve by the use of systematic, if also difficult, methods.” Reuleaux, F., Theor …
Grigore Gogu: Structural Synthesis of Parallel Robots
This book represents the fourth part of a larger work dedicated to the structural synthesis of parallel robots. Part 1 (Gogu 2008a) presented the methodology of structural synthesis and the systemati …
Grigore Gogu: Structural Synthesis of Parallel Robots
This book represents the fifth part of a larger work dedicated to the structural synthesis of parallel robots. The originality of this work resides in the fact that it combines new formulae for mobil …