Mục lục
Basics on Synchronization and Paradigmatic Models.- Basic Models.- Synchronization Due to External Periodic Forcing.- Synchronization of Two Coupled Systems.- Synchronization in Geometrically Regular Ensembles.- Ensembles of Phase Oscillators.- Chains of Coupled Limit-Cycle Oscillators.- Ensembles of Chaotic Oscillators with a Periodic-Doubling Route to Chaos, R#x00F6;ssler Oscillators.- Intermittent-Like Oscillations in Chains of Coupled Maps.- Regular and Chaotic Phase Synchronization of Coupled Circle Maps.- Controlling Phase Synchronization in Oscillatory Networks.- Chains of Limit-Cycle Oscillators.- Chains and Lattices of Excitable Luo–Rudy Systems.- Synchronization in Complex Networks and Influence of Noise.- Noise-Induced Synchronization in Ensembles of Oscillatory and Excitable Systems.- Networks with Complex Topology.