Tác giả: Hans Kelsen

Ủng hộ
Hans Kelsen war einer der bedeutendsten Verfassungs- und Völkerrechtler des 20. Jahrhunderts und Hauptvertreter der sogenannten “reinen Rechtslehre”.

20 Ebooks bởi Hans Kelsen

Hans Kelsen: Essence and Value of Democracy
Hans Kelsen is widely recognized as one of the most important legal theorists of the 20th century. Surprisingly, however, his political writings are not nearly as widely known as his legal theory, …
Hans Kelsen: Was ist Gerechtigkeit?
Hans Kelsen erörtert In seinem kleinen, aber gewichtigen Aufsatz von 1953 die Frage nach Gerechtigkeit als Problem der Lösung von Interessen- und Wertkonflikten und als Problem der Rechtfertigung …
tiếng Đức
Hans Kelsen: Society and Nature
First published in 1998.This is Volume XIV of eighteen in the Sociology of Behaviour and Psychology series. This text is concerned with sociological inquiry into society and nature. Written in 1946, …
Hans Kelsen: Society and Nature
First published in 1998.This is Volume XIV of eighteen in the Sociology of Behaviour and Psychology series. This text is concerned with sociological inquiry into society and nature. Written in 1946, …
Hans Kelsen: General Theory of Law and State
Widely regarded as the most important legal theorist of the twentieth century, Hans Kelsen is best known for his formulation of the ‘pure theory of law’, – within which the study of international law …
Hans Kelsen: General Theory of Law and State
Widely regarded as the most important legal theorist of the twentieth century, Hans Kelsen is best known for his formulation of the ‘pure theory of law’, – within which the study of international law …
Hans Kelsen: A New Science of Politics
Eric Voegelin is famous as a philosopher of history and a as one of the most eminent political scientists of the 20th century. His most fundamental work on political theory, the ‘New Science of Polit …
Hans Kelsen: Der Staat als Integration
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv …
tiếng Đức
Hermann Heller & Carl Schmitt: Prusia contra el Reich ante el Tribunal Estatal
La obra que edita Leticia Vita es un eslabón más en la línea de investigación que comenzó con el tema de su tesis de doctorado: La legitimidad del Derecho y del Estado en el pensamiento jurídico de …
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Hans Kelsen: ¿Se convertirá la sentencia del Juicio de Núremberg en un precedente para el derecho internacional?
En este escrito, clásico de la literatura del derecho internacional, Hans Kelsen se cuestiona si la sentencia del juicio de Núremberg es realmente un precedente judicial. Entre otros aspectos, …
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Hans Kelsen: Sociedade e natureza: uma investigação sociológica
A Editora Contracorrente tem a honra de anunciar a publicação do livro Sociedade e natureza: uma investigação sociológica, do celebrado jurista e filósofo austríaco Hans Kelsen. Com esmerada …
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Hans Kelsen: A teoria comunista do direito
A EDITORA CONTRACORRENTE tem a satisfação de anunciar a publicação do livro A TEORIA COMUNISTA DO DIREITO, do celebrado jurista e filósofo Hans Kelsen. Trata-se da primeira edição em português deste …
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Hans Kelsen: A teoria do Estado de Dante Alighieri
‘(…) já havia presença no pensamento de Kelsen – embora certamente ainda não a um nível inteiramente consciente – algumas das coordenadas ideológicas e culturais relacionadas ao Direito e ao …
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Hans Kelsen: Teoría pura del derecho
La primera edición de Teoría pura del derecho (1934) constituye una exposición sintética y rigurosa de la concepción teórico-jurídica de Hans Kelsen. En ella se presenta una teoría general del …
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Hans Kelsen: Derecho y justicia internacional
La paz en la comunidad internacional es para Hans Kelsen una meta alcanzable por medio del derecho. Para lograr ese ansiado fin resulta fundamental limitar drásticamente las posibilidades del uso …
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Hans Kelsen: What is Justice?
Through the lens of science, Hans Kelsen proposes a dynamic theory of natural law, examines Platonic and Aristotelian doctrines of justice and the idea of justice as found in the holy …
Hans Kelsen: Pure Theory of Law
Pure Theory of Law defines law as a system of coercive norms created by the state that rests on the validity of a generally accepted Grundnorm, or basic norm, such as the supremacy of the …