This book will help all academic staff in higher education (HE) develop more informed teaching and better support students as they transition to university.
It explores the organisations who advise students pre-university and uncovers the myths and misconceptions held by HE stakeholders. Induction and welcome activities are examined in order to identify best practice, transition problems such as study skills, employment, mental health and identity are covered, and a final chapter focuses on the effects of Covid-19 on transition issues.
The Critical Practice in Higher Education series provides a scholarly and practical entry point for academics into key areas of higher education practice. Each book in the series explores an individual topic in depth, providing an overview in relation to current thinking and practice, informed by recent research. The series will be of interest to those engaged in the study of higher education, those involved in leading learning and teaching or working in academic development, and individuals seeking to explore particular topics of professional interest. Through critical engagement, this series aims to promote an expanded notion of being an academic – connecting research, teaching, scholarship, community engagement and leadership – while developing confidence and authority.
Mục lục
Chapter 1: Perceptions of transition
Chapter 2: The pre-degree environment
Chapter 3: Stakeholders in the transition to university
Chapter 4: Supporting students in transition
Chapter 5: The first year at university
Chapter 6. Remote learning within the HE sector
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Heather Monsey has worked in outreach for the last 5 years and is currently an outreach officer for the University of East Anglia. The primary focus of her role is to widen access to university for students from backgrounds under-represented in higher education. She provides information, advice and guidance on all stages of the university application process for level 3 students, with a particular focus on supporting student’s transition to university. Heather works closely with students, teachers and parents across Norfolk schools, facilitates a transition event on campus, as well as co-authors the Preparing for University MOOC.