Harry C. Katz is the Interim Provost of Cornell University and the Dean and Jack Sheinkman Professor of Collective Bargaining at Cornell’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR). He is coauthor of The Transformation of American Industrial Relations, Second Edition, and Converging Divergences and coeditor of Rekindling the Movement, all from Cornell, among many other books. Thomas A. Kochan is the George Maverick Bunker Professor of Management, Professor of Work and Employment Research and Engineering Systems, and Co-Director of the Sloan Institute for Work and Employment Research at MIT. He is coauthor of Healing Together, Up in the Air, and The Transformation of American Industrial Relations, Second Edition, all from Cornell, and author or editor of many other books. Alexander J. S. Colvin is Professor of Labor Relations and the Martin F. Scheinman Professor of Conflict Resolution at the ILR School, Cornell University and the Associate Director of the Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution. He is coauthor with Harry C. Katz and Thomas A. Kochan of An Introduction to Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations, Fourth Edition.
8 Ebooks bởi Harry C. Katz
Thomas A. Kochan & Alexander J. S. Colvin: Labor Relations in a Globalizing World
Compelled by the extent to which globalization has changed the nature of labor relations, Harry C. Katz, Thomas A. Kochan, and Alexander J. S. Colvin give us the first textbook to focus on the workpl …
Thomas A. Kochan & Alexander J. S. Colvin: An Introduction to U.S. Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations
This comprehensive textbook provides an introduction to collective bargaining and labor relations with a focus on developments in the United States. It is appropriate for students, policy analysts, a …
Lowell Turner & Richard W. Hurd: Rekindling the Movement
From gloomy times in the 1980s, the American labor movement has returned to apparent prominence through the efforts of a new generation of energetic and progressive leaders. A distinguished group of …
Wonduck Lee & Joohee Lee: The New Structure of Labor Relations
Tripartism—the national-level interaction among representatives of labor, management, and government—occurs infrequently in the United States. Based on the U.S. experience, then, such interactions mi …
Kathleen Christensen & Peter B. Doeringer: Turbulence in the American Workplace
Turbulence–rapid and sometimes tumultuous changes–has characterized the labor markets of the 1970’s and 1980’s. Turbulent competitive conditions have cut sharply into profits and have forced downsi …
Alexander J. S. Colvin & Harry C. Katz: Labor Relations in a Globalizing World
Compelled by the extent to which globalization has changed the nature of labor relations, Harry C. Katz, Thomas A. Kochan, and Alexander J. S. Colvin give us the first textbook to focus on the workpl …
Alexander J. S. Colvin & Harry C. Katz: Introduction to U.S. Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations
This comprehensive textbook provides an introduction to collective bargaining and labor relations with a focus on developments in the United States. It is appropriate for students, policy analysts, a …
Harry C Katz & Thomas A Kochan: Worker Participation and American Unions
A comprehensive analysis of the effects of QWL and other forms of worker participation on the collective bargaining process. …