Europe and Turkey look back onto a history when each side often perceived the other as menacing and meddling. For many centuries Europe has affected Turkey as well as Turkey left its traces in Europe since the rise of the Ottomans.
In this book the authors focus on the military confrontations in south eastern Europe during the early modern era, the Ottomans at the gates of Vienna, the imperialistic outreach of Europe in the 19th century and Turkey’s change-over from Empire to Republic under Kemal Attatürk.
Another focus lies on the relations between Turkey and Europe after the signature of the treaty of association 1964 and Turkey’s long road to the European Union as well as Turkey’s links to European security policy (NATO).
How much Turkey in Europe – how much Europe in Turkey?
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Dr. Kramer is academics assistant of the German Institute of International Affairs and Security of the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik.