Tác giả: Heinz Mehlhorn

Ủng hộ
Prof. Dr. Heinz Mehlhorn, Düsseldorf, Germany. He has investigated the transmission pathways of human and animal parasites for over 40 years and his university spin-off company Alpha-Biocare has developed various antiparasitic medical products based on more than 20 patents. He has published 25 books, more than 250 original papers, and has served as Managing Editor of the journal Parasitology Research since 1981. Prof. Dr. Kevin SW Tan, Singapore, former fellow at the Rockefeller University. He is a specialist for molecular parasitology research in the fields of Blastocystis hominis and Plasmodium falciparum, and has received various national and international awards as well as considerable research grants for his work to date. More recently, he has funneled the research output of his many publications into the foundation of the company Biolynx Technology. Prof. Dr. Hisao Yoshikawa, Nara, Japan. He has been an active researcher in many fields of medical and zoological parasitology for over 30 years. Over the course of this time, he has intensively studied the ultrastructure, cell biology and molecular phylogeny of many isolates of Blastocystis.

33 Ebooks bởi Heinz Mehlhorn

Heinz Mehlhorn: Host Manipulations by Parasites and Viruses
This edited volume focuses on parasite-host relationships and the behavioral changes parasites may trigger in their hosts. Parasites have developed strategies which enhance their chances to find a ho …
Heinz Mehlhorn: Nanoparticles in the Fight Against Parasites
This book sheds new light on the use of nanoparticles in the fields of parasitology and public and animal health.​ Nanotechnology has been used in many fields of research and in practical application …
Sven Klimpel & Thomas Kuhn: Biodiversity and Evolution of Parasitic Life in the Southern Ocean
The Southern Oceans including Antarctic regions are peculiar and very sensitive water biotopes, where animal life and species interrelations are only poorly investigated. Especially the influence of …
Giovanni Benelli & Heinz Mehlhorn: Mosquito-borne Diseases
This book gathers contributions by 39 international specialists on well-known but neglected mosquito-borne diseases. The authors highlight pathogens that are increasingly being spread worldwide by va …
Heinz Mehlhorn: Nature Helps…
Nature helps… of course at first itself by developing measures that give bacteria, fungi, plants and animals a chance to be successful in their struggle for life. As a latecomer on Earth, Homo sapi …
Heinz Mehlhorn: Progress in Parasitology
Parasites threaten the health of animals and humans alike. Especially in times of increasing globalization and global warming, parasites can enlarge their “kingdom” by spreading. At the same time man …
Heinz Mehlhorn: Arthropods as Vectors of Emerging Diseases
Global warming and globalization are the buzzwords of our time. They have nearly reached a religious status and those who deny their existence are considered modern heretics. Nevertheless, the earth …
Heinz Mehlhorn & Kevin S. W. Tan: Blastocystis: Pathogen or Passenger?
The stages of Blastocystis have been known for 101 years. However, many facts are still disputed, e.g. even the question whether it is a true pathogen or a commensal present in sometimes life-threate …
Sven Klimpel & Heinz Mehlhorn: Bats (Chiroptera) as Vectors of Diseases and Parasites
This book gathers contributions by 16 international authors on the phenomenon “bats, ” shedding some light on their morphology, the feeding behaviors (insects, fruits, blood) of different groups, the …
Heinz Mehlhorn & Zhongdao Wu: Treatment of Human Parasitosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine
This book intensively examines the efficacy of plant-derived products that have been used for over a thousand years by practitioners of so-called Traditional Chinese Medicine in the light of recent c …
Birgit Mehlhorn & Heinz Mehlhorn: Blutsauger und Hygieneschädlinge
Ob Milben, Läuse oder Schnaken – mit ihrer explosionsartigen Vermehrungskapazität und ihrem genialen Anpassungsvermögen sind Parasiten jedweder Art hartnäckige Eindringlinge. Sei es in der Wohnung, a …
tiếng Đức
Heinz Mehlhorn: Human Parasites
This textbook provides an up-to-date overview of the most important parasites in humans and their potential vectors. For each parasite, the book offers a concise summary including its distribution, e …
Heinz Mehlhorn: Animal Parasites
This textbook focuses on the most important parasites affecting dogs, cats, ruminants, horses, pigs, rabbits, rodents, birds, fishes, reptiles and bees. For each parasite, the book offers a concise s …
Birgit Mehlhorn & Heinz Mehlhorn: Zecken, Milben, Fliegen, Schaben
Dieser bewährte Retter vor Ungeziefer hat schon unzähligen Lesern geholfen, sich von den ungebetenen Gästen wieder zu befreien. Mit dem farbigen, anschaulichen Ratgeber erhalten Sie alle Informatione …
tiếng Đức
Birgit Mehlhorn & Heinz Mehlhorn: Gesunde Katzen
tiếng Đức
Brigitte Mehlhorn & Heinz Mehlhorn: Zecken, Milben, Fliegen, Schaben…
Oft krabbeln und fliegen in Haus und Wohnung ungebetene Gäste herum, die der Laie im allgemeinen nicht bestimmen kann. Wenn dieser ‘Gast’ dann auch noch sticht oder beißt, sich in Vorräten tummelt od …
tiếng Đức
Birgit Mehlhorn & Heinz Mehlhorn: Zecken, Milben, Fliegen, Schaben
Autorenportraits: Birgit Mehlhorn, geb. 1949, studierte Biologie und Chemie in Bonn. Seit 1977 Studienrätin an einem Gymnasium, zunächst in Düsseldorf, dann in Neuss. Sie ist Mutter dreier Kinder und …
tiếng Đức
Heinz Mehlhorn: Die Parasiten der Tiere
Menschen leben mit und von Tieren und sind in vielfältiger Weise auf sie angewiesen. Tiere haben nicht nur als Nahrungslieferanten ungeheure Bedeutung, sondern auch als Weggefährten von Familien oder …
tiếng Đức
Heinz Mehlhorn: Die Parasiten des Menschen
Der Klimawandel und die Globalisierung, bei der täglich Millionen von Containern und Menschen von einem Kontinent zum anderen transportiert werden, bieten den Parasiten des Menschen eine Fülle von ne …
tiếng Đức
Heinz Mehlhorn & Sven Klimpel: Parasite and Disease Spread by Major Rivers on Earth
This book focuses on waterborne pathogens and significant diseases occurring along major rivers around the globe, including key examples like the Amazonas, Mekong River and Nile. Written by leading i …
Zhongdao Wu & Yiwen Liu: Schistosomiasis Control in China
This book covers all details for a successful control and elimination strategy against propagation of deadly liver and intestinal flukes of the genus Schistosoma in China. Cancer due to schistosomias …
Heinz Mehlhorn & Birgit Mehlhorn: Zecken, Milben, Fliegen, Schaben …
Ungeziefer und ungebetene Besucher, die in Haus und Wohnung krabbeln und fliegen, sind oft harmlos, können allerdings auch ernstzunehmende Schäden anrichten und die Gesundheit gefährden. Mit diesem R …
tiếng Đức
Christina Strube & Heinz Mehlhorn: Dog Parasites Endangering Human Health
This book presents the latest information on canine parasites with zoonotic potential, to help avoid human infections. Compiled by international specialists, it covers protozoa, ectoparasites and hel …
Trevor N. Petney & Weerachai Saijuntha: Biodiversity of Southeast Asian Parasites and Vectors causing Human Disease
This thematic collection focuses on key parasites and their vectors in Southeast Asia. Up-to-date essays invite readers to discover parasite and vector morphology, genetic diversity as well as dynami …
Kun Yang & Heinz Mehlhorn: Sino-African Cooperation for Schistosomiasis Control in Zanzibar
Offering an example for transnational cooperation and successful reduction of a neglected tropical disease, this volume shows how Chinese scientists and local physicians controlled schistosomiasis in …
Heinz Mehlhorn & Jorg Heukelbach: Infectious Tropical Diseases and One Health in Latin America
This book covers current aspects of important infectious diseases affecting human and animal health in Latin American countries. Readers are equipped with details on arthropod vectors as well as on n …
Heinz Mehlhorn: Encyclopedic Reference of Parasitology
Recent advances in parasitological research have resulted in new, promising insights in the fight of parasite versus host. The "Encyclopedic Reference of Parasitology", which is the complet …
Heinz Mehlhorn: Encyclopedia of Parasitology
Knowledge in the field of parasitology must be kept at a high level and up to date in order to fight a parasitosis as quickly and effectively as possible. This work, one of Springer’s renowned and au …
Heinz Mehlhorn & Jian Li: Malaria Control and Elimination in China
This volume provides cutting-edge research from malaria parasitology and records the success story of disease control in China. The country, which was certified malaria-free by the World Health Organ …
Heinz Mehlhorn & Xiaoying Wu: Infectious Diseases along the Silk Roads
The heart of this volume is exploring the links between human disease spread and the broad Silk Road trading networks which connect Eurasian civilizations past and today. Compiled by an international …
Heinz Mehlhorn: Human Parasites
The new edition of this textbook provides an up-to-date overview of the most important parasites in humans and their potential vectors. Climate change and globalization steadily favor the opportuniti …
Jian Li & Wei Wang: Echinococcus: Control and Elimination of Echinococcosis with a Focus on China and Europe
This volume provides a comprehensive overview of human echinococcosis, a zoonotic disease caused by tapeworm parasites of the genus Echinococcus. Both cystic- (hydatid disease) and alveolar echinococ …