Tác giả: Heinz-Theo Wagner

Ủng hộ
Heinz-Theo Wagner has been working for more than 15 years as a senior consultant and principal on business and IT projects for various companies ranging from banks to manufacturers. He received his Ph.D. for his research on IT business alignment with the E-Finance Lab at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt.

3 Ebooks bởi Heinz-Theo Wagner

Heinz-Theo Wagner: A Resource-based perspective on IT Business Alignment and firm performance
Despite a general assumption that Information Technology is necessary for most business processes, the business value of IT is the subject of debate and controversy in theory and practice. Based on t …
Heinz-Theo Wagner: Unternehmensnetzwerke und Innovationserfolg
Innovationsfähigkeit ist in vielen Unternehmen wichtigstes nicht-monetäres Ziel und somit ein entscheidender Wettbewerbsfaktor. Doch was macht Unternehmen innovativ? Das SENECA-Rahmenwerk (Social Ent …
tiếng Đức
Tomás Bayón & Martin Eisend: Dynamic Capabilities and Relationships
Building on the seminal work of David Teece, Kathleen Eisenhardt, Jeffrey Martin, and others, this volume applies the concept of dynamic capabilities to help readers understand how organizations can …