Tác giả: Henrik Kragh Sørensen

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2 Ebooks bởi Henrik Kragh Sørensen

Volker R. Remmert & Martina R. Schneider: Historiography of Mathematics in the 19th and 20th Centuries
This book addresses the historiography of mathematics as it was practiced during the 19th and 20th centuries by paying special attention to the cultural contexts in which the history of mathematics w …
Henrik Kragh Sørensen: Tal
1, 2, 3 og så videre i 1 uendelighed. Men så nemt er det bogstaveligt talt ikke at holde tal på tallene. Der er nemlig ikke bare 1 uendelighed i tallenes verden, men faktisk uendeligt mange uendeligh …
Tiếng Đan Mạch