This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular Computing, RSFDGr C 2009, held in Delhi, India in December 2009 in conjunction with the Third International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, PRe MI 2009. RSFDGr C 2009 is the core component of a broader Rough Set Year in India initiative, RSIndia09. The 56 revised full papers presented together with 6 invited papers and a report on the Rough Set Year in India 2009 project were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 130 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on foundations of rough sets and beyond; rought set algorithms and applications; fuzzy set foundations and applications; data mining and knowledge discovery; clustering and current trends in computing; and information retrieval and text mining.
Mục lục
Plenary Papers and Reports.- Affordance Relations.- Discovering Concurrent Process Models in Data: A Rough Set Approach.- Intelligent Science.- Pattern Structures for Analyzing Complex Data.- Fuzzy Sets and Rough Sets for Scenario Modelling and Analysis.- Innovation Game as a Tool of Chance Discovery.- Rough Set Year in India 2009.- Foundations of Rough Sets and Beyond.- An Algebraic Semantics for the Logic of Multiple-Source Approximation Systems.- Towards an Algebraic Approach for Cover Based Rough Semantics and Combinations of Approximation Spaces.- New Approach in Defining Rough Approximations.- Rough Set Approximations Based on Granular Labels.- On a Criterion of Similarity between Partitions Based on Rough Set Theory.- On Rough Sets with Structures and Properties.- A Formal Concept Analysis Approach to Rough Data Tables.- Covering Based Approaches to Rough Sets and Implication Lattices.- A Logical Reasoning System of Before-after Relation Based on Bf-EVALPSN.- Some Proof Theoretic Results Depending on Context from the Perspective of Graded Consequence.- Rough Set Algorithms and Applications.- IQuick Reduct: An Improvement to Quick Reduct Algorithm.- Dynamic Reduct from Partially Uncertain Data Using Rough Sets.- Approximation of Loss and Risk in Selected Granular Systems.- An Efficient Gene Selection Algorithm Based on Tolerance Rough Set Theory.- Rough Set Based Social Networking Framework to Retrieve User-Centric Information.- Use of Fuzzy Rough Set Attribute Reduction in High Scent Web Page Recommendations.- A Rough Sets Approach for Personalized Support of Face Recognition.- Taking Fuzzy-Rough Application to Mars.- Rough Image Colour Quantisation.- of Speech (POS) Tag Sets Reduction and Analysis Using Rough Set Techniques.- Fuzzy Set Foundations and Applications.- More on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Sets.- On Fuzzy Contra ?-Irresolute Maps.- On Fuzzy Strongly ?-I-Open Sets.- Lattice Structures of Rough Fuzzy Sets.- Analysis of Ergodicity of a Fuzzy Possibilistic Markov Model.- A Fuzzy Random Variable Approach to Restructuring of Rough Sets through Statistical Test.- A New Approach for Solving Fuzzy Maximal Flow Problems.- Peptic Ulcer Detection Using DNA Nanorobot Based on Fuzzy Logic Rules.- Investigations on Benefits Generated By Using Fuzzy Numbers in A TOPSIS Model Developed For Automated Guided Vehicle Selection Problem.- A Multi-criteria Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Group Decision Making for Supplier Selection with TOPSIS Method.- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.- The Lower System, the Upper System and Rules with Stability Factor in Non-deterministic Information Systems.- Learning Player Behaviors in Real Time Strategy Games from Real Data.- An Efficient Prediction Model for Diabetic Database Using Soft Computing Techniques.- A Decision Making Model for Vendor-Buyer Inventory Systems.- Software Reliability Prediction Using Group Method of Data Handling.- Mining Temporal Patterns for Humanoid Robot Using Pattern Growth Method.- Multiscale Comparison of Three-Dimensional Trajectories: A Preliminary Step.- Time Series Forecasting Using Hybrid Neuro-Fuzzy Regression Model.- A Fast Support Vector Machine Classification Algorithm Based on Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions.- Data Mining Using Rules Extracted from SVM: An Application to Churn Prediction in Bank Credit Cards.- Clustering and Current Trends in Computing.- Interval Set Cluster Analysis: A Re-formulation.- Rough Entropy Based k-Means Clustering.- Fast Single-Link Clustering Method Based on Tolerance Rough Set Model.- A Novel Possibilistic Fuzzy Leader Clustering Algorithm.- Projected Gustafson Kessel Clustering.- Improved Visual Clustering through Unsupervised Dimensionality Reduction.- An Improved Cluster Oriented Fuzzy Decision Trees.- Combining Naive-Bayesian Classifier and Genetic Clustering for Effective Anomaly Based Intrusion Detection.- Ant Colony Optimisation Classification for Gene Expression Data Analysis.- A Comparative Performance Analysis of Multiple Trial Vectors Differential Evolution and Classical Differential Evolution Variants.- Information Retrieval and Text Mining.- Granular Computing for Text Mining: New Research Challenges and Opportunities.- Polarity Classification of Subjective Words Using Common-Sense Knowledge-Base.- A Weighted Hybrid Fuzzy Result Merging Model for Metasearch.- Comparing Temporal Behavior of Phrases on Multiple Indexes with a Burst Word Detection Method.- A Comparative Study of Pattern Matching Algorithms on Sequences.- BPBM: An Algorithm for String Matching with Wildcards and Length Constraints.