When an influx of fairy fruit creates havoc in Lud-in-the-Mist, a merchant village situated where the rivers the Dawl and the Dapple meet in the Free State of Dorimare, the conventional, rule-abiding citizens must grapple with a previously unthinkable solution. The Dapple springs from the bordering land of Faerie-a country of fantastic inhabitants viewed by the tradition-bound people of Lud-in-the-Mist with fear and suspicion. When the effects of fairy fruit and the creatures of Faerie can no longer be ignored, the stolid mayor of Lud-in-the-Mist, Nathaniel Chanticleer, undergoes radical rethinking and emerges as an unlikely leader of change. A classic of fantasy fiction, Lud-in-the-Mist has had a diffuse but indelible influence on the genre and has inspired such authors as Neil Gaiman, Mary Gentle, Elizabeth Hand, Johanna Russ, and Tim Powers. This Warbler Classics edition includes a detailed biographical timeline.
Mục lục
I Master Nathaniel Chanticleer
II The Duke Who Laughed Himself Off a Throne and Other Traditions of Dorimare
III The Beginning of Trouble
IV Endymion Leer Prescribes for Ranulph
V Ranulph Goes to the Widow Gibberty’s Farm
VI The Wind in the Crabapple Blossoms
VII Master Ambrose Chases a Wild Goose and Has a Vision
VIII Endymion Leer Looks Frightened, and a Breach Is Made in an Old Friendship
IX Panic and the Silent People
X Hempie’s Song
XII Dame Marigold Hears the Tap of a Woodpecker
XIII What Master Nathaniel and Master Ambrose Found in the Guildhall
XIV Dead in the Eye of the Law
XV ‘Ho, Ho, Hoh!’
XVI The Widow Gibberty’s Trial
XVII The World-in-Law
XVIII Mistress Ivy Peppercorn
XIX The Berries of Merciful Death
XX Watching the Cows
XXI The Old Goatherd
XXII Who Is Portunus?
XXIII The Northern Firebox and Dead Men’s Tales
XXIV Belling the Cat
XXV The Law Crouches and Springs
XXVI ‘Neither Trees Nor Men’
XXVII The Fair in the Elfin Marches
XXVIII ‘By the Sun, Moon and Stars and the Golden Apples of the West’
XXIX A Message Comes to Hazel and the First Swallow to Dame Marigold
XXX Master Ambrose Keeps His Vow
XXXI The Initiate
XXXII Conclusion
Biographical Timeline
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Helen Hope Mirrlees (1887-1978) was a British author of novels and poems, whose three novels are Lud-in-the-Mist, Madeleine, and Counterplot, and a book of poetry, Moods and Tensions: Poems. She was one of the Bloomsbury Group and counted among her literary friends T. S. Eliot, André Gide, Lady Ottoline Morrell, Bertrand Russell, Gertrude Stein, Virginia Woolf, and William Butler Yeats.