4 Ebooks bởi Ignacio Bresco de Luna
Sarah H Awad & Ignacio Bresco de Luna: Psychology of Imagination
This book offers a new approach to imagination which brings its emotional, social, cultural, contextual and existential characteristics to the fore. Fantasy and imagination are understood as the huma …
Ignacio Bresco de Luna & Brady Wagoner: Memory in the Wild
Venturing out of the laboratory into the wild of natural settings, it becomes untenable to locate memory strictly in the head. Instead, memory appears as a materially extended and socially distribute …
Ignacio Bresco de Luna & Floor van Alphen: Reproducing, Rethinking, Resisting National Narratives
In his now classic Voices of Collective Remembering, James V. Wertsch (2002) examines the extent to which certain narrative themes are embedded in the way the collective past is understood and nation …
Ignacio Bresco de Luna & Vlad Glaveanu: Road to Actualized Democracy
"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others" once remarked Winston Churchill. In this day and age this quotation resonates more than ever. This book explores democ …