This book is an in-depth examination of education and media under occupation. The contributors to this volume engage dialogue to explore these domains and their roles and functioning under occupation while keeping an eye toward resolution, using the on-going conflict between Palestine and Israel as the focus. The uniqueness of this collection is not limited to the willingness of its authors to investigate topics that have often been left out of the mainstream, but that they actually enter into dialogue with one another. Education and media are exemplified as domains that can either maintain the status quo of oppression when used by policymakers and governments to do so or can be utilized as mechanisms for change and peacemaking. These contradictory roles are highlighted throughout this book by multiple voices.
Mục lục
Introduction – I. Nasser, L.N. Berlin and S. Wong
Part 1: Education
1 Palestinian Education under Occupation: Successes and Challenges – K. Shakhshir
2 The Healing Power of Stories: Dialogue through English Language Learning – I. Deeb and G. Weinstein
3 Positionalities and Personal Perspectives on Educational Research under Occupation: Where is Hope? – S. Wong and I. Nasser
4 Emancipatory Discourse? An Ethnographic Case Study of English Language Teaching in an Arabic-Hebrew Bilingual School – J. Schlam-Salman and Z. Bekerman
5 The Presentation of Palestinians in Israeli Schoolbooks – N. Peled-Elhanan
Part 2: Media
6 Palestinians, Arab American Muslims and the Media – N. Ayish
7 The Political Discourse of the Israeli Occupation: The Spirit of Orientalism – A. Atawneh
8 The War on Gaza: American and Egyptian Media Framing – N.H. El-Bilawi
9 Language and the Art of Spin: Commendation and Condemnation in Media – L.N. Berlin
Part 3: Dialogue
10 Dis-covering Peace: Dominant and Counterdiscourse of the Middle East – S. Silberstein
11 An Israeli-Palestinian Partnership: Can We Find a Joint Language? And Should We? – M. Zak
12 Postcolonialism and the Jewish Palestinian Encounter – R. Halabi
13 Checkpoint: Turning Discourse into Dialogue – S.J. Kent, R. Sibii and A.R. Napoleone
14 Where is the Hope? A Call for Action – S. Wong, I. Nasser and L.N. Berlin
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Shelley Wong is an Associate Professor at George Mason University in Multicultural/ESL/Bilingual Education. Shelley was President of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL, Inc.) and served on the Executive Committee of TESOL from 2007-2010. She is the author of Dialogic Approaches to TESOL: Where the Ginkgo Tree Grows (Routledge).