Ines Wagner is a Researcher at the Institute for Social Research in Oslo. She has published widely on the themes of posted work, intra-EU labor migration, and the changing patterns of work and labor market regulation in the European Union.
4 Ebooks bởi Ines Wagner
Ines Wagner: Workers without Borders
How the European Union handles posted workers is a growing issue for a region with borders that really are just lines on a map. A 2008 story, dissected in Ines Wagner’s Workers without Borders, about …
Ines Wagner: Workers without Borders
How the European Union handles posted workers is a growing issue for a region with borders that really are just lines on a map. A 2008 story, dissected in Ines Wagner’s Workers without Borders, about …
Cornelia Muth: Was bleibt? Resilienz der Dialogphilosophie
Mit diesem Band legt Cornelia Muth eine Sammlung von Beiträgen zur Dialogphilosophie und deren bleibendem – resilienten – Fortbestehen vor. Aus den Beiträgen: Was bleibt also für mich vom Dialog? Zum …
tiếng Đức
Ines Wagner: Kaputte Seelen
Pandemien, Existenzängste, Naturkatastrophen, aber auch häusliche Gewalt, Mobbing und Armut belasten nicht nur Erwachsene, sondern vor allem die Kinder, die diese Auswirkungen direkt zu spüren bekomm …
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