Tác giả: Israa Hanafi Mahmoud

Ủng hộ
Dr. Israa H. Mahmoud Israa is a Polyglot urban planner and architect by education. Since 2018, she is a Post-Doc researcher fellow at the Urban Simulation Lab Fausto Curti, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DASt U), at Politecnico di Milano. Now she is the research team leader together with Prof. Eugenio Morello on CLEVER Cities Project – Funded by the European Commission – Horizon 2020 as an expert of Co-creation guidance for cities to implement Nature-based solutions in socially inclusive urban regeneration processes. She holds a Ph.D. in Urban Regeneration and Economic development. In 2016, she pursued her Ph D degree in Northeastern University of Boston MA as an (ESR) early- stage researcher part of a European Commission – MARIE-CURIE Action funded Horizon 2020 Project – GA # 645651 – MAPS-LED Project then in 2017, as an Experienced Researcher (ER) in San Diego state University, CA, USA. In 2010, She earned her bachelor’s degree from Architectural Engineering Dept. Alexandria University of Egypt with a major on Urban Design section about Psychological and Environmental urban design, in a collaboration program with Michigan state University and Bauhaus- Universität Weimar, Germany. In Politecnico di Milano, she also lectures about Nature-based solutions and Placemaking in the Master of Science in Urban Planning and Policy Design (UPPD), as well as Master of Sustainable Architecture and Landscape design (SAL). She is also an Adjunct professor at the Alleanza Italiana dello sviluppo Sostenibile (ASVIS), advocating for Climate Change and Environmental sustainability pathways.  Lately, she co-led the Greening Cities, Shaping Cities international symposium at Politecnico di Milano, October 2020. She also leads various Special Issues about NBS in established journals such as Urban Forestry and Urban Greening and co-edited the latest published book Nature-based Solutions for Sustainable Urban Planning: Greening Cities, Shaping Cities (March 2022).

2 Ebooks bởi Israa Hanafi Mahmoud

Israa Hanafi Mahmoud: Placemaking for Green Urban Regeneration
This book investigates the dynamics and the role of green urban regeneration using nature-based solutions (NBS) in contributing to the cultural aspects of public spaces. In the first part of the book …
Mohd Fairuz Shahidan & Gasim Hayder Ahmed Salih: Urban Narratives: Exploring Identity, Heritage, and Sustainable Development in Cities
This book engages readers in an enlightening exploration of cities’ identities, sustainability, and urban development. Delving into the intricate interplay between art, architecture, and the urban la …