P. Schreiner, Universität zu Köln;
J. P. Laut, Niedersächsische Akad. der Wiss. zu Göttingen;
I. Biliarsky, BAS, Sofia, Bulgarien.
3 Ebooks bởi Ivan Biliarsky
Vlada Stankovic: Balkans and the Byzantine World before and after the Captures of Constantinople, 1204 and 1453
This book represents the first attempt to analyze historical and cultural developments in late medieval and early modern southeastern Europe as a set of mutually intertwined regional histories, burde …
Ivan Biliarsky & Ovidiu Cristea: Balkans and Caucasus
The overall character of the Black Sea region has been defined over time in various ways. For specialists in economy and trade, it has represented a region at the crossroads of the trade routes betwe …
Peter Schreiner & Jens Peter Laut: Byzantinische Rechtsgeschichte im internationalen Kontext
Die Niedersächsische Akademie in Göttingen hat 1990 im Rahmen des Akademienprogramms ein schon seit 1974 bestehendes Projekt zur Edition byzantinischer Rechtsquellen unter Leitung von Dieter Simon üb …
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