Part of a three-volume set of books which are themed collections ofreprinted articles from the International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (IRIOP) from 1997-2001. Each volumeprovides collections around a topic area, with new introductionswritten by the editors for each volume. Written by leading scholarswith international reputations in their fields, this authoritativecollection provides a high quality, review that will be aninvaluable resource for students, researchers and practitioners.
* Topic focussed, ‘best of’ collections on a specific themeconveniently incorporated into one book
* Ideal for graduate study, dissertations, projects, seminars
This volume covers key topics at the interface of human resourcemanagement (HRM) and Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Thechapters focus on the individual and are grouped into two sections:Personnel Psychology covering topics such as personnel selection, assessment, 360 degree feedback, assessment centres and cognitiveability testing and HRM which considers wider issues, includinglearning strategies, training, absence, turnover, commitment andthe psychological contract.
Mục lục
About the Editors.
Personnel Selection Methods (J. Salgado).
International Uses of Selection Methods (S. Newell & C.Tansley).
Understanding the Assessment Center Process: Where Are We Now? (F.Lievens & R. Klimoski).
Multi-Source Feedback Systems: A Research Perspective (C. Fletcher& C. Baldry).
General Cognitive Ability and Occupational Performance (M. Ree& T. Caretta).
Learning Strategies and Occupational Training (P. Warr & C.Allan).
Contemporary Research on Absence from Work: Correlates, Causes and Consequences (G. Johns).
Organizational Commitment (J. Meyer).
Turnover (C. Maertz & M. Campion).
Psychological Contracts: Employee Relations For The Twenty-First Century? (L. Millward & P. Brewerton).
Subject Index.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Ivan Robertson is a professor and Pro-Vice Chancellor at UMIST in the UK. He is also the Director of the SHL/UMIST Research Centre in Work and Organisational Psychology.
Militza Callinan is a lecturer in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management in the Management Division at Leeds University Business School.