The objects of the American Meteorological Society are "the development and dissemination of knowledge of meteorology in all its phases and applications, and the advancement of its professional ideals." The organization of the Society took place in affiliation with the American Association for the Advancement of Science at Saint Louis, Missouri, December 29, 1919, and its incorporation, at Washington, D. C., January 21, 1920. The work of the Society is carried on by the Bulletin, the Journal, and Meteorological Monographs, by papers and discussions at meetings of the Society, through the offices of the Secretary and the Executive Secretary, and by correspondence. All of the Americas are represented in the membership of the Society as well as many foreign countries.e Base, Washington, D. C.Vice-President: FREDERIC A. BERRY, M.S., Rear Admiral, U.S.N. (Ret.), Aerometric Research Inc., Goleta, Calif.Secretary: THOMAS F. MALONE, Sc.D., Director of Research, The Travelers Insurance Companies, Hart*ford, Conn.Treasurer: HENRY DEC. WARD, A.B., Vice-President, Eatonand Howard, Inc., Boston, Mass.Executive Secretary: .KENNETH C. SPENGLER, A.B., S Joy St., Boston 8, Mass.COUNCILORSHo RACE R. BYERS, Sc.D., Professor and Chairman, Dept.of Meteorology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (Past President, 1952-54, ex-officio Councilor.)ARTHUR F. MEREWETHER, S.M., Superintendent of Weather Services, American Airlines, Inc., New York, N. Y.(Past President, 1954-56, ex-officio Councilor.)Terms expire in 1958PHIL E. CHURCH, Ph.D., Professor and Executive Officer, Dept. of Meteorology and Climatology, Universityof Washington, Seattle, Wash.HENRY G. Hou GHTON, Sc.D. (Hon.), Professor and Head, Dept. of Meteorology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.ALFRED H. GLENN, M.S., Director, A. H. Glenn and Associates, New Orleans, La.JACK C. THOMPSON, A.B., Scientific Services Division, U.S.Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C.JAMES E. MILLER, M.S., Professor of Meteorology, New York University, New York, N. Y.Terms expire in 1959HARRY WEXLER, Sc.D., Director of Meteorological Re- PHIUP D. THOMPSON, Sc.D., Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.A.F., search, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. Chief, Development Section, Joint Numerical Jo SEPH J. GEORGE, Superintendent of Meteorology, East- Weather Prediction Unit, Suitland, Md.ern Air Lines, Atlanta, Ga. WERNER A. BAUM, Ph.D., Professor and Head, Dept. of HELMUT E. LANDSBERG, Ph.D., Director, Office of Climatol- Meteorology, Florida State University, Tallahassee, ogy, U.S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. Fla.Terms expire in 1960GEORGE P. CREss MAN, Ph.D., Director, Joint Numerical Weather Prediction Unit, Suitlan , Md.] o HN C. BELLAMY, Ph.D., Associate Director, Research Laboratories Division, Cook Electric Co., Chicago, Ill.RICHARD A. CRAIG, Sc.D., Section Chief, Atmospheric Analysis Laboratory, Air Force Cambridge Research Center, Boston, Massachusetts.GORDON D. CARTWRIGHT, B.S., Chief, Station Facilitiesand Observations Division, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C.Ro BERT G. FLEAGLE, Ph.D., Professor of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEEJ. M. Au STIN, Chairman D. M. LUDLUM, ex-officio HORACE R. BYERSWILUAM R. GOMMELWERNER A. BAUM, ex-officio J. J. GEORGEMembership Dues and Privileges MALCOLM RIGBY, ex-officio In January 1945, the American Meteorological Society was reorganized as a professional Society and a professionalmembership classification created. Qualifications for professional membership may be obtained fromthe Executive Secretary’s office. In October 1951, additional membership classifications of Associate Memberand Student Member were created. The yearly dues for the types of membership available in the Society are:Associate Member, $3.00; Student Member, $5.00; Member, $7.00; Professional Member, $12.00; Corporation Member, $100.00. Any member contributing five dollars or more annually over and above his dues is listedas a Contributor. Any one contributing one hundred dollars or more annually is listed as a Patron. Allmembers except Associate Members of the Society receive the Bulletin, the official organ of the Society. Professionalmembers and corporation members also receive the journal of Meteorology. All members of the Societyreceive the popular publication, W eatherwise. Eight or ten national meetings and conferences are heldeach year. Numerous local branches are organized in cities throughout this country and abroad. All membersof the Society are free to use the facilities of the Employment Service, Vocational and Educational Guidance.All inquiries concerning membership, subscriptions, national and local meetings, purchasing or borrowingof meteorological literature, should be addressed to the Executive Secretary, 3 Joy Street, Boston 8, Massachusetts.