Tác giả: J. P. Spicer-Escalante

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J.P. SPICER-ESCALANTE is Associate Professor of Nineteenth Century Hispanic American Literature and Culture at Utah State University (U.S.A) and a Visiting International Scholar at the University of Melbourne, Australia. He is the author of Visiones patológicas nacionales: Lucio Vicente López, Eugenio Cambaceres y Julián Martel ante la distopía argentina finisecular, has edited critical editions of works by Argentine authors Eugenio Cambaceres and Eduarda Mansilla, and is Founding Co-Director and Managing Editor of Decimonónica: Revista de Producción Cultural Hispánica Decimonónica. His essays on Hispanic naturalism, Avant-garde, and travel writing have appeared in Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana, Excavatio and Brújula, amongst other scholarly venues. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Excavatio and of the Advisory Board of Stockcero, Inc., Spanish & Latin American Literature Publishers.LARA ANDERSON is Convenor of Spanish Studies at the University of Melbourne, Australia. She is the author of Allegories of Decadence in Fin-de-siècle Spain: The Female Consumer in the Novels of Emilia Pardo Bazán and Benito Pérez Galdós as well as articles on Spanish culinary nationalization, gender and the nation. Some of her most recent essays have appeared in History of European Ideas, Romance Studies and Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos. She is also a member of the editorial board of IXQUIC: Revista Hispánica Internacional de Análisis Literario y Cultural.

1 Ebooks bởi J. P. Spicer-Escalante

Lara Anderson & J. P. Spicer-Escalante: Au Naturel
Literary naturalism, within the Hispanic context, has traditionally been read as a graphic realist school or movement linked predominantly to late nineteenth century literary production. The essays i …