This exciting book introduces kids to the science of psychology, with chapters on the brain, personality, intelligence, emotions, social relationships, and more.
Accompanied by colorful illustrations of psychology’s big ideas, and lots of hands-on experiments to try at home, there’s no better way to dive into the fascinating science of the mind.
Why do we sleep? What are feelings? How do we make decisions, and how do we learn from them? Psychology helps us ask and answer these big questions about ourselves, others, and the world around us.
Mục lục
Part One: Exploring Psychology
1. What Is Psychology?
2. Where’s the Proof?
Part Two: Mind and Body Working Together
3. Is Putting On Your Socks a Superpower?
4. How Does the Brain Work?
Part Three: The One and Only Me
5. What Makes Me “Me”?
6. What Does It Mean to Be a Boy or a Girl?
Part Four: Learning and Growing
7. How Did You Learn That?
8. What Does It Mean to Be Smart?
9. How Do You Remember?
10. How Do We Think?
11. How Do You Change As You Grow?
Part Five: Understanding Feelings
12. How Do You Feel?
13. What Motivates You?
Part Six: Caring for Yourself
14. What Is Stress?
15. Why Spend So Much Time Sleeping?
Part Seven: Taming Emotions
16. What Helps People Do Well?
17. What About When It All Feels Like Too Much?
Part Eight: Living With Others
18. Why Are Other People So Important?
19. How Can You Understand Other People’s Experiences?
20. Is Conflict Part of Being Human?
Part Nine: Planning for a Better World
21. Can Psychology Help Save Planet Earth?
About the Author
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Jacqueline B. Toner, Ph D, and Claire A. B. Freeland, Ph D, are clinical psychologists in Baltimore, MD, with over 30 years each in private practice working with children and parents. They are the authors of several bestselling self-help books for young people. Visit,, and @C_AB_Freeland on Twitter.