Tác giả: Jacques Berthelin

Ủng hộ
Jacques Berthelin, French National Center for Scientific Research, Paris, France Jean-Charles Munch, TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan, Munich, Allemagne Christian Valentin, Institute for Research for Development, Paris, France

4 Ebooks bởi Jacques Berthelin

Jacques Berthelin & Christian Valentin: Soils as a Key Component of the Critical Zone 1
This introductory book to the six volume series includes an introduction defining the critical zone for mankind that extends from tree canopy and the lower atmosphere to water table and unweathered r …
Jacques Berthelin & Christian Valentin: Soils as a Key Component of the Critical Zone 1
This introductory book to the six volume series includes an introduction defining the critical zone for mankind that extends from tree canopy and the lower atmosphere to water table and unweathered r …
Francis Andreux & Jacques Berthelin: Effect of Mineral-Organic-Microorganism Interactions on Soil and Freshwater Environments
The Working Group M.O. (Interactions of soil minerals with organic components and microorganisms) (WGMO) of the International Soil Science Society (ISSS) was founded in 1990 at the 14th World Congres …
Jacques Berthelin & Jean Charles Munch: Les sols au coeur de la zone critique 1
L’interet scientifique, socio-economique, politique et mediatique pour les sols semble renaitre depuis quelques annees. Ils sont desormais reconnus comme support des productions vegetales et des acti …