Aly El Ziny is an award-winning Egyptian illustrator born in Alexandria. He is a graduate of Alexandria”s Fine Arts University and has worked in the fields of fashion design, interior design, and of course children”s literature, for which he has won several awards, including the Lion Art prize in Russia, the Sharjah Children”s Literature publishing prize and the Arab Children”s Book Publishers Forum prize. You can follow his work on Instagram @Aly El Ziny
2 Ebooks bởi Jailan Abbas
Jailan Abbas: A Calf in the Valley of the Whales
The calf named Hothot wakes up to the sounds of a group of people riding a boat in the Red Sea and talking about whales that have lived in Egypt for millions of years. Hothot wonders if this is true. …
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Jailan Abbas: The Frog Qorqor Explores Luxor
Qorqor the frog lives with his sister Qarqoora, their friends, and family on the eastern bank of the Nile in Luxor. One day, they heard loud musical sounds and incantations coming from the direction …
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